acmesh-official /

A pure Unix shell script implementing ACME client protocol
GNU General Public License v3.0
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AutoDNS DNS Mode Plugin fails with "invalid domain" (parser error) #5317

Open lug-gh opened 1 week ago

lug-gh commented 1 week ago

Steps to reproduce --issue --dns dns_autodns -d

Debug log

most likely this line: autodns_response='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?><response><result><msg><text>Parser error.</text><code>EF00000</code><type>error</type><object><type>XML parser</type><value>The reference to entity "fhecZkd4cdMTfncaDoMQcE" must end with the ';' delimiter.</value></object></msg><status><code>E00000</code><text>Errors occurred during processing.</text><type>error</type></status></result><stid>20241008-app4-406951</stid></response>' --issue --dns dns_autodns -d --debug 2

[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] Let's find the script directory.
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] _SCRIPT_='/root/'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] _script='/root/'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] _script_home='/root/'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] Using default home: /root/
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] Using config home: /
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] LE_WORKING_DIR='/root/'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] Running cmd: issue
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] _main_domain=''
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] _alt_domains='no'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] Using config home: /
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] default_acme_server
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] ACME_DIRECTORY=''
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] _ACME_SERVER_HOST=''
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] _ACME_SERVER_PATH='v2/DV90'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] DOMAIN_PATH='/'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] 'dns_autodns' does not contain 'dns'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] Le_NextRenewTime
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] Using ACME_DIRECTORY:
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] _init API for server:
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] GET
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] url=''
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] timeout=
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] _CURL='curl --silent --dump-header /  -L  --trace-ascii /tmp/tmp.9N2HfEGliS  -g '
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] ret='0'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] response='{
  "newNonce": "",
  "newAccount": "",
  "newOrder": "",
  "revokeCert": "",
  "keyChange": "",
  "meta": {
    "termsOfService": "",
    "website": "",
    "caaIdentities": ["", "", "", "", ""],
    "externalAccountRequired": true
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] ACME_KEY_CHANGE=''
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] ACME_NEW_AUTHZ
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] ACME_NEW_ORDER=''
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] ACME_NEW_ACCOUNT=''
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] ACME_REVOKE_CERT=''
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] ACME_AGREEMENT=''
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] ACME_NEW_NONCE=''
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] Using CA:
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] _on_before_issue
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] _chk_main_domain=''
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] _chk_alt_domains
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] 'dns_autodns' does not contain 'no'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] Le_LocalAddress
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] d=''
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] Checking for domain=''
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] _currentRoot='dns_autodns'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] d
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] 'dns_autodns' does not contain 'apache'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] _saved_account_key_hash='TmaaKj64jWNvdpOSEWOZB2lvN4e3qw853o7G1FaZA1M='
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] _saved_account_key_hash was not changed, skipping account registration.
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] Read key length: ec-256
