actions / runner-images

GitHub Actions runner images
MIT License
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Problem with building the Windows server 2022 image #9467

Closed roma-228 closed 6 months ago

roma-228 commented 6 months ago


I have started building Windows server 2022 base image such a team git clone Set-Location runner-images Import-Module .\helpers\GenerateResourcesAndImage.ps1 choco install packer -y

$Tags = @{ "ALIAS" = "RODAV" "TICKET" = "#54139" "RESPONSIBLE" = "RODAV" } $SubscriptionId = az account show --query id --output tsv $ResourceGroupName = "Smart_BC_BuildAgentSet_redeploy2" $AzureLocation = "West Europe" $ImageType = "Windows2022"

GenerateResourcesAndImage -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionId -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -AzureLocation $AzureLocation -ImageType $ImageType -Tags $Tags

and i get an error Machine successfully restarted, moving on ==> azure-arm.image: Provisioning with Powershell... ==> azure-arm.image: Provisioning with powershell script: C:\Windows\system32\runner-images\images\windows\templates/../scripts/build/Install-VisualStudio.ps1 azure-arm.image: Downloading Bootstrapper ... azure-arm.image: Downloading package from: to path C:\Users\INSTAL~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vs_Enterprise.exe. azure-arm.image: Package downloaded successfully in 0.58 seconds azure-arm.image: Signature thumbprint do not match expected. azure-arm.image: At C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\ImageHelpers\InstallHelpers.ps1:704 char:9 azure-arm.image: + throw "Signature thumbprint do not match expected." azure-arm.image: + ~~~~~~~~~~~ azure-arm.image: + CategoryInfo : OperationStopped: (Signature thumb...match expected.:String) [], RuntimeException azure-arm.image: + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Signature thumbprint do not match expected. azure-arm.image: ==> azure-arm.image: Script exited with non-zero exit status: 1. Allowed exit codes are: [0 3010] ==> azure-arm.image: Step "StepProvision" failed ==> azure-arm.image: [c] Clean up and exit, [a] abort without cleanup, or [r] retry step (build may fail even if retry succeeds)?

The question that worries me is whether the Windows Server 2022 image offered by your repository is already compiled and publicly available? That is, is it already published to Azure?

Platforms affected

Runner images affected

Image version and build link


Is it regression?


Expected behavior

When I run the build image command, I should get an image and not an error

Actual behavior

All script output The configuration is valid. A web browser has been opened at Please continue the login in the web browser. If no web browser is available or if the web browser fails to open, use device code flow with az login --use-device-code. Creating resource group 'Smart_BC_BuildAgentSet_redeploy2' in location 'West Europe'... "/subscriptions/8b0e9c10-1b38-42ff-b84d-f20e71474eaa/resourceGroups/Smart_BC_BuildAgentSet_redeploy2" Creating service principal for packer... Service principal created with id '0cb44bba-4a73-481c-b61e-8f6dbb677faa'. It will be deleted after the build. Warning: Bundled plugins used

This template relies on the use of plugins bundled into the Packer binary. The practice of bundling external plugins into Packer will be removed in an upcoming version.

To remove this warning and ensure builds keep working you can install these external plugins with the 'packer plugins install' command

Alternatively, if you upgrade your templates to HCL2, you can use 'packer init' with a 'required_plugins' block to automatically install external plugins.

You can try HCL2 by running 'packer hcl2_upgrade C:\Windows\system32\runner-images\images\windows\templates\windows-2022-temp.json'

azure-arm.image: output will be in this color.

