actions / download-artifact

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[bug] download-artifact errors out downloading artifacts uploaded by upload-artifact #328

Open matt-rev opened 2 months ago

matt-rev commented 2 months ago

What happened?

We have a CI process using github actions. It works on current versions, but I am trying to bump versions for security and performance improvements. There are two runner containers.

In the first one, we build using actions/upload-artifact@v4:

      - name: Archive Production Artifacts
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4.3.3
          name: build-v1.json
          path: |

then, in the second one, we consume these build artifacts:

      - name: Download Artifacts
        uses: actions/download-artifact@v4.1.7
          name: build-v1.json
          path: "tags.json"

What did you expect to happen?

I expected to be able to download the artifact file. I can download the file from the first runner that uploads it, using the URL in the logs. I cannot download the file from the second runner that downloads it, using the URL in the runner logs. The URL looks different

How can we reproduce it?

This is running in a private repo. Please upload and download using the excerpts above in the what happened section. runs-on: ubuntu-latest

Anything else we need to know?

Logging from the action:

Run actions/download-artifact@v4.1.7
    name: build-v1.json
    path: tags.json
    merge-multiple: false
    repository: sigmacloud/propay-backend
    run-id: 8882647661
Downloading single artifact
Preparing to download the following artifacts:
- build-v1.json (ID: 1457581035, Size: 302)
Redirecting to blob download url:
Starting download of artifact to: /home/runner/work/propay-backend/propay-backend/tags.json
(node:1675) [DEP0005] DeprecationWarning: Buffer() is deprecated due to security and usability issues. Please use the Buffer.alloc(), Buffer.allocUnsafe(), or Buffer.from() methods instead.
(Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)
Error: Unable to download artifact(s): Unable to download and extract artifact: Artifact download failed after 5 retries.

What version of the action are you using?


What are your runner environments?


Are you on GitHub Enterprise Server? If so, what version?

No response

rmunn commented 2 months ago

If you roll back to v4.1.6 of download-artifact, does that fix the error? Between v4.1.6 and v4.1.7, there was a large-ish change to the internals of how zip files are extracted, and it would be interesting to know whether that change is the root cause of the issue.

If v4.1.6 doesn't work, what about v4.1.5 and earlier? It would be interesting to find out what is the last version of download-artifact that does not trigger this error.

matt-rev commented 2 months ago

I reverted both upload and download to version 4.0.0 and it works again. I haven't had time to debug this more fully.

lazzarello commented 2 months ago

I have the same error. I reverted from v4 to the patch release v4.1.6 and received a new error.

Found 1 artifact(s)
No input name or pattern filtered specified, downloading all artifacts
An extra directory with the artifact name will be created for each download
Preparing to download the following artifacts:
- my-artifact (ID: 1468066618, Size: 150)
Redirecting to blob download url:
Starting download of artifact to: /home/runner/work/maestro-ui-test/maestro-ui-test/my-artifact
Extracting artifact entry: /home/runner/work/maestro-ui-test/maestro-ui-test/my-artifact/my-artifact
(node:1493) [DEP0005] DeprecationWarning: Buffer() is deprecated due to security and usability issues. Please use the Buffer.alloc(), Buffer.allocUnsafe(), or Buffer.from() methods instead.
(Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)
Extracting artifact entry: /home/runner/work/maestro-ui-test/maestro-ui-test/my-artifact/my-artifact
Extracting artifact entry: /home/runner/work/maestro-ui-test/maestro-ui-test/my-artifact/my-artifact
Extracting artifact entry: /home/runner/work/maestro-ui-test/maestro-ui-test/my-artifact/my-artifact
Extracting artifact entry: /home/runner/work/maestro-ui-test/maestro-ui-test/my-artifact/my-artifact
Error: Unable to download artifact(s): Unable to download and extract artifact: Artifact download failed after 5 retries.

4.1.0 has a new error.

