acalcutt / wdb-map-gen

OpenMapTiles basemap generation for
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thank you #4

Open wendellwt opened 2 years ago

wendellwt commented 2 years ago

Thank you very much for doing this. I was able to follow your instructions & scripts and get a map to show up with tiles served from my own postile. It was quite challenging. (There were a couple of load scripts that were missing the postgresql port parameter.)

I think Web Mercator is wrong for many reasons, and I would like to make this server work with some sort of Lambert Conformal Conic, and just for the continental US. Where is the srs/srid/epsg/proj/whatever identifier for the type of tiles it serves? Or is that all in the browser?

Anyway, thank you. Wendell

acalcutt commented 2 years ago

I'm glad my project was helpful. It took me a lot of time to go through the OpenMapTiles docker images and pull out all the various commands and applications they were using to build the maps. I still don't quite have the water layer right, but it works enough for my use when combined with another water layer I made.

I am using this with Maplibre GL, which forked from Mapbox GL fairly recently due to license changes on mapbox's part. If I'm not mistaken, I think they only support Web Mercator ( )

To serve the tiles I am using TileServer GL, with my style customizations in this project ( ). You can see my current map in use here ( )

acalcutt commented 2 years ago

I think the projections may come from the OpenMapTiles layer file. In my default config at config/env.config. the import uses

IMPORT_LAYER_FILE=openmaptiles.yaml and the script uses EXPORT_LAYER_FILE=wdbmap.yaml

At the bottom of those files it specifies srs: +proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0.0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs +over

There are also a few of my import scripts that mention a target projection I beileive

I'm not much of a gis person here, but this is where I would look if I were looking to change the projection.

wendellwt commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the responses.

I looked at the source, and all of the comments say things like "read merc projection here". I asked them a question, but there doesn't seem to be much activity on their issues.

I've since found pg_tileserve. Since it is written by Paul Ramsey it must be good(!). I'll give it a try.

Your map sure looks nice. Is that what a MapBox Style does to OSM data? I'll have to try it out.


acalcutt commented 2 years ago

With the Styles on Tileserver GL I am able to combine layers, So my map includes the OSM data, but I have also created some base layers using the Jaxa aw3d30 GeoTiffs, which give the elevation colors and hillshade.

Originally I made my own color and hillshade layers using some scripts here ( ). you can see some examples up for download here (

Right now I am working on a TerrainRGB layer (also based on the jaxa images), which lets me do hillshade in maplibre gl/mapbox gl on the fly with better sharpness. Right now I am using that instead of the hillshade layer i generated before. The TerrainRGB is also needed for the new 3d terrain features maplibre is working on. (which I am testing but is not ready for prime time)

acalcutt commented 2 years ago

BTW, you mentioned just wanting to do the United States instead of the full planet.

You should be able to just change where it downloads the pbf file from download-osm planet -o data/$PBF to download-osm north-america -o data/$PBF

wendellwt commented 2 years ago

Good idea, but I didn't get it to work. Neither of the US mirrors listed in your "class Catalog", (, had north-america, only the planet one, and downloading anything from .de was taking forever.

I ended up d/l'ing the planet one from OSU and using osmconvert to crop it to conus.