==> azure-arm.image: Running builder ... ==> azure-arm.image: Getting tokens using client secret ==> azure-arm.image: Getting tokens using client secret azure-arm.image: Creating Azure Resource Manager (ARM) client ... ==> azure-arm.image: Getting source image id for the deployment ... ==> azure-arm.image: -> SourceImageName: '/subscriptions/8b0e9c10-1b38-42ff-b84d-f20e71474eaa/providers/Microsoft.Compute/locations/West Europe/publishers/MicrosoftWindowsServer/ArtifactTypes/vmimage/offers/WindowsServer/skus/2022-Datacenter/versions/latest' ==> azure-arm.image: Creating resource group ... ==> azure-arm.image: -> ResourceGroupName : 'pkr-Resource-Group-0055ltq9yx' ==> azure-arm.image: -> Location : 'West Europe' ==> azure-arm.image: -> Tags : ==> azure-arm.image: ->> RESPONSIBLE : RODAV ==> azure-arm.image: ->> TICKET : #54139 ==> azure-arm.image: ->> ALIAS : RODAV ==> azure-arm.image: Validating deployment template ... ==> azure-arm.image: -> ResourceGroupName : 'pkr-Resource-Group-0055ltq9yx' ==> azure-arm.image: -> DeploymentName : 'kvpkrdp0055ltq9yx' ==> azure-arm.image: Deploying deployment template ... ==> azure-arm.image: -> ResourceGroupName : 'pkr-Resource-Group-0055ltq9yx' ==> azure-arm.image: -> DeploymentName : 'kvpkrdp0055ltq9yx' ==> azure-arm.image: Getting the certificate's URL ... ==> azure-arm.image: -> Key Vault Name : 'pkrkv0055ltq9yx' ==> azure-arm.image: -> Key Vault Secret Name : 'packerKeyVaultSecret' ==> azure-arm.image: -> Certificate URL : '' ==> azure-arm.image: Setting the certificate's URL ... ==> azure-arm.image: Validating deployment template ... ==> azure-arm.image: -> ResourceGroupName : 'pkr-Resource-Group-0055ltq9yx' ==> azure-arm.image: -> DeploymentName : 'pkrdp0055ltq9yx' ==> azure-arm.image: Deploying deployment template ... ==> azure-arm.image: -> ResourceGroupName : 'pkr-Resource-Group-0055ltq9yx' ==> azure-arm.image: -> DeploymentName : 'pkrdp0055ltq9yx' ==> azure-arm.image: Getting the VM's IP address ... ==> azure-arm.image: -> ResourceGroupName : 'pkr-Resource-Group-0055ltq9yx' ==> azure-arm.image: -> PublicIPAddressName : 'pkrip0055ltq9yx' ==> azure-arm.image: -> NicName : 'pkrni0055ltq9yx' ==> azure-arm.image: -> Network Connection : 'PublicEndpoint' ==> azure-arm.image: -> IP Address : '' ==> azure-arm.image: Waiting for WinRM to become available... azure-arm.image: WinRM connected. ==> azure-arm.image: Connected to WinRM! ==> azure-arm.image: Provisioning with Powershell... ==> azure-arm.image: Provisioning with powershell script: C:\Users\rodav\AppData\Local\Temp\powershell-provisioner777666716 azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Directory: C:\ azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Mode LastWriteTime Length Name azure-arm.image: ---- ------------- ------ ---- azure-arm.image: d----- 3/7/2024 7:55 AM image ==> azure-arm.image: Uploading C:\Windows\system32\runner-images\images\windows\templates/../assets => C:\image\ ==> azure-arm.image: Uploading C:\Windows\system32\runner-images\images\windows\templates/../scripts => C:\image\ ==> azure-arm.image: Uploading C:\Windows\system32\runner-images\images\windows\templates/../toolsets => C:\image\ ==> azure-arm.image: Uploading C:\Windows\system32\runner-images\images\windows\templates/../../../helpers/software-report-base => C:\image\scripts\docs-gen\ ==> azure-arm.image: Provisioning with Powershell... ==> azure-arm.image: Provisioning with powershell script: C:\Users\rodav\AppData\Local\Temp\powershell-provisioner946051780 azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Directory: C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Mode LastWriteTime Length Name azure-arm.image: ---- ------------- ------ ---- azure-arm.image: d----- 3/7/2024 7:59 AM TestsHelpers ==> azure-arm.image: Provisioning with windows-shell... ==> azure-arm.image: Provisioning with shell script: C:\Users\rodav\AppData\Local\Temp\windows-shell-provisioner2921107429 azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: C:\Users\packer>net user installer /add /passwordchg:no /passwordreq:yes /active:yes /Y azure-arm.image: The command completed successfully. azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: C:\Users\packer>net localgroup Administrators installer /add azure-arm.image: The command completed successfully. azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: C:\Users\packer>winrm set winrm/config/service/auth @{Basic="true"} azure-arm.image: Auth azure-arm.image: Basic = true azure-arm.image: Kerberos = true azure-arm.image: Negotiate = true azure-arm.image: Certificate = false azure-arm.image: CredSSP = false azure-arm.image: CbtHardeningLevel = Relaxed azure-arm.image: ==> azure-arm.image: Provisioning with Powershell... ==> azure-arm.image: Provisioning with powershell script: C:\Users\rodav\AppData\Local\Temp\powershell-provisioner3188283675 ==> azure-arm.image: Provisioning with Powershell... ==> azure-arm.image: Provisioning with powershell script: C:\Users\rodav\AppData\Local\Temp\powershell-provisioner3183410492 azure-arm.image: The operation completed successfully. ==> azure-arm.image: Provisioning with Powershell... ==> azure-arm.image: Provisioning with powershell script: C:\Windows\system32\runner-images\images\windows\templates/../scripts/build/Configure-WindowsDefender.ps1 azure-arm.image: Disable Windows Defender... azure-arm.image: Set Microsoft Defender Antivirus to passive mode ==> azure-arm.image: Provisioning with powershell script: C:\Windows\system32\runner-images\images\windows\templates/../scripts/build/Configure-PowerShell.ps1 