Run actions/download-artifact@v4.1.0
No input name specified, downloading all artifacts. Extra directory with the artifact name will be created for each download
Found 1 artifact(s)
Preparing to download the following artifacts:
- my-artifact (ID: 14[6](, Size: 150)
Redirecting to blob download url:[7]([8]([9](
Starting download of artifact to: /home/runner/work/maestro-ui-test/maestro-ui-test/my-artifact
(node:1496) [DEP0005] DeprecationWarning: Buffer() is deprecated due to security and usability issues. Please use the Buffer.alloc(), Buffer.allocUnsafe(), or Buffer.from() methods instead.
(Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)
Error: Unable to download artifact(s): Unable to download and extract artifact: EEXIST: file already exists, mkdir '/home/runner/work/maestro-ui-test/maestro-ui-test/my-artifact'

It's looking like the whole 4.1.x chain of releases cannot download files.

lazzarello commented 2 months ago

Alright...results! It looks like the bug is predominantly error output and documentation. When I adjusted the filesystem paths I was able to do a full upload/download/show cycle in a single job. For reference, here's my example workflow

name: Debugging Artifact Actions
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Write Artifact
        run: echo "Hello world" > my-artifact
      - name: Save artifact
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
          name: my-artifact
          path: my-artifact
      - name: Download Artifact 
        uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
            path: mine-artifact
      - name: Show artifact
        run: |
          ls -l mine-artifact/my-artifact
          cat mine-artifact/my-artifact/my-artifact

My previous error outputs were from runs where I omitted the path: mine-artifact input and used the default from the download-artifact action.

neilmayhew commented 3 weeks ago

@lazzarello's solution doesn't work for me. Turning on debug logging reveals that the error is during extraction, and the message is "Invalid signature in zip file".

Downloading artifacts from the URL given in the upload step show that the zip archive can't be extracted using the unzip-stream library that actions/download-artifact uses. Debug-logging that operation gives "Unexpected signature in zip file: 0x16d4b50 "PKm", skipped 1 bytes".

The upload-artifact code uses a different library, and my guess is that the two libraries aren't 100% compatible. The README for unzip-stream says:

Please note that the zip file format isn't really meant to be processed by streaming, though this library should succeed in most cases, if you do have complete zip file available, you should consider using other libraries which read zip files from the end - as originally intended

However, download-artifact unzips directly from a network stream so the complete zip isn't available with the current design.

Strangely, artifacts from other elements of our matrix build are fine, and it's just this one combination that's giving problems.

neilmayhew commented 3 weeks ago

I've created mhr3/unzip-stream#50

rmunn commented 3 weeks ago

@neilmayhew If you use download-artifact v4.1.6 instead of v4.1.7, does that fix the issue? Between v4.1.6 and v4.1.7, one of the changes was which unzip-stream method is being used to unzip the file. If v4.1.6 works but v4.1.7 doesn't, or vice-versa, that would likely help in tracking down the ultimate source of the bug.

neilmayhew commented 3 weeks ago

@rmunn Using download-artifact v4.1.6 instead of v4.1.7 does indeed fix the issue

As I said in mhr3/unzip-stream#50,

The archive can be opened and the contents extracted by every other zip utility I've tried. It was produced by actions/upload-artifact which uses the archiver package to create it. The version of archiver being used is currently 7.0.1 but it was previously 5.3.1. I've been able to work around the problem in our CI by pinning the version of actions/upload-artifact to 4.2.0 which uses the older version of archiver.

So downgrading download-artifact is another solution.

neilmayhew commented 3 weeks ago

There is clearly a bug in unzip-stream since it can't process some apparently valid zip files when used standalone. However, the project seems to be unmaintained (no PRs merged in over a year) so I'm not hopeful of getting it fixed there.

