actions / runner-images

GitHub Actions runner images
MIT License
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Add macOS 13 runner image #6426

Closed Brett-Best closed 1 year ago

Brett-Best commented 1 year ago

‼️ The latest update on this issue:

Tool name

macOS 13

Tool license

Add or update?

Desired version

13 RC (22A379)

Approximate size

No response

Brief description of tool

Latest major macOS version released by Apple.

URL for tool's homepage

Provide a basic test case to validate the tool's functionality.

No response

Platforms where you need the tool

Runner images where you need the tool

Can this tool be installed during the build?


Tool installation time in runtime


Are you willing to submit a PR?


EwoutH commented 1 year ago

As for the timing of this issue, the macOS 13 Release Candiate and Xcode 14.1 Release Candiate were released today, along with an announcement that Mac App Store submissions are now open for macOS Ventura.

This means developers will want to start testing on macOS 13, both locally and in CI.

ddobranic commented 1 year ago

@EwoutH , thank you for your request. New macOS-12 image with included Xcode 14.1 RC (14B47) is in release process currently.

Brett-Best commented 1 year ago

@ddobranic this issue is for an macOS 13 image with Xcode 14.1 RC on it - not for the current macOS 12 image.

E.g. in my workflow yml I’d have runs-on: macos-13

I would expect in this directory that a new file named would need to be created (among other non-trivial things).

EwoutH commented 1 year ago

This is the big one that needs to be done for macOS 13:

3a4oT commented 1 year ago

Do we have ETA on this? Would be nice to avoid last year's situation where we weren't able to upgrade to the latest version of Xcode because of latest macOS was not supported.

mikhailkoliada commented 1 year ago

I believe @Steve-Glass may provide more info on ETA

erencelik commented 1 year ago

Also need ETA, we need Ventura in order to proceed our CI&CD tests

clayellis commented 1 year ago

I don't want to just spam with "same" — but same. We have had to temporarily set up a self-hosted runner to unblock ourselves.

cagri21 commented 1 year ago

I also don’t want to spam but we also need Ventura in order to proceed our CI&CD tests

halonsoluis commented 1 year ago

With the official release of Ventura (macos13) and Xcode 14.1 this gets even more important. Could we have an ETA and a bit of a push? This ticket has been open for almost a month now and every build using Swift 5.7 features is failing.


macos-12 image has Xcode 14.1, so projects with Swift 5.7 are able to run there. Notice that macos-latest points to macos11. I read around that this will change soon, but for a safe bet, just use macos-12.

If your project really depends on macos13 features, then we are out of luck for now.

Brett-Best commented 1 year ago

Two weeks later and no further information provided by GitHub ☹️

dockay commented 1 year ago

Bump here too, would be nice to have macOS-13 asap.

hassila commented 1 year ago

Yes, this is a blocker for our projects using Swift 5.7 features - not possible to deploy those on GitHub runners (and we'd like to open source a few things but it'd be great with a working CI pipeline...). So +1.

halonsoluis commented 1 year ago

Hi @hassila, I had the same issue, but ended up using macos-12 image

  runs-on: macos-12

It has Xcode14, so it's OK to work with.

hassila commented 1 year ago

No, we use features which are only available with the Ventura Swift runtime (distributed actors, duration/instant/clock, ...) so macos-12 is a no-go unfortunately.

hakonk commented 1 year ago

Hi @Steve-Glass ! Any news on the timeline for when MacOs 13 will be made available?

Steve-Glass commented 1 year ago

👋 We are targeting Q2 2023 – Apr-Jun for public beta. The public roadmap will be updated after December 15th with this objective. The plan is to open the beta runner image to all developers without any sign-up process.

gereons commented 1 year ago

@Steve-Glass thanks for the info. Are there any plans to speed this process up for the predictable upcoming releases of macOS?

Brett-Best commented 1 year ago

Wow that’s a long time away, while Xcode 14.3 beta isn’t out yet (perhaps next week) previous releases have required the next major OS version. This was an issue with both macOS 11 and macOS 12.

@gereons after delayed releases of macOS 11 and macOS 12, assurances were provided that it would be improved. Based on the timeline provided, it appears it could actually be worse this time around with macOS 13. 😬

I think it’s fair to conclude GitHub doesn’t prioritise macOS/iOS CI/CD at all.

The comments in are unfortunately still very relevant.

halonsoluis commented 1 year ago

Maybe time to consider other options from the competition, many customers of GitHub Actions that need this update will have no other choice.

sladewatkins commented 1 year ago

👋 We are targeting Q2 2023 – Apr-Jun for public beta. The public roadmap will be updated after December 15th with this objective. The plan is to open the beta runner image to all developers without any sign-up process.