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] _createcsr
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] domain=''
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] domainlist
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] csrkey='/'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] csr='/'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] csrconf='/'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] Single domain=''
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] seg='example'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] _is_idn_d=''
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] _idn_temp
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] _is_idn_d=''
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] _idn_temp
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] _csr_cn=''
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] seg='example'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] Getting domain auth token for each domain
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] seg='example'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] _is_idn_d=''
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] _idn_temp
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] d
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] _identifiers='{"type":"dns","value":""}'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] _notBefore
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] _notAfter
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] STEP 1, Ordering a Certificate
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] =======Sending Signed Request=======
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] url=''
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] payload='{"identifiers": [{"type":"dns","value":""}]}'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] EC key
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] Get nonce with HEAD. ACME_NEW_NONCE=''
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] HEAD
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] _post_url=''
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] body
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] _postContentType='application/jose+json'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:06 UTC 2024] _CURL='curl --silent --dump-header /  -L  --trace-ascii /tmp/tmp.NW58lIvspF  -g  -I  '
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:07 UTC 2024] _ret='0'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:07 UTC 2024] _headers='HTTP/2 200 
server: nginx
date: Tue, 08 Oct 2024 10:36:07 GMT
content-type: application/octet-stream
replay-nonce: tNk_AmhDkFmAXWXWTaiNzlPgjBYx_UjYyukeeEHMHhY
cache-control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store
access-control-allow-origin: *
link: <>;rel="index"
strict-transport-security: max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:07 UTC 2024] _CACHED_NONCE='tNk_AmhDkFmAXWXWTaiNzlPgjBYx_UjYyukeeEHMHhY'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:07 UTC 2024] nonce='tNk_AmhDkFmAXWXWTaiNzlPgjBYx_UjYyukeeEHMHhY'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:07 UTC 2024] POST
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:07 UTC 2024] _post_url=''
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:07 UTC 2024] body='{"protected": "eyJub25jZSI6ICJ0TmtfQW1oRGtGbUFYV1hXVGFpTnpsUGdqQll4X1VqWXl1a2VlRUhNSGhZIiwgInVybCI6ICJodHRwczovL2FjbWUuemVyb3NzbC5jb20vdjIvRFY5MC9uZXdPcmRlciIsICJhbGciOiAiRVMyNTYiLCAia2lkIjogImh0dHBzOi8vYWNtZS56ZXJvc3NsLmNvbS92Mi9EVjkwL2FjY291bnQvaUhfTnRxNFZwaGJ6aWJrbTZXTElDUSJ9", "payload": "eyJpZGVudGlmaWVycyI6IFt7InR5cGUiOiJkbnMiLCJ2YWx1ZSI6InBpc3NmdWNocy5kZSJ9XX0", "signature": "nMIi60l3LIG-c2gdor774Oa6wIbYl9_MkctOxgX2HDoNMDX6ywUOIpaRU3XuDAYsrgN2m4JZ0hf8lW9KjRk56Q"}'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:07 UTC 2024] _postContentType='application/jose+json'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:07 UTC 2024] Http already initialized.
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:07 UTC 2024] _CURL='curl --silent --dump-header /  -L  --trace-ascii /tmp/tmp.NW58lIvspF  -g '
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:08 UTC 2024] _ret='0'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:08 UTC 2024] responseHeaders='HTTP/2 201 
server: nginx
date: Tue, 08 Oct 2024 10:36:08 GMT
content-type: application/json
content-length: 274
replay-nonce: unoYo6FWcBkmeQpLfove-uvbizP9ZU8su6uNprqG2QI
cache-control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store
access-control-allow-origin: *
