achillean / shodan-python

The official Python library for Shodan
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Move ~/.shodan folder #135

Closed Soneji closed 4 years ago

Soneji commented 4 years ago


Is is possible to configure shodan CLI to use a different folder other than ~/.shodan for storing the api key? I would like to move it to ~/.config/shodan.

As per XDG standards, all config files should be stored in ~/.config or wherever the user has set their $XDG_CONFIG_DIR. I understand this isn't an XDG program, but it would be nice to be able to store all config files in the config dir.


achillean commented 4 years ago

We would need to support both paths if we wanted to do this otherwise it would break existing installations. If there's a PR I'd be happy to merge it.

Soneji commented 4 years ago

Hey @achillean

Could you please merge the PR