azure-arm.image: Setup PowerShellGet azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Name Version Source Summary azure-arm.image: ---- ------- ------ ------- azure-arm.image: nuget https://onege... NuGet provider for the OneGet meta-package manager azure-arm.image: Warmup PSModuleAnalysisCachePath (speedup first powershell invocation by 20s) azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: LastWriteTime : 3/7/2024 8:00:40 AM azure-arm.image: Length : 0 azure-arm.image: Name : Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 azure-arm.image: ==> azure-arm.image: Provisioning with powershell script: C:\Windows\system32\runner-images\images\windows\templates/../scripts/build/Install-PowerShellModules.ps1 azure-arm.image: Installing DockerMsftProvider module azure-arm.image: Installing MarkdownPS module azure-arm.image: Installing Pester module azure-arm.image: Installing PowerShellGet module azure-arm.image: Installing PSScriptAnalyzer module azure-arm.image: Installing PSWindowsUpdate module azure-arm.image: Installing SqlServer module azure-arm.image: Installing VSSetup module azure-arm.image: Installing Microsoft.Graph module azure-arm.image: Installing AWSPowershell module azure-arm.image: Pester v5.5.0 azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Starting discovery in 1 files. azure-arm.image: Discovery found 10 tests in 1.02s. azure-arm.image: Filter 'FullName' set to ('PowerShellModules'). azure-arm.image: Filters selected 10 tests to run. azure-arm.image: Running tests. azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Running tests from 'C:\image\tests\PowerShellModules.Tests.ps1' azure-arm.image: Describing PowerShellModules azure-arm.image: [+] DockerMsftProvider is installed 1.01s (708ms|306ms) azure-arm.image: [+] MarkdownPS is installed 20ms (18ms|1ms) azure-arm.image: [+] Pester is installed 24ms (23ms|1ms) azure-arm.image: [+] PowerShellGet is installed 86ms (85ms|1ms) azure-arm.image: [+] PSScriptAnalyzer is installed 28ms (27ms|1ms) azure-arm.image: [+] PSWindowsUpdate is installed 41ms (40ms|1ms) azure-arm.image: [+] SqlServer is installed 26ms (25ms|1ms) azure-arm.image: [+] VSSetup is installed 32ms (31ms|1ms) azure-arm.image: [+] Microsoft.Graph is installed 22ms (21ms|1ms) azure-arm.image: [+] AWSPowershell is installed 12.38s (12.37s|1ms) azure-arm.image: Tests completed in 17.85s azure-arm.image: Tests Passed: 10, Failed: 0, Skipped: 0 NotRun: 0 ==> azure-arm.image: Provisioning with powershell script: C:\Windows\system32\runner-images\images\windows\templates/../scripts/build/Install-WindowsFeatures.ps1 azure-arm.image: Activating Windows Feature 'Containers'... azure-arm.image: WARNING: You must restart this server to finish the installation process. azure-arm.image: Windows Feature 'Containers' was activated successfully azure-arm.image: Activating Windows Optional Feature 'Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux'... azure-arm.image: WARNING: Restart is suppressed because NoRestart is specified. azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Path : azure-arm.image: Online : True azure-arm.image: RestartNeeded : True azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Windows Feature 'Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux' was activated successfully azure-arm.image: Activating Windows Optional Feature 'VirtualMachinePlatform'... azure-arm.image: WARNING: Restart is suppressed because NoRestart is specified. azure-arm.image: Path : azure-arm.image: Online : True azure-arm.image: RestartNeeded : True azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Windows Feature 'VirtualMachinePlatform' was activated successfully azure-arm.image: Activating Windows Feature 'NET-Framework-45-Features'... azure-arm.image: WARNING: You must restart this server to finish the installation process. azure-arm.image: Windows Feature 'NET-Framework-45-Features' was activated successfully azure-arm.image: Activating Windows Optional Feature 'Client-ProjFS'... azure-arm.image: WARNING: Restart is suppressed because NoRestart is specified. azure-arm.image: Path : azure-arm.image: Online : True azure-arm.image: RestartNeeded : True azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Windows Feature 'Client-ProjFS' was activated successfully azure-arm.image: Activating Windows Feature 'NET-Framework-Features'... azure-arm.image: WARNING: You must restart this server to finish the installation process. azure-arm.image: Windows Feature 'NET-Framework-Features' was activated successfully azure-arm.image: Activating Windows Feature 'Hyper-V'... azure-arm.image: WARNING: You must restart this server to finish the installation process. azure-arm.image: Windows Feature 'Hyper-V' was activated successfully azure-arm.image: Activating Windows Optional Feature 'HypervisorPlatform'... azure-arm.image: WARNING: Restart is suppressed because NoRestart is specified. azure-arm.image: Path : azure-arm.image: Online : True azure-arm.image: RestartNeeded : True azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Windows Feature 'HypervisorPlatform' was activated successfully azure-arm.image: Activating Windows Feature 'Hyper-V-PowerShell'... azure-arm.image: WARNING: You must restart this server to finish the installation process. azure-arm.image: Windows Feature 'Hyper-V-PowerShell' was activated successfully azure-arm.image: The operation completed successfully. ==> azure-arm.image: Provisioning with powershell script: C:\Windows\system32\runner-images\images\windows\templates/../scripts/build/Install-Chocolatey.ps1 azure-arm.image: Set TLS1.2 azure-arm.image: Install chocolatey azure-arm.image: Downloading package from: to path C:\Users\packer\AppData\Local\Temp\install.ps1. azure-arm.image: Package downloaded successfully in 0.14 seconds azure-arm.image: Signature for C:\Users\packer\AppData\Local\Temp\install.ps1 is valid azure-arm.image: Forcing web requests to allow TLS v1.2 (Required for requests to azure-arm.image: Getting latest version of the Chocolatey package for download. azure-arm.image: Not using proxy. azure-arm.image: Getting Chocolatey from azure-arm.image: Downloading to C:\Users\packer\AppData\Local\Temp\chocolatey\chocoInstall\ azure-arm.image: Not using proxy. azure-arm.image: Extracting C:\Users\packer\AppData\Local\Temp\chocolatey\chocoInstall\ to C:\Users\packer\AppData\Local\Temp\chocolatey\chocoInstall azure-arm.image: Installing Chocolatey on the local machine azure-arm.image: Creating ChocolateyInstall as an environment variable (targeting 'Machine') azure-arm.image: Setting ChocolateyInstall to 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey' azure-arm.image: WARNING: It's very likely you will need to close and reopen your shell azure-arm.image: before you can use choco. azure-arm.image: Restricting write permissions to Administrators azure-arm.image: We are setting up the Chocolatey package repository. azure-arm.image: The packages themselves go to 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib' azure-arm.image: (i.e. C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\yourPackageName). azure-arm.image: A shim file for the command line goes to 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin' azure-arm.image: and points to an executable in 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\yourPackageName'. azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Creating Chocolatey folders if they do not already exist. azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: chocolatey.nupkg file not installed in lib. azure-arm.image: Attempting to locate it from bootstrapper. azure-arm.image: Adding Chocolatey to the profile. This will provide tab completion, refreshenv, etc. azure-arm.image: WARNING: Chocolatey profile installed. Reload your profile - type . $profile azure-arm.image: Chocolatey (choco.exe) is now ready. azure-arm.image: You can call choco from anywhere, command line or powershell by typing choco. azure-arm.image: Run choco /? for a list of functions. azure-arm.image: You may need to shut down and restart powershell and/or consoles azure-arm.image: first prior to using choco. azure-arm.image: Ensuring Chocolatey commands are on the path azure-arm.image: Ensuring chocolatey.nupkg is in the lib folder azure-arm.image: Chocolatey v2.2.2 azure-arm.image: 3 validations performed. 2 success(es), 1 warning(s), and 0 error(s). azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Validation Warnings: azure-arm.image: - A pending system reboot request has been detected, however, this is azure-arm.image: being ignored due to the current command being used 'feature'. azure-arm.image: It is recommended that you reboot at your earliest convenience. azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Enabled allowGlobalConfirmation azure-arm.image: C:\tools ==> azure-arm.image: Provisioning with powershell script: C:\Windows\system32\runner-images\images\windows\templates/../scripts/build/Configure-BaseImage.ps1 azure-arm.image: Disable Server Manager on Logon azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: TaskPath TaskName State azure-arm.image: -------- -------- ----- azure-arm.image: \Microsoft\Windows\Server Manager\ ServerManager Disabled azure-arm.image: Disable 'Allow your PC to be discoverable by other PCs' popup azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Property : {} azure-arm.image: PSPath : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Network\NewNetw azure-arm.image: orkWindowOff azure-arm.image: PSParentPath : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Network azure-arm.image: PSChildName : NewNetworkWindowOff azure-arm.image: PSDrive : HKLM azure-arm.image: PSProvider : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry azure-arm.image: PSIsContainer : True azure-arm.image: SubKeyCount : 0 azure-arm.image: View : Default azure-arm.image: Handle : Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeRegistryHandle azure-arm.image: ValueCount : 0 azure-arm.image: Name : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Network\NewNetworkWindowOff azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Disable Windows Update Medic Service azure-arm.image: Disable Windows Update azure-arm.image: Disabled Windows Update azure-arm.image: Disable UAC azure-arm.image: User Access Control (UAC) has been disabled. azure-arm.image: Disable IE Welcome Screen azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Property : {(default)} azure-arm.image: PSPath : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet azure-arm.image: Explorer\Main azure-arm.image: PSParentPath : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer azure-arm.image: PSChildName : Main azure-arm.image: PSDrive : HKLM azure-arm.image: PSProvider : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry azure-arm.image: PSIsContainer : True azure-arm.image: SubKeyCount : 0 azure-arm.image: View : Default azure-arm.image: Handle : Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeRegistryHandle azure-arm.image: ValueCount : 1 azure-arm.image: Name : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Disabled IE Welcome screen azure-arm.image: Disable IE ESC azure-arm.image: IE Enhanced Security Configuration (ESC) has been disabled. azure-arm.image: Setting local execution policy azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Scope : MachinePolicy azure-arm.image: ExecutionPolicy : Undefined azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Scope : UserPolicy azure-arm.image: ExecutionPolicy : Undefined azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Scope : Process azure-arm.image: ExecutionPolicy : Unrestricted azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Scope : CurrentUser azure-arm.image: ExecutionPolicy : Undefined azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Scope : LocalMachine azure-arm.image: ExecutionPolicy : Unrestricted azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Enable long path behavior azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: DriveLetter : azure-arm.image: SizeRemaining : 487639040 azure-arm.image: Size : 524287488 azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: DriveLetter : C azure-arm.image: SizeRemaining : 260623024128 azure-arm.image: Size : 274351517696 azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: DriveLetter : D azure-arm.image: SizeRemaining : 65530228736 azure-arm.image: Size : 68717375488 azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: DriveLetter : E azure-arm.image: SizeRemaining : 0 azure-arm.image: Size : 0 azure-arm.image: ==> azure-arm.image: Provisioning with powershell script: C:\Windows\system32\runner-images\images\windows\templates/../scripts/build/Configure-ImageDataFile.ps1 ==> azure-arm.image: Provisioning with powershell script: C:\Windows\system32\runner-images\images\windows\templates/../scripts/build/Configure-SystemEnvironment.ps1 ==> azure-arm.image: Provisioning with powershell script: C:\Windows\system32\runner-images\images\windows\templates/../scripts/build/Configure-DotnetSecureChannel.ps1 ==> azure-arm.image: Restarting Machine ==> azure-arm.image: Waiting for machine to restart... azure-arm.image: pkrvm0055ltq9yx restarted. ==> azure-arm.image: #< CLIXML ==> azure-arm.image: System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObjectSystem.Object1Preparing modules for first use.0-1-1Completed-1 1Preparing modules for first use.0-1-1Completed-1 azure-arm.image: False ==> azure-arm.image: #< CLIXML ==> azure-arm.image: System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObjectSystem.Object1Preparing modules for first use.0-1-1Completed-1 1Preparing modules for first use.0-1-1Completed-1 azure-arm.image: False ==> azure-arm.image: #< CLIXML ==> azure-arm.image: System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObjectSystem.Object1Preparing modules for first use.0-1-1Completed-1 1Preparing modules for first use.0-1-1Completed-1 azure-arm.image: False ==> azure-arm.image: #< CLIXML ==> azure-arm.image: System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObjectSystem.Object1Preparing modules for first use.0-1-1Completed-1 1Preparing modules for first use.0-1-1Completed-1 ==> azure-arm.image: Machine successfully restarted, moving on ==> azure-arm.image: Provisioning with Powershell... ==> azure-arm.image: Provisioning with powershell script: C:\Windows\system32\runner-images\images\windows\templates/../scripts/build/Install-Docker.ps1 azure-arm.image: Get latest Moby release azure-arm.image: Check Moby version 25.0.3 azure-arm.image: Install Moby azure-arm.image: Downloading package from: to path C:\Users\packer\AppData\Local\Temp\ azure-arm.image: Package downloaded successfully in 0.2 seconds azure-arm.image: Install Docker CE azure-arm.image: Downloading package from: to path C:\Users\packer\AppData\Local\Temp\install-docker-ce.ps1. azure-arm.image: Package downloaded successfully in 0.11 seconds azure-arm.image: Querying status of Windows feature: Containers... azure-arm.image: Feature Containers is already enabled. azure-arm.image: DOCKER C:\Users\packer\AppData\Local\Temp\docker\docker.exe azure-arm.image: Installing Docker... C:\Users\packer\AppData\Local\Temp\docker\docker.exe azure-arm.image: Installing Docker daemon... C:\Users\packer\AppData\Local\Temp\docker\dockerd.exe azure-arm.image: Configuring the docker service... azure-arm.image: Waiting for Docker daemon... azure-arm.image: Successfully connected to Docker Daemon. azure-arm.image: The following images are present on this machine: azure-arm.image: REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Script complete! azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Directory: C:\Windows\SysWOW64 azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Mode LastWriteTime Length Name azure-arm.image: ---- ------------- ------ ---- azure-arm.image: -a---l 3/7/2024 8:18 AM 0 docker.exe azure-arm.image: Download docker images azure-arm.image: Pulling docker image ... azure-arm.image: ltsc2022: Pulling from windows/servercore azure-arm.image: d7662b0a97ab: Pulling fs layer azure-arm.image: 4abd29fcbfc5: Pulling fs layer azure-arm.image: 4abd29fcbfc5: Verifying Checksum azure-arm.image: 4abd29fcbfc5: Download complete azure-arm.image: d7662b0a97ab: Verifying Checksum azure-arm.image: d7662b0a97ab: Download complete azure-arm.image: d7662b0a97ab: Pull complete azure-arm.image: 4abd29fcbfc5: Pull complete azure-arm.image: Digest: sha256:8a75266be74ad7a904470e18057f6fd62055cf7028172307fefc67aff37dfd10 