strict-transport-security: max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:08 UTC 2024] code='201'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:08 UTC 2024] original='{"status":"pending","expires":"2025-01-06T09:51:32Z","identifiers":[{"type":"dns","value":""}],"authorizations":[""],"finalize":""}'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:08 UTC 2024] response='{"status":"pending","expires":"2025-01-06T09:51:32Z","identifiers":[{"type":"dns","value":""}],"authorizations":[""],"finalize":""}'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:08 UTC 2024] Le_LinkOrder=''
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:08 UTC 2024] Le_OrderFinalize=''
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:08 UTC 2024] _authorizations_seg=''
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:08 UTC 2024] STEP 2, Get the authorizations of each domain
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:08 UTC 2024] _authz_url=''
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:08 UTC 2024] =======Sending Signed Request=======
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:08 UTC 2024] url=''
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:08 UTC 2024] payload
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:08 UTC 2024] Use cached jwk for file: /
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:08 UTC 2024] Use _CACHED_NONCE='unoYo6FWcBkmeQpLfove-uvbizP9ZU8su6uNprqG2QI'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:08 UTC 2024] nonce='unoYo6FWcBkmeQpLfove-uvbizP9ZU8su6uNprqG2QI'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:08 UTC 2024] POST
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:08 UTC 2024] _post_url=''
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:08 UTC 2024] body='{"protected": "eyJub25jZSI6ICJ1bm9ZbzZGV2NCa21lUXBMZm92ZS11dmJpelA5WlU4c3U2dU5wcnFHMlFJIiwgInVybCI6ICJodHRwczovL2FjbWUuemVyb3NzbC5jb20vdjIvRFY5MC9hdXRoei96cHNaUnU0OTZ4UzhuaG1SZzZzNVN3IiwgImFsZyI6ICJFUzI1NiIsICJraWQiOiAiaHR0cHM6Ly9hY21lLnplcm9zc2wuY29tL3YyL0RWOTAvYWNjb3VudC9pSF9OdHE0VnBoYnppYmttNldMSUNRIn0", "payload": "", "signature": "J6hIH4tzHkNP-nRY9TisrrxD3EFPynFdN4lu2TOg9vbpUCoO522t7oab1zvfpjJbwt1M7SSJCumZtm3zVB9KIA"}'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:08 UTC 2024] _postContentType='application/jose+json'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:08 UTC 2024] Http already initialized.
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:08 UTC 2024] _CURL='curl --silent --dump-header /  -L  --trace-ascii /tmp/tmp.NW58lIvspF  -g '
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:08 UTC 2024] _ret='0'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:08 UTC 2024] responseHeaders='HTTP/2 200 
server: nginx
date: Tue, 08 Oct 2024 10:36:08 GMT
content-type: application/json
content-length: 445
replay-nonce: XGCzPYV4wEx8xOzT61CeVLlGO4kubREi4HdzXvVP-9E
cache-control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store
access-control-allow-origin: *
link: <>;rel="index"
retry-after: 86400
strict-transport-security: max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:08 UTC 2024] code='200'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:08 UTC 2024] original='{"identifier":{"type":"dns","value":""},"status":"pending","expires":"2024-11-07T09:51:32Z","challenges":[{"type":"http-01","url":"","status":"pending","token":"jqtC6ftco4_XpqfOohctwonZCgcqbdufiBFYX4Cx3XA"},{"type":"dns-01","url":"","status":"processing","token":"P79SyfENq1YOFfMsJVYuFNgG9gxq2P8-EsQ5IwexlcQ"}]}'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:08 UTC 2024] response='{"identifier":{"type":"dns","value":""},"status":"pending","expires":"2024-11-07T09:51:32Z","challenges":[{"type":"http-01","url":"","status":"pending","token":"jqtC6ftco4_XpqfOohctwonZCgcqbdufiBFYX4Cx3XA"},{"type":"dns-01","url":"","status":"processing","token":"P79SyfENq1YOFfMsJVYuFNgG9gxq2P8-EsQ5IwexlcQ"}]}'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:08 UTC 2024] response='{"identifier":{"type":"dns","value":""},"status":"pending","expires":"2024-11-07T09:51:32Z","challenges":[{"type":"http-01","url":"","status":"pending","token":"jqtC6ftco4_XpqfOohctwonZCgcqbdufiBFYX4Cx3XA"},{"type":"dns-01","url":"","status":"processing","token":"P79SyfENq1YOFfMsJVYuFNgG9gxq2P8-EsQ5IwexlcQ"}]}'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:08 UTC 2024] _d=''
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:08 UTC 2024] _authorizations_map=',{"identifier":{"type":"dns","value":""},"status":"pending","expires":"2024-11-07T09:51:32Z","challenges":[{"type":"http-01","url":"","status":"pending","token":"jqtC6ftco4_XpqfOohctwonZCgcqbdufiBFYX4Cx3XA"},{"type":"dns-01","url":"","status":"processing","token":"P79SyfENq1YOFfMsJVYuFNgG9gxq2P8-EsQ5IwexlcQ"}]}#
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:08 UTC 2024] d=''