With all due respect @Steve-Glass, this time-frame is when developers focus on the next version of macOS (at this time, 14). I agree with @Brett-Best, who said:

[...] after delayed releases of macOS 11 and macOS 12, assurances were provided that it would be improved. Based on the timeline provided, it appears it could actually be worse this time around with macOS 13. 😬 I think it’s fair to conclude GitHub doesn’t prioritise macOS/iOS CI/CD at all.

A lot of developers (including myself) need this, in some cases to do our jobs. This deals a massive blow to us.

clayellis commented 1 year ago

For reference, the public roadmap issue that @Steve-Glass mentioned above is here:

billnbell commented 1 year ago

+1 on getting this done! We needed it 3 months ago.

leofolive commented 1 year ago

Cool, github doesn't prioritize running github actions on macos, when Apple release new version of macOs, maybe Github upgrade to ventura. Definitely should get out of github actions.

This image should be available no later than 1 week after the release of ventura.

Brett-Best commented 1 year ago

Wow that’s a long time away, while Xcode 14.3 beta isn’t out yet (perhaps next week) previous releases have required the next major OS version. This was an issue with both macOS 11 and macOS 12.

Xcode 14.3b1 is now out and it requires macOS 13.

clayellis commented 1 year ago

@Steve-Glass in an attempt to be productive and not just throw shade your team's way — can we maybe start some discourse around this issue? Some visibility into why it takes so long for GitHub to publish updated macOS runners might be helpful in quelling the mob. Is there some complex technical issue that we're all unaware of? Does it take a while to validate? Is it a planning or resources issue? Is there a blocking dependency on some other system? Is it virtual and/or physical hardware upgrades that need to happen first?

BrianVTruong commented 1 year ago

It'd be nice to have this sooner than later. I've been needing this for a while.

BrentMifsud commented 1 year ago

Is there any updates here? macOS 13 has been available for months now. Xcode 14.3 beta is out now, which drops support for macOS 12.

Why does it take GitHub almost a year after WWDC to publish the latest macOS runners?

At this rate it's probably better if we all just went to bitrise. They actually care about their devs on apples platforms.

billnbell commented 1 year ago

I also think you all need to respond to us. What is the status?

3a4oT commented 1 year ago

As said, Xcode 14.3 requires macOS 13, and we end up in the same trap as previous years. While I can understand (not really but acceptable) GitHub action CI, I don't get why Azure Pipelines (my company paying bills) are at the same level. It seems like they are using the same infrastructure, so why you can't do POC on GitHub Actions first?

martinjeret commented 1 year ago

Disclaimer: I work at Codemagic

If people need to switch there are several providers including Codemagic and Bitrise that offer macOS Ventura images with Xcode 14.3. As of today Circle CI does not offer this AFAIK. Hope this helps people who need to build on Xcode 14.3 today.

neoswallow commented 1 year ago

I'm not sure about availability on CircleCI itself but they do have tart VM image with 14.3 beta. It was added soon after the beta was release. I don't use their service, just tart on my machines.

orschaef commented 1 year ago

+1 We also really need a macOS 13 image. Our app runs on 13 only ... what about updates on the current state?

SPConrad commented 1 year ago

👋 We are targeting Q2 2023 – Apr-Jun for public beta. The public roadmap will be updated after December 15th with this objective. The plan is to open the beta runner image to all developers without any sign-up process.

Can you help us understand why it takes 6 - 8 months for this to get to the Beta? stage? I'm not trying to be snarky, this is frustrating for a number of users and if you tried explaining some of this to us it could go a long way towards towards mitigating those frustrations.

hassila commented 1 year ago

Yeah, now it's a race whether macOS14 will ship as production before the macOS 13 runner makes it out of beta at GitHub - it's basically one year off in terms of schedule. To GitHub PM: Please start planning now for macOS 14 - it can't be a surprise when Apple announces it at WWDC this year. Then start testing with the beta developer versions and aim for shipping a few weeks after the production release in the fall. It is what your customers would expect you to do.

diogot commented 1 year ago

After two years of this we gave up, just bought a Mac mini and migrate to self hosted. I don't know if GitHub (and Microsoft) see macOS as a hobby project or they have a NDA that forbid to discuss the issue openly. Either way they should give their paid clients a clear position.

Steve-Glass commented 1 year ago

Thank you all for reaching out and expressing your concerns. You are heard and we’ve read through all of your feedback. Additional context has been provided below to address frequent questions:

Why is macOS 13 not available yet?

What does this mean for macOS 13 availability?

How does this impact macOS 14 availability?