The upload-artifact and download-artifact actions are heavily used, of course, so I think it's important that they (via the underlying actions/toolkit SDK) take some steps to avoid hitting this problem. Ideally, they would remove the dependency on an unmaintained library.

rmunn commented 3 weeks ago

Unfortunately, I don't feel like upload-artifact and download-artifact are all that well maintained either. I have a PR open to fix and, which has been open for over a month. (The PR is GitHub policy sensibly requires a code review from team members before PRs can be considered for merging; the problem is that I have been completely unable to bring the PR to the attention of anyone from the GitHub Actions team. I have tried not to be too obnoxious, only pinging GitHub employees about once per week. But nobody has responded, or even acknowledged the existence of the PR, as far as I can tell. The fact that a quite small and easy-to-review PR that fixes two important bugs (one of which is the sixth-most-upvoted issue in its tracker) has languished with no attention for a month is discouraging.

rmunn commented 3 weeks ago

There is clearly a bug in unzip-stream since it can't process some apparently valid zip files when used standalone. However, the project seems to be unmaintained (no PRs merged in over a year) so I'm not hopeful of getting it fixed there.

Actually, and were merged on April 21st, 2024, exactly two months ago as of when I'm writing this. But overall, yes, the maintainer of that library doesn't seem to be managing to keep up with it, and it could probably use a new maintainer or two.

no23reason commented 2 weeks ago

For us, not even pinning both upload and download actions to 4.0.0 works anymore. The project is unfortunately not open source, so I cannot post the whole log, but it gives

Redirecting to blob download url: <redacted>.zip
Starting download of artifact to: <redacted>
Error: Unable to download artifact(s): Unable to download and extract artifact: Not a valid zip file

This worked fine last week with the latest v4 of both actions at that time. The artifacts in question are python wheels if that helps.

no23reason commented 2 weeks ago

Another piece of information, one of the artifacts was the docker build summary (see the relevant docs). When we got rid of the summary artifact, our build now works fine with 4.1.7. So maybe the docker build summary file (which itself is a zip archive) is tripping up the zip libraries?

crazy-max commented 1 week ago

@no23reason We got a similar report in We are using the API to upload the build export artifact and we are not using zip format but gzip one:

And seems the API always expect a zip artifact when downloading:

@bethanyj28 @robherley Maybe you could skip extracting files that are not valid zip?

crazy-max commented 1 week ago

@no23reason I made some changes in the toolkit to skip files that don't have the expected content-type before extracting them:

It seems to solve the issue. Here's a workflow to test this:

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
        name: Meta
        id: meta
        uses: docker/metadata-action@master
        name: Upload meta bake definition
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
          name: bake-meta
          path: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.bake-file }}
          if-no-files-found: error
          retention-days: 1
        name: Build
        uses: docker/build-push-action@master
          context: .

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    needs: build
        name: Download artifacts
        uses: crazy-max/download-artifact@test-skip-non-zip

Debug logs of "Download artifacts" step:

Preparing to download the following artifacts:
- docker~test-docker-action~BGHOTQ.dockerbuild (ID: 1654731091, Size: 5567)
- bake-meta (ID: 1654730707, Size: 497)
##[debug]Artifact destination folder does not exist, creating: /home/runner/work/test-docker-action/test-docker-action/docker~test-docker-action~BGHOTQ.dockerbuild
##[debug]Artifact destination folder does not exist, creating: /home/runner/work/test-docker-action/test-docker-action/bake-meta
##[debug]Workflow Run Backend ID: 0cc20625-3561-4440-9048-70024d8ad258
##[debug]Workflow Job Run Backend ID: 937ea504-f21e-52f6-d164-c808765d698a
##[debug][Request] ListArtifacts
##[debug]Workflow Run Backend ID: 0cc20625-3561-4440-9048-70024d8ad258
##[debug]Workflow Job Run Backend ID: 937ea504-f21e-52f6-d164-c808765d698a
##[debug][Request] ListArtifacts
##[debug][Response] - 200
##[debug]Headers: {
##[debug]  "content-length": "282",
##[debug]  "content-type": "application/json",
##[debug]  "date": "Mon, 01 Jul 2024 09:36:54 GMT",
##[debug]  "x-github-backend": "Kubernetes",
##[debug]  "x-github-request-id": "E00A:2A89D3:1D45CA:25322C:668278B6"
##[debug]Body: {
##[debug]  "artifacts": [
##[debug]    {
##[debug]      "workflow_run_backend_id": "0cc20625-3561-4440-9048-70024d8ad258",
##[debug]      "workflow_job_run_backend_id": "ca395085-040a-526b-2ce8-bdc85f692774",
##[debug]      "database_id": "1654731091",
##[debug]      "name": "docker~test-docker-action~BGHOTQ.dockerbuild",
##[debug]      "size": "5567",
##[debug]      "created_at": "2024-07-01T09:36:43Z"
##[debug]    }
##[debug]  ]
##[debug][Request] GetSignedArtifactURL
##[debug][Response] - 200
##[debug]Headers: {
##[debug]  "content-length": "560",
##[debug]  "content-type": "application/json",
##[debug]  "date": "Mon, 01 Jul 2024 09:36:54 GMT",
##[debug]  "x-github-backend": "Kubernetes",
##[debug]  "x-github-request-id": "E00A:2A89D3:1D45DB:253240:668278B6"
##[debug]Body: {
##[debug]  "signed_url": ""
Redirecting to blob download url:
Starting download of artifact to: /home/runner/work/test-docker-action/test-docker-action/docker~test-docker-action~BGHOTQ.dockerbuild
##[debug][Response] - 200
##[debug]Headers: {
##[debug]  "content-length": "246",
##[debug]  "content-type": "application/json",
##[debug]  "date": "Mon, 01 Jul 2024 09:36:54 GMT",
##[debug]  "x-github-backend": "Kubernetes",
##[debug]  "x-github-request-id": "E00B:1FBE19:1D1E16:24FD99:668278B6"
##[debug]Body: {
##[debug]  "artifacts": [
##[debug]    {
##[debug]      "workflow_run_backend_id": "0cc20625-3561-4440-9048-70024d8ad258",
##[debug]      "workflow_job_run_backend_id": "ca395085-040a-526b-2ce8-bdc85f692774",
##[debug]      "database_id": "1654730707",
##[debug]      "name": "bake-meta",
##[debug]      "size": "497",
##[debug]      "created_at": "2024-07-01T09:36:37Z"
##[debug]    }
##[debug]  ]
##[debug][Request] GetSignedArtifactURL
##[debug][Response] - 200
##[debug]Headers: {
##[debug]  "content-length": "562",
##[debug]  "content-type": "application/json",
##[debug]  "date": "Mon, 01 Jul 2024 09:36:54 GMT",
##[debug]  "x-github-backend": "Kubernetes",
##[debug]  "x-github-request-id": "E00B:1FBE19:1D1E23:24FDAA:668278B6"
##[debug]Body: {
##[debug]  "signed_url": ""
Redirecting to blob download url:
Starting download of artifact to: /home/runner/work/test-docker-action/test-docker-action/bake-meta
##[debug]response.message.headers: {"content-length":"5567","content-type":"application/gzip","content-md5":"s35vhwNK24ehlOSl2bTFUA==","last-modified":"Mon, 01 Jul 2024 09:36:43 GMT","accept-ranges":"bytes","etag":"\"0x8DC99B15171B60C\"","server":"Windows-Azure-Blob/1.0 Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0","x-ms-request-id":"e9c547ca-a01e-0012-649a-cb4aa8000000","x-ms-version":"2023-11-03","x-ms-creation-time":"Mon, 01 Jul 2024 09:36:43 GMT","x-ms-lease-status":"unlocked","x-ms-lease-state":"available","x-ms-blob-type":"BlockBlob","content-disposition":"attachment; filename=\"docker~test-docker-action~BGHOTQ.dockerbuild\"","x-ms-server-encrypted":"true","access-control-expose-headers":"x-ms-request-id,Server,x-ms-version,Content-Type,Last-Modified,ETag,x-ms-creation-time,Content-MD5,x-ms-lease-status,x-ms-lease-state,x-ms-blob-type,Content-Disposition,x-ms-server-encrypted,Accept-Ranges,Content-Length,Date,Transfer-Encoding","access-control-allow-origin":"*","date":"Mon, 01 Jul 2024 09:36:53 GMT"}
##[debug]Invalid content-type: application/gzip, skipping download
Artifact download completed successfully.
##[debug]response.message.headers: {"content-length":"497","content-type":"zip","last-modified":"Mon, 01 Jul 2024 09:36:37 GMT","accept-ranges":"bytes","etag":"\"0x8DC99B14DA08F62\"","server":"Windows-Azure-Blob/1.0 Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0","x-ms-request-id":"63899c09-b01e-0021-749a-cb1503000000","x-ms-version":"2023-11-03","x-ms-creation-time":"Mon, 01 Jul 2024 09:36:37 GMT","x-ms-lease-status":"unlocked","x-ms-lease-state":"available","x-ms-blob-type":"BlockBlob","x-ms-server-encrypted":"true","access-control-expose-headers":"x-ms-request-id,Server,x-ms-version,Content-Type,Last-Modified,ETag,x-ms-creation-time,x-ms-lease-status,x-ms-lease-state,x-ms-blob-type,x-ms-server-encrypted,Accept-Ranges,Content-Length,Date,Transfer-Encoding","access-control-allow-origin":"*","date":"Mon, 01 Jul 2024 09:36:54 GMT"}
(node:1468) [DEP0005] DeprecationWarning: Buffer() is deprecated due to security and usability issues. Please use the Buffer.alloc(), Buffer.allocUnsafe(), or Buffer.from() methods instead.
(Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)
Artifact download completed successfully.
Total of 2 artifact(s) downloaded
Download artifact has finished successfully
##[debug]Node Action run completed with exit code 0
##[debug]Set output download-path = /home/runner/work/test-docker-action/test-docker-action
##[debug]Finishing: Download artifacts