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:08 UTC 2024] Getting webroot for domain=''
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:08 UTC 2024] _w='dns_autodns'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:08 UTC 2024] _currentRoot='dns_autodns'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:08 UTC 2024] _is_idn_d=''
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:08 UTC 2024] _idn_temp
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:08 UTC 2024] _candidates=',{"identifier":{"type":"dns","value":""},"status":"pending","expires":"2024-11-07T09:51:32Z","challenges":[{"type":"http-01","url":"","status":"pending","token":"jqtC6ftco4_XpqfOohctwonZCgcqbdufiBFYX4Cx3XA"},{"type":"dns-01","url":"","status":"processing","token":"P79SyfENq1YOFfMsJVYuFNgG9gxq2P8-EsQ5IwexlcQ"}]}#'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:08 UTC 2024] response='{"identifier":{"type":"dns","value":""},"status":"pending","expires":"2024-11-07T09:51:32Z","challenges":[{"type":"http-01","url":"","status":"pending","token":"jqtC6ftco4_XpqfOohctwonZCgcqbdufiBFYX4Cx3XA"},{"type":"dns-01","url":"","status":"processing","token":"P79SyfENq1YOFfMsJVYuFNgG9gxq2P8-EsQ5IwexlcQ"}]}#'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:08 UTC 2024] _authz_url=''
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] entry='"type":"dns-01","url":"","status":"processing","token":"P79SyfENq1YOFfMsJVYuFNgG9gxq2P8-EsQ5IwexlcQ"'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] token='P79SyfENq1YOFfMsJVYuFNgG9gxq2P8-EsQ5IwexlcQ'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] uri=''
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] keyauthorization='P79SyfENq1YOFfMsJVYuFNgG9gxq2P8-EsQ5IwexlcQ.MohZqUO2nvoPyRmsk1NbkocJChsw2zZmhaZl1SsKcfs'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] dvlist=''
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] d
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] vlist=','
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] d=''
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] _d_alias
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] txtdomain=''
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] txt='CeG9F4ByKODEts74UYKyc6myNi_FTG7yt87hZfa57_s'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] d_api='/root/'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] dns_entry=',,,dns_autodns,CeG9F4ByKODEts74UYKyc6myNi_FTG7yt87hZfa57_s,/root/'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] Found domain API file: /root/
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] Adding TXT value: CeG9F4ByKODEts74UYKyc6myNi_FTG7yt87hZfa57_s for domain:
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] First detect the root zone
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] h=''
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] request_data='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] POST
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] _post_url=''
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] body='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] _postContentType
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] Http already initialized.
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] _CURL='curl --silent --dump-header /  -L  --trace-ascii /tmp/tmp.NW58lIvspF  -g '
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] _ret='0'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] autodns_response='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?><response><result><msg><text>Parser error.</text><code>EF00000</code><type>error</type><object><type>XML parser</type><value>The reference to entity "fhecZkd4cdMTfncaDoMQcE" must end with the ';' delimiter.</value></object></msg><status><code>E00000</code><text>Errors occurred during processing.</text><type>error</type></status></result><stid>20241008-app1-407727</stid></response>'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] invalid domain
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] invalid domain
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] Error adding TXT record to domain:
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] _on_issue_err
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] Please check log file for more details: /
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] _chk_vlist=','
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] start to deactivate authz
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] Trigger domain validation.
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] _t_url=''
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] _t_key_authz='P79SyfENq1YOFfMsJVYuFNgG9gxq2P8-EsQ5IwexlcQ.MohZqUO2nvoPyRmsk1NbkocJChsw2zZmhaZl1SsKcfs'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] _t_vtype
