actions / configure-pages

An action to enable Pages and extract various metadata about a site. It can also be used to configure various static site generators we support as starter workflows.
MIT License
124 stars 50 forks source link

The action ignores .ts config and creates default nuxt.config.js #74

Open Ni55aN opened 1 year ago

Ni55aN commented 1 year ago

This issue occurs when generator_config_file input is not provided

It may not be obvious when using Nuxt 3 Workflow suggested by Github. Additionally Nuxt 3 uses .js configuration file, even if a .ts config exists which makes it harder to debug this problem

Logs from the Action:

2023-03-03T23:28:19.0111047Z ##[group]Run actions/configure-pages@v3
2023-03-03T23:28:19.0111362Z with:
2023-03-03T23:28:19.0111649Z   static_site_generator: nuxt
2023-03-03T23:28:19.0112072Z   token: ***
2023-03-03T23:28:19.0112376Z   enablement: false
2023-03-03T23:28:19.0112643Z ##[endgroup]
2023-03-03T23:28:19.2606651Z Using default blank configuration
2023-03-03T23:28:19.2607688Z Injecting property=router.base and value=/ in:
2023-03-03T23:28:19.2608390Z // Default Pages configuration for Nuxt
2023-03-03T23:28:19.2608933Z export default {}
2023-03-03T23:28:19.2646922Z Found configuration object in direct default export declaration
2023-03-03T23:28:19.2647736Z Injection successful, new configuration:
2023-03-03T23:28:19.2648328Z // Default Pages configuration for Nuxt
2023-03-03T23:28:19.2648910Z export default {router: {base: "/"}}
2023-03-03T23:28:19.2649641Z Injecting property=target and value=static in:
2023-03-03T23:28:19.2650266Z // Default Pages configuration for Nuxt
2023-03-03T23:28:19.2651052Z export default {router: {base: "/"}}
2023-03-03T23:28:19.2662753Z Found configuration object in direct default export declaration
2023-03-03T23:28:19.2663623Z Injection successful, new configuration:
2023-03-03T23:28:19.2664196Z // Default Pages configuration for Nuxt
2023-03-03T23:28:19.2664771Z export default {target: "static",router: {base: "/"}}
2023-03-03T23:28:19.2785735Z ##[group]Run cat ./nuxt.config.ts
2023-03-03T23:28:19.2786080Z cat ./nuxt.config.ts
2023-03-03T23:28:19.2838925Z shell: /usr/bin/bash -e {0}
2023-03-03T23:28:19.2839234Z env:
2023-03-03T23:28:19.2839520Z   GITHUB_PAGES: true
2023-03-03T23:28:19.2839749Z ##[endgroup]
2023-03-03T23:28:19.2923229Z //
2023-03-03T23:28:19.2926664Z export default defineNuxtConfig({
2023-03-03T23:28:19.2926993Z   ssr: true,
2023-03-03T23:28:19.2927254Z   modules: [
2023-03-03T23:28:19.2934028Z     langDir: '/locales',
2023-03-03T23:28:19.2934299Z   },
2023-03-03T23:28:19.2934553Z });
2023-03-03T23:28:19.2995970Z ##[group]Run cat ./nuxt.config.js
2023-03-03T23:28:19.2996230Z cat ./nuxt.config.js
2023-03-03T23:28:19.3044971Z shell: /usr/bin/bash -e {0}
2023-03-03T23:28:19.3045175Z env:
2023-03-03T23:28:19.3045363Z   GITHUB_PAGES: true
2023-03-03T23:28:19.3045559Z ##[endgroup]
2023-03-03T23:28:19.3122664Z // Default Pages configuration for Nuxt
2023-03-03T23:28:19.3126129Z export default {target: "static",router: {base: "/"}}
wvovaw commented 1 year ago

Same for me. It worked well with JS but it works wrong after I switched my app to typescript. Here is details:

nuxt 3 with Typescript uses nuxt.config.ts file for configuration. But the action ignores it and creates a fallback one which leads to wrong output:

yarn run v1.22.19
$ nuxt generate
[log] Nuxi 3.5.0
[log] Nuxt 3.5.0 with Nitro 2.4.1
[warn] Using experimental payload extraction for full-static output. You can opt-out by setting `experimental.payloadExtraction` to `false`.
[info] Building client...
[info] vite v4.3.8 building for production...
[info] transforming...
[info] ✓ 119 modules transformed.
[info] rendering chunks...
[info] computing gzip size...
[info] .nuxt/dist/client/manifest.json                                  2.[7]( kB │ gzip:  0.51 kB
[info] .nuxt/dist/client/_nuxt/error-500.aa16ed4d.css                   1.95 kB │ gzip:  0.74 kB
[info] .nuxt/dist/client/_nuxt/error-404.23f2309d.css                   3.63 kB │ gzip:  1.12 kB
[info] .nuxt/dist/client/_nuxt/_plugin-vue_export-helper.c27b6911.js    0.09 kB │ gzip:  0.10 kB
[info] .nuxt/dist/client/_nuxt/index.[8](                        0.39 kB │ gzip:  0.29 kB
[info] .nuxt/dist/client/_nuxt/error-component.84e5e8b1.js              1.18 kB │ gzip:  0.64 kB
[info] .nuxt/dist/client/_nuxt/default.3a0d8000.js                      1.72 kB │ gzip:  0.98 kB
[info] .nuxt/dist/client/_nuxt/error-500.2b2ba75b.js                    1.93 kB │ gzip:  1.02 kB
[info] .nuxt/dist/client/_nuxt/error-404.5d70a75f.js                    2.31 kB │ gzip:  1.19 kB
[info] .nuxt/dist/client/_nuxt/nuxt-link.44b36c52.js                    4.32 kB │ gzip:  1.83 kB
[info] .nuxt/dist/client/_nuxt/entry.cad7fd5b.js                      139.32 kB │ gzip: 52.72 kB
[info] ✓ built in 2.46s
[success] Client built in 2467ms
[info] Building server...
[info] vite v4.3.8 building SSR bundle for production...
[info] transforming...
[info] ✓ 74 modules transformed.
[info] rendering chunks...
[info] .nuxt/dist/server/_nuxt/error-404-styles.a5c3f351.mjs           0.08 kB
[info] .nuxt/dist/server/_nuxt/error-500-styles.6b5b5ff2.mjs           0.08 kB
[info] .nuxt/dist/server/styles.mjs                                    0.35 kB
[info] .nuxt/dist/server/_nuxt/index-e12b288f.js                       0.22 kB │ map:  5.28 kB
[info] .nuxt/dist/server/_nuxt/_plugin-vue_export-helper-cc2b3d55.js   0.25 kB │ map:  0.13 kB
[info] .nuxt/dist/server/_nuxt/island-renderer-77ac9752.js             1.12 kB │ map:  1.42 kB
[info] .nuxt/dist/server/_nuxt/index-5c78600a.js                       1.24 kB │ map:  0.44 kB
[info] .nuxt/dist/server/_nuxt/error-component-fc2e7220.js             2.04 kB │ map:  2.71 kB
[info] .nuxt/dist/server/_nuxt/error-500-styles-1.mjs-0a86f27a.js      2.17 kB │ map:  0.12 kB
[info] .nuxt/dist/server/_nuxt/error-dev-styles-1.mjs-90bc7cbc.js      2.46 kB │ map:  0.12 kB
[info] .nuxt/dist/server/_nuxt/error-500-7bf32de6.js                   3.18 kB │ map:  3.79 kB
[info] .nuxt/dist/server/_nuxt/error-404-styles-1.mjs-6ef6e240.js      3.86 kB │ map:  0.12 kB
[info] .nuxt/dist/server/_nuxt/error-404-ddc98d1a.js                   4.07 kB │ map:  5.83 kB
[info] .nuxt/dist/server/_nuxt/default-5f629116.js                     4.67 kB │ map:  2.42 kB
[info] .nuxt/dist/server/_nuxt/nuxt-link-0d39ff03.js                   5.97 kB │ map: 13.18 kB
[info] .nuxt/dist/server/server.mjs                                   31.86 kB │ map: 74.74 kB
[info] ✓ built in 889ms
[success] Server built in 899ms
[success] [nitro] Generated public .output/public
[info] [nitro] Initializing prerenderer
[info] [nitro] Prerendering 3 initial routes with crawler
[log] [nitro]   ├─ / (48ms) (Error: [500] )
[log] [nitro]   ├─ /200.html (1ms)
[log] [nitro]   ├─ /404.html (1ms)
[success] You can now deploy `.output/public` to any static hosting!
Done in 6.6[9](

This output has no my code at all because of the fallback nuxt config created by the action.

I renamed the nuxt.config.ts to nuxt.config.js and the action worked as expected.

wvovaw commented 1 year ago

Here nuxt config path is hardcoded to nuxt.config.js

yoannchaudet commented 1 year ago

This Action makes a best effort approach to update your configuration file. It only understands JavaScript and not TypeScript which is why we don't look at .ts files. While it may work for you, the minute you add TypeScript specific code in this file that our JavaScript parser does not recognize, it will blow up.

Ni55aN commented 1 year ago

@yoannchaudet I don't have any objections to exclusively supporting JS configs. The only issue is that it covertly generates JS configuration without providing any hints or warnings about it

yoannchaudet commented 1 year ago

Got it. Contributions are open on this repo. Don't hesitate to propose a PR. Keeping this issue open for now.

timsu92 commented 1 year ago

Can you guys take a look whether I've fixed it or not?