In an attempt to be productive and not just throw shade your team's way — can we maybe start some discourse around this issue? Some visibility into why it takes so long for GitHub to publish updated macOS runners might be helpful in quelling the mob. Is there some complex technical issue that we're all unaware of? Does it take a while to validate? Is it a planning or resources issue? Is there a blocking dependency on some other system? Is it virtual and/or physical hardware upgrades that need to happen first?

@clayellis We appreciate the feedback. As stated above, the delay is almost entirely due to hardware compatibility constraints.

Can you help us understand why it takes 6 - 8 months for this to get to the Beta? stage? I'm not trying to be snarky, this is frustrating for a number of users and if you tried explaining some of this to us it could go a long way towards mitigating those frustrations.

@SPConrad It should not. I hope the response above addresses your concerns and demonstrates our current and future plans for macOS support.

To GitHub PM: Please start planning now for macOS 14 - it can't be a surprise when Apple announces it at WWDC this year. Then start testing with the beta developer versions and aim for shipping a few weeks after the production release in the fall. It is what your customers would expect you to do.

@hassila Thank you for your suggestion and for expressing your expectations regarding our planning for macOS 14. We are committed to improving our processes for providing Actions users with macOS runner images in a timely manner. This feedback has already taken into consideration for future planning.

thanks for the info. Are there any plans to speed this process up for the predictable upcoming releases of macOS?

@gereons Yes and it is a top priority.

Funny - I saw that @Steve-Glass wrote something like "You are heard" without any updates (about one hour ago). Now the comment is gone. 😊

@orschaef I accidentally hit the comment button while drafting this message. I hope it helps provide additional context!

Brett-Best commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the update. Do you expect the runners to be Apple Silicon based and/or Intel based?

hassila commented 1 year ago

@Steve-Glass thanks for elaborating - it is easier to understand the delay if additional hardware is required. Hoping for Apple silicon runners coming up 😄

Happy to hear your are listening and looking forward to see how it plays out now this fall with macOS 14 when the new hardware is in place.

Steve-Glass commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the update. Do you expect the runners to be Apple Silicon based and/or Intel based?

@Brett-Best I expect macOS 14 to be available on Intel first. When Apple silicon is available this year, we intend to support both macOS 13 and macOS 14.

svaldetero commented 1 year ago

@Steve-Glass Thanks for the update. Do you know if there is a separate item to follow for AzureDevops Pipelines or will this item cover both?

Steve-Glass commented 1 year ago

@Steve-Glass Thanks for the update. Do you know if there is a separate item to follow for AzureDevops Pipelines or will this item cover both?

This issue covers both and is a coordinated release with our ADO partners. At this point in time, we plan to make both available on the same day.

orschaef commented 1 year ago

@Steve-Glass Thanks for the detailed explanation. It helps to understand the delay. Since my comment about your unfinished message does not add any value here, I deleted it.

wAuner commented 1 year ago

I hope that macOS 13 will be available sooner rather than later, considering the new Xcode version 14.3, already available as RC, will only support macOS 13+. This puts us in a tough spot because we either can't update Xcode or risk working with different compiler versions. Either way, our adoption of new C++ features is blocked by our Azure CI. That's nothing we anticipated.

erikng commented 1 year ago

If it's a matter of hardware, why can't you offer a few machines running macOS 13 and just have an expectation that the runners may be in a queue for a long time? I'd much rather have slow access to macOS 13 and enable Xcode 14.3 than be stuck with macOS 12 and Xcode 14.2.

There are some great features in Swift 5.8 that I would love to use, but GitHub is effectively blocking me from utilizing them. It's great that there aren't concerns for macOS 14, but by then we will likely be on Swift 5.9 or 6.0.

Steve-Glass commented 1 year ago

why can't you offer a few machines running macOS 13 and just have an expectation that the runners may be in a queue for a long time? I'd much rather have slow access to macOS 13 and enable Xcode 14.3 than be stuck with macOS 12 and Xcode 14.2.

@eriking This is wonderful feedback! Will take this into consideration as we finalize preparations. If runner availability is a concern, our team will set queue time expectations up front.

mariusfanu-metrobank commented 1 year ago

Any updates on this?

We're looking forward to macOS 13 images so that we can use the Xcode 14.3, and Swift 5.8

orschaef commented 1 year ago

@mariusfanu-metrobank I think it is not that helpful to ping every week now. We got a detailed message from @Steve-Glass - which is one week old:

I feel the same pain as many of us here. But we also need some patience I guess.

Brett-Best commented 1 year ago

I updated the top of the issue to include a bigger sized update message... hopefully people don’t miss seeing it now 🤞🏻

scannillo commented 1 year ago

👋 Hello - is there a timeline for when MacOS 13 & Xcode 14.3 will be available?