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] =======Sending Signed Request=======
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] url=''
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] payload='{}'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] Use cached jwk for file: /
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] Use _CACHED_NONCE='XGCzPYV4wEx8xOzT61CeVLlGO4kubREi4HdzXvVP-9E'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] nonce='XGCzPYV4wEx8xOzT61CeVLlGO4kubREi4HdzXvVP-9E'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] POST
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] _post_url=''
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] body='{"protected": "eyJub25jZSI6ICJYR0N6UFlWNHdFeDh4T3pUNjFDZVZMbEdPNGt1YlJFaTRIZHpYdlZQLTlFIiwgInVybCI6ICJodHRwczovL2FjbWUuemVyb3NzbC5jb20vdjIvRFY5MC9jaGFsbC9xMUFjSGhaUlZxXy0wZjlYNXRaYi1BIiwgImFsZyI6ICJFUzI1NiIsICJraWQiOiAiaHR0cHM6Ly9hY21lLnplcm9zc2wuY29tL3YyL0RWOTAvYWNjb3VudC9pSF9OdHE0VnBoYnppYmttNldMSUNRIn0", "payload": "e30", "signature": "XiXSxNXKejgniwO6cPYeTSJrqanZ4u2G5euxqgpWIYsTXiI6n5_BA-IgNfwx0S2g4Ad9-9dhE1emyYs5jdDlaA"}'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] _postContentType='application/jose+json'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] Http already initialized.
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:09 UTC 2024] _CURL='curl --silent --dump-header /  -L  --trace-ascii /tmp/tmp.NW58lIvspF  -g '
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:10 UTC 2024] _ret='0'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:10 UTC 2024] responseHeaders='HTTP/2 200 
server: nginx
date: Tue, 08 Oct 2024 10:36:10 GMT
content-type: application/json
content-length: 163
replay-nonce: luY1lyVh3awZd-ypcy4A97eziwkHGoS2aC3mKTmI8jg
cache-control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store
access-control-allow-origin: *
link: <>;rel="up"
retry-after: 60
strict-transport-security: max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:10 UTC 2024] code='200'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:10 UTC 2024] original='{"type":"dns-01","url":"","status":"processing","token":"P79SyfENq1YOFfMsJVYuFNgG9gxq2P8-EsQ5IwexlcQ"}'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:10 UTC 2024] response='{"type":"dns-01","url":"","status":"processing","token":"P79SyfENq1YOFfMsJVYuFNgG9gxq2P8-EsQ5IwexlcQ"}'
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:10 UTC 2024] Diagnosis versions: 
OpenSSL 3.0.15 3 Sep 2024 (Library: OpenSSL 3.0.15 3 Sep 2024)
Apache doesn't exist.
nginx doesn't exist.
socat by Gerhard Rieger and contributors - see
socat version on 31 Oct 2022 04:42:14
   running on Linux version #45~22.04.1-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Wed Sep 11 15:25:05 UTC 2, release 6.8.0-45-generic, machine x86_64
  #define WITH_STDIO 1
  #define WITH_FDNUM 1
  #define WITH_FILE 1
  #define WITH_CREAT 1
  #define WITH_GOPEN 1
  #define WITH_TERMIOS 1
  #define WITH_PIPE 1
  #define WITH_UNIX 1
  #define WITH_IP4 1
  #define WITH_IP6 1
  #define WITH_RAWIP 1
  #define WITH_INTERFACE 1
  #define WITH_TCP 1
  #define WITH_UDP 1
  #define WITH_SCTP 1
  #define WITH_LISTEN 1
  #define WITH_SOCKS4 1
  #define WITH_SOCKS4A 1
  #define WITH_VSOCK 1
  #define WITH_PROXY 1
  #define WITH_SYSTEM 1
  #define WITH_EXEC 1
  #define WITH_READLINE 1
  #define WITH_TUN 1
  #define WITH_PTY 1
  #define WITH_OPENSSL 1
  #undef WITH_FIPS
  #define WITH_SYCLS 1
  #define WITH_FILAN 1
  #define WITH_RETRY 1
  #define WITH_MSGLEVEL 0 /*debug*/
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:10 UTC 2024] pid
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:10 UTC 2024] No need to restore nginx config, skipping.
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:10 UTC 2024] _clearupdns
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:10 UTC 2024] dns_entries
[Tue Oct  8 10:36:10 UTC 2024] Skipping dns.
github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

Please upgrade to the latest code and try again first. Maybe it's already fixed. --upgrade If it's still not working, please provide the log with --debug 2, otherwise, nobody can help you.

lug-gh commented 1 week ago

Parser error was due to an "&" in the password. I changed the password, now the message is:

autodns_response='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?><response><result><msg><text>Missing or wrong value.</text><code>EF01000</code><type>error</type><object><type>request.auth.context</type><value>"4"</value></object></msg><status><code>E00000</code><text>Errors occurred during processing.</text><type>error</type></status></result><stid>20241008-app2-416159</stid></response>'