We have two files download by "Download artifacts". After adding some logging on response headers we can see that the regular artifact uploaded with actions/upload-artifact@v4 has zip as content-type header but one uploaded by docker/build-push-action has application/gzip:

  "content-length": "5572",
  "content-type": "application/gzip",
  "content-md5": "yPIHPOPuYDEHs/vabwyt6A==",
  "last-modified": "Mon, 01 Jul 2024 09:22:34 GMT",
  "accept-ranges": "bytes",
  "etag": "\"0x8DC99AF5777FC1C\"",
  "server": "Windows-Azure-Blob/1.0 Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0",
  "x-ms-request-id": "b45769a4-301e-00cf-5498-cb2dab000000",
  "x-ms-version": "2023-11-03",
  "x-ms-creation-time": "Mon, 01 Jul 2024 09:22:34 GMT",
  "x-ms-lease-status": "unlocked",
  "x-ms-lease-state": "available",
  "x-ms-blob-type": "BlockBlob",
  "content-disposition": "attachment; filename=\"docker~test-docker-action~44M6YV.dockerbuild\"",
  "x-ms-server-encrypted": "true",
  "access-control-expose-headers": "x-ms-request-id,Server,x-ms-version,Content-Type,Last-Modified,ETag,x-ms-creation-time,Content-MD5,x-ms-lease-status,x-ms-lease-state,x-ms-blob-type,Content-Disposition,x-ms-server-encrypted,Accept-Ranges,Content-Length,Date,Transfer-Encoding",
  "access-control-allow-origin": "*",
  "date": "Mon, 01 Jul 2024 09:22:47 GMT"

I think this change in the toolkit should mitigate this issue by making sure we try to extract a valid zip file if maintainers are ok with it. cc @bethanyj28 @robherley @konradpabjan

zentavr commented 1 week ago
Did some tests: actions/upload-artifact actions/download-artifact Working?
v4.3.3 v4.1.7 no
v4.3.3 v4.1.6 no
v4.3.3 v4.1.5 no
v4.3.3 v4.1.4 no
v4.3.3 v4.1.3 no
v4.3.3 v4.1.2 no
v4.3.3 v4.1.1 no
v4.3.3 v4.1.0 no
v4.3.3 v4.0.0 no
v4.0.0 v4.0.0 no