aca01 / dvp-u6-netflix-data

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Summary #3

Open navierula opened 6 years ago

navierula commented 6 years ago

Pandas and CSV - (4/4) The Jupyter notebook imports the necessary libraries and converts the CSV to a Pandas DataFrame.

Implementation of visualizations in spec. (4/4) Implementation of visualizations in spec. | The Jupyter notebook renders all Seaborn and Matplotlib visualizations and content provided in the design specification.

Color (3/4) Color in visualizations has meaning, but you definitely could have played around with color a bit more to add more of an intriguing story to your data.

Style (3/4) The chart labels and titles are custom and easy to read.

Presentation and framing of visualizations (4/4) Presentation cohesively presents every chart and has an appropriate description for each, with further research outlined in the notes.

aca01 commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the feedback Navraj!