act-hydro / GLY606_2024

GLY606 Water Data Analysis & Modeling
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Config File site list #5

Open Ax-ro opened 1 week ago

Ax-ro commented 1 week ago

Is there supposed to be site specific info in the ufs-land.namelist.US-SRG config file? I can't find anything relating to the actual sites we put in the model_run folder, even their names.

act-hydro commented 1 week ago

Hi @Ax-ro,

The site specific information is in the ufs-land.namelist.US-SRG file. To be more specific, in the ufs-land.namelist.US-SRG file, the site specific information are the highlighted part (in bold font) in the following text

static_file = "./" # 3nd line init_file = "./" # 4th line forcing_dir = "forcing/US-SRG" # 5th line

simulation_start = "2010-01-01 00:00:00" ! start date [yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss] # 16th line

run_days = 365 ! number of days to run # 18th line

US-SRG is the site id 2009 is the year for initial condition data 2010 is the year when model starts running 365 is the period of time that model will run for (in the number of days)

Our homework problem 2 aims to replace these site-specific texts in the example file (ufs-land.namelist.US-SRG) using information for the other 10 sites.

cartograforce commented 6 days ago

You highlighted this: init_file = "./" # 4th

Did you mean this?: init_file = "./" # 4th

Or did you mean that because we only need to variablize the year?

act-hydro commented 6 days ago

@cartograforce I think we would only need to variablize the year here (cool word btw) Because model runs start from Jan 1st for every site. So the month and day for initial condition is always 12-31. However, you can also variablize the entire yyyy-mm-dd if you prefer that way, then you would need to write something like sed -i "s#DATE_IC#${year_ic}-12-31#g". Here DATE_IC is the unique place holder you choose, and year_ic is the variable name for the year of initial condition file.