achiurizo / consular

Terminal automation
MIT License
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method used to name tabs breaks wrapping #83

Closed aaronjensen closed 13 years ago

aaronjensen commented 13 years ago

There are a few fixes, one is to use \[...\] around like this:

PS1=$PS1\\["\e]2;TC Terminal\a"\\]

The other would be to use this to set the tab title:

echo -ne "\033]0;Tab Title\007"

achiurizo commented 13 years ago

thanks for the possible fix. if you'd like to make a pull request with your fix, i'll be happy to pull those changes in.

aaronjensen commented 13 years ago

It looks like this fix, recently applied, will fix it as well:

aaronjensen commented 13 years ago

Scratch that, the fix was only made in one place. It needs to be applied to the iterm_core as well

aaronjensen commented 13 years ago