azure-arm.image: Status: Downloaded newer image for azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Pulling docker image ... azure-arm.image: ltsc2022: Pulling from windows/nanoserver azure-arm.image: 0de484043f12: Pulling fs layer azure-arm.image: 0de484043f12: Verifying Checksum azure-arm.image: 0de484043f12: Download complete azure-arm.image: 0de484043f12: Pull complete azure-arm.image: Digest: sha256:64b22e42a69ebcdb86e49bf50780b64156431a508f7f06ac3050c71920fe57b7 azure-arm.image: Status: Downloaded newer image for azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Pulling docker image ... azure-arm.image: 4.8-windowsservercore-ltsc2022: Pulling from dotnet/framework/aspnet azure-arm.image: 7c76e5cf7755: Already exists azure-arm.image: 855fa6b82f2f: Already exists azure-arm.image: a5ecf2655d60: Pulling fs layer azure-arm.image: 637c37acdc4a: Pulling fs layer azure-arm.image: 20bdc26ceef2: Pulling fs layer azure-arm.image: 3cbdc0991d75: Pulling fs layer azure-arm.image: 92a7fa39df44: Pulling fs layer azure-arm.image: daf7fe697200: Pulling fs layer azure-arm.image: 2f24c95a35ed: Pulling fs layer azure-arm.image: 0b3d7d4db539: Pulling fs layer azure-arm.image: daf7fe697200: Waiting azure-arm.image: 0b3d7d4db539: Waiting azure-arm.image: 2f24c95a35ed: Waiting azure-arm.image: 92a7fa39df44: Waiting azure-arm.image: 3cbdc0991d75: Waiting azure-arm.image: a5ecf2655d60: Download complete azure-arm.image: 20bdc26ceef2: Verifying Checksum azure-arm.image: 20bdc26ceef2: Download complete azure-arm.image: a5ecf2655d60: Pull complete azure-arm.image: 92a7fa39df44: Verifying Checksum azure-arm.image: 92a7fa39df44: Download complete azure-arm.image: 637c37acdc4a: Verifying Checksum azure-arm.image: 637c37acdc4a: Download complete azure-arm.image: 2f24c95a35ed: Verifying Checksum azure-arm.image: 2f24c95a35ed: Download complete azure-arm.image: 3cbdc0991d75: Verifying Checksum azure-arm.image: 3cbdc0991d75: Download complete azure-arm.image: 0b3d7d4db539: Download complete azure-arm.image: daf7fe697200: Verifying Checksum azure-arm.image: daf7fe697200: Download complete azure-arm.image: 637c37acdc4a: Pull complete azure-arm.image: 20bdc26ceef2: Pull complete azure-arm.image: 3cbdc0991d75: Pull complete azure-arm.image: 92a7fa39df44: Pull complete azure-arm.image: daf7fe697200: Pull complete azure-arm.image: 2f24c95a35ed: Pull complete azure-arm.image: 0b3d7d4db539: Pull complete azure-arm.image: Digest: sha256:59926d7692cac2c349bd6f320d24bd9dbaeb7818a9c2c5f81b6d416b5a89789e azure-arm.image: Status: Downloaded newer image for azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Pulling docker image ... azure-arm.image: 4.8-windowsservercore-ltsc2022: Pulling from dotnet/framework/runtime azure-arm.image: 7c76e5cf7755: Already exists azure-arm.image: 855fa6b82f2f: Already exists azure-arm.image: a5ecf2655d60: Already exists azure-arm.image: 637c37acdc4a: Already exists azure-arm.image: Digest: sha256:6e6e681d5bf0040611844b2b3f385afc0a44fbc06d258ab51979d04133f14c98 azure-arm.image: Status: Downloaded newer image for azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Pulling docker image ... azure-arm.image: 4.8-windowsservercore-ltsc2022: Pulling from dotnet/framework/sdk azure-arm.image: 7c76e5cf7755: Already exists azure-arm.image: 855fa6b82f2f: Already exists azure-arm.image: a5ecf2655d60: Already exists azure-arm.image: 637c37acdc4a: Already exists azure-arm.image: 70b207bf659c: Pulling fs layer azure-arm.image: 0b3641e98212: Pulling fs layer azure-arm.image: a06a1d6188e2: Pulling fs layer azure-arm.image: 8609e6cd07c8: Pulling fs layer azure-arm.image: 03c6d0ac75db: Pulling fs layer azure-arm.image: 8609e6cd07c8: Waiting azure-arm.image: 03c6d0ac75db: Waiting azure-arm.image: 0b3641e98212: Verifying Checksum azure-arm.image: 0b3641e98212: Download complete azure-arm.image: 8609e6cd07c8: Download complete azure-arm.image: 70b207bf659c: Verifying Checksum azure-arm.image: 70b207bf659c: Download complete azure-arm.image: 70b207bf659c: Pull complete azure-arm.image: 0b3641e98212: Pull complete azure-arm.image: 03c6d0ac75db: Verifying Checksum azure-arm.image: 03c6d0ac75db: Download complete azure-arm.image: a06a1d6188e2: Verifying Checksum azure-arm.image: a06a1d6188e2: Download complete azure-arm.image: a06a1d6188e2: Pull complete azure-arm.image: 8609e6cd07c8: Pull complete azure-arm.image: 03c6d0ac75db: Pull complete azure-arm.image: Digest: sha256:8ad2a6294e31cd60c794874e0a163b02664e09e7e62351083178fbe0c9ab122a azure-arm.image: Status: Downloaded newer image for azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Pester v5.5.0 azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Starting discovery in 1 files. azure-arm.image: Discovery found 11 tests in 1.04s. azure-arm.image: Filter 'FullName' set to ('Docker'). azure-arm.image: Filters selected 3 tests to run. azure-arm.image: Running tests. azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Running tests from 'C:\image\tests\Docker.Tests.ps1' azure-arm.image: Describing Docker azure-arm.image: [+] docker is installed 909ms (659ms|250ms) azure-arm.image: [+] docker service is up 44ms (43ms|1ms) azure-arm.image: [+] docker symlink 42ms (41ms|1ms) azure-arm.image: Tests completed in 5.11s azure-arm.image: Tests Passed: 3, Failed: 0, Skipped: 0 NotRun: 8 azure-arm.image: Pester v5.5.0 azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Starting discovery in 1 files. azure-arm.image: Discovery found 11 tests in 11ms. azure-arm.image: Filter 'FullName' set to ('DockerImages'). azure-arm.image: Filters selected 5 tests to run. azure-arm.image: Running tests. azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Running tests from 'C:\image\tests\Docker.Tests.ps1' azure-arm.image: Describing DockerImages azure-arm.image: Context docker images azure-arm.image: [+] 117ms (105ms|12ms) azure-arm.image: [+] 34ms (33ms|1ms) azure-arm.image: [+] 99ms (98ms|1ms) azure-arm.image: [+] 40ms (38ms|2ms) azure-arm.image: [+] 37ms (35ms|2ms) azure-arm.image: Tests completed in 405ms azure-arm.image: Tests Passed: 5, Failed: 0, Skipped: 0 NotRun: 6 ==> azure-arm.image: Provisioning with powershell script: C:\Windows\system32\runner-images\images\windows\templates/../scripts/build/Install-DockerWinCred.ps1 azure-arm.image: Install docker-wincred azure-arm.image: Downloading package from: to path C:\Windows\System32\docker-credential-wincred.exe. azure-arm.image: Package downloaded successfully in 0.59 seconds azure-arm.image: C:\Windows\System32\docker-credential-wincred.exe azure-arm.image: Pester v5.5.0 azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Starting discovery in 1 files. azure-arm.image: Discovery found 11 tests in 1.09s. azure-arm.image: Filter 'FullName' set to ('DockerWinCred'). azure-arm.image: Filters selected 1 tests to run. azure-arm.image: Running tests. azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Running tests from 'C:\image\tests\Docker.Tests.ps1' azure-arm.image: Describing DockerWinCred azure-arm.image: [+] docker-wincred 908ms (656ms|252ms) azure-arm.image: Tests completed in 5.16s azure-arm.image: Tests Passed: 1, Failed: 0, Skipped: 0 NotRun: 10 ==> azure-arm.image: Provisioning with powershell script: C:\Windows\system32\runner-images\images\windows\templates/../scripts/build/Install-DockerCompose.ps1 azure-arm.image: Install-Package Docker-Compose v1 azure-arm.image: Running [#1]: choco install docker-compose -y --version=1.29.2 azure-arm.image: Chocolatey v2.2.2 azure-arm.image: 3 validations performed. 2 success(es), 1 warning(s), and 0 error(s). azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Validation Warnings: azure-arm.image: - A pending system reboot request has been detected, however, this is azure-arm.image: being ignored due to the current Chocolatey configuration. If you azure-arm.image: want to halt when this occurs, then either set the global feature azure-arm.image: using: azure-arm.image: choco feature enable --name="exitOnRebootDetected" azure-arm.image: or pass the option --exit-when-reboot-detected. azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Installing the following packages: azure-arm.image: docker-compose azure-arm.image: By installing, you accept licenses for the packages. azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: docker-compose v1.29.2 [Approved] azure-arm.image: docker-compose package files install completed. Performing other installation steps. azure-arm.image: Downloading docker-compose 64 bit azure-arm.image: from '' azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Download of docker-compose.exe (9.96 MB) completed. azure-arm.image: Hashes match. azure-arm.image: C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\docker-compose\tools\docker-compose.exe azure-arm.image: ShimGen has successfully created a shim for docker-compose.exe azure-arm.image: The install of docker-compose was successful. azure-arm.image: Software install location not explicitly set, it could be in package or azure-arm.image: default install location of installer. azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Chocolatey installed 1/1 packages. azure-arm.image: See the log for details (C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\logs\chocolatey.log). azure-arm.image: Package installed: docker-compose|1.29.2 azure-arm.image: Install-Package Docker-Compose v2 azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Directory: C:\ProgramData\docker azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Mode LastWriteTime Length Name azure-arm.image: ---- ------------- ------ ---- azure-arm.image: d----- 3/7/2024 8:25 AM cli-plugins azure-arm.image: Downloading package from: to path C:\ProgramData\docker\cli-plugins\docker-compose.exe. azure-arm.image: Package downloaded successfully in 0.59 seconds azure-arm.image: C:\ProgramData\docker\cli-plugins\docker-compose.exe azure-arm.image: Pester v5.5.0 azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Starting discovery in 1 files. azure-arm.image: Discovery found 11 tests in 1.1s. azure-arm.image: Filter 'FullName' set to ('DockerCompose'). azure-arm.image: Filters selected 2 tests to run. azure-arm.image: Running tests. azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Running tests from 'C:\image\tests\Docker.Tests.ps1' azure-arm.image: Describing DockerCompose azure-arm.image: [+] docker-compose is installed 1.44s (1.19s|252ms) azure-arm.image: [+] docker compose v2 217ms (216ms|1ms) azure-arm.image: Tests completed in 5.91s azure-arm.image: Tests Passed: 2, Failed: 0, Skipped: 0 NotRun: 9 ==> azure-arm.image: Provisioning with powershell script: C:\Windows\system32\runner-images\images\windows\templates/../scripts/build/Install-PowershellCore.ps1 azure-arm.image: Downloading package from: to path C:\Users\packer\AppData\Local\Temp\fq5qfeps.msi. azure-arm.image: Package downloaded successfully in 0.81 seconds azure-arm.image: No arguments provided for MSI binary. Using default arguments: /i, /qn, /norestart azure-arm.image: Starting Install ... azure-arm.image: Installation successful in 10.26 seconds azure-arm.image: Pester v5.5.0 azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Starting discovery in 1 files. azure-arm.image: Discovery found 46 tests in 1.18s. azure-arm.image: Filter 'FullName' set to ('PowerShell Core'). azure-arm.image: Filters selected 2 tests to run. azure-arm.image: Running tests. azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Running tests from 'C:\image\tests\Tools.Tests.ps1' azure-arm.image: Describing PowerShell Core azure-arm.image: [+] pwsh 1.05s (794ms|253ms) azure-arm.image: [+] Execute 2+2 command 546ms (545ms|1ms) azure-arm.image: Tests completed in 5.85s azure-arm.image: Tests Passed: 2, Failed: 0, Skipped: 0 NotRun: 44 ==> azure-arm.image: Provisioning with powershell script: C:\Windows\system32\runner-images\images\windows\templates/../scripts/build/Install-WebPlatformInstaller.ps1 azure-arm.image: Downloading package from: to path C:\Users\packer\AppData\Local\Temp\5szxfykg.msi. azure-arm.image: Package downloaded successfully in 0.17 seconds azure-arm.image: Signature for C:\Users\packer\AppData\Local\Temp\5szxfykg.msi is valid azure-arm.image: No arguments provided for MSI binary. Using default arguments: /i, /qn, /norestart azure-arm.image: Starting Install ... azure-arm.image: Installation successful in 2.04 seconds azure-arm.image: Pester v5.5.0 azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Starting discovery in 1 files. azure-arm.image: Discovery found 46 tests in 1.19s. azure-arm.image: Filter 'FullName' set to ('WebPlatformInstaller'). azure-arm.image: Filters selected 1 tests to run. azure-arm.image: Running tests. azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Running tests from 'C:\image\tests\Tools.Tests.ps1' azure-arm.image: Describing WebPlatformInstaller azure-arm.image: [+] WebPlatformInstaller 1.65s (1.39s|254ms) azure-arm.image: Tests completed in 5.98s azure-arm.image: Tests Passed: 1, Failed: 0, Skipped: 0 NotRun: 45 ==> azure-arm.image: Provisioning with powershell script: C:\Windows\system32\runner-images\images\windows\templates/../scripts/build/Install-Runner.ps1 azure-arm.image: Download latest Runner for GitHub Actions azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Directory: C:\ProgramData azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Mode LastWriteTime Length Name azure-arm.image: ---- ------------- ------ ---- azure-arm.image: d----- 3/7/2024 8:26 AM runner azure-arm.image: Downloading package from: to path C:\ProgramData\runner\ azure-arm.image: Package downloaded successfully in 0.46 seconds azure-arm.image: Pester v5.5.0 azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Starting discovery in 1 files. azure-arm.image: Discovery found 1 tests in 1.02s. azure-arm.image: Running tests. azure-arm.image: azure-arm.image: Running tests from 'C:\image\tests\RunnerCache.Tests.ps1' azure-arm.image: Describing RunnerCache azure-arm.image: Context runner cache directory not empty azure-arm.image: [+] C:\ProgramData\runner 964ms (702ms|262ms) azure-arm.image: Tests completed in 5.11s azure-arm.image: Tests Passed: 1, Failed: 0, Skipped: 0 NotRun: 0 ==> azure-arm.image: Restarting Machine ==> azure-arm.image: Waiting for machine to restart... ==> azure-arm.image: A system shutdown is in progress.(1115) ==> azure-arm.image: #< CLIXML azure-arm.image: pkrvm0055ltq9yx restarted. ==> azure-arm.image: System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObjectSystem.Object1Preparing modules for first use.0-1-1Completed-1 1Preparing modules for first use.0-1-1Completed-1 ==> azure-arm.image: Machine successfully restarted, moving on ==> azure-arm.image: Provisioning with Powershell... ==> azure-arm.image: Provisioning with powershell script: C:\Windows\system32\runner-images\images\windows\templates/../scripts/build/Install-VisualStudio.ps1 azure-arm.image: Downloading Bootstrapper ... azure-arm.image: Downloading package from: to path C:\Users\INSTAL~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vs_Enterprise.exe. azure-arm.image: Package downloaded successfully in 0.58 seconds azure-arm.image: Signature thumbprint do not match expected. azure-arm.image: At C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\ImageHelpers\InstallHelpers.ps1:704 char:9 azure-arm.image: + throw "Signature thumbprint do not match expected." azure-arm.image: + ~~~~~~~~~~~ azure-arm.image: + CategoryInfo : OperationStopped: (Signature thumb...match expected.:String) [], RuntimeException azure-arm.image: + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Signature thumbprint do not match expected. azure-arm.image: ==> azure-arm.image: Script exited with non-zero exit status: 1. Allowed exit codes are: [0 3010] ==> azure-arm.image: Step "StepProvision" failed ==> azure-arm.image: [c] Clean up and exit, [a] abort without cleanup, or [r] retry step (build may fail even if retry succeeds)?

Repro steps

git clone Set-Location runner-images Import-Module .\helpers\GenerateResourcesAndImage.ps1 choco install packer -y

$Tags = @{ "ALIAS" = "RODAV" "TICKET" = "#54139" "RESPONSIBLE" = "RODAV" } $SubscriptionId = az account show --query id --output tsv $ResourceGroupName = "Smart_BC_BuildAgentSet_redeploy2" $AzureLocation = "West Europe" $ImageType = "Windows2022"

GenerateResourcesAndImage -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionId -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -AzureLocation $AzureLocation -ImageType $ImageType -Tags $Tags

erik-bershel commented 6 months ago

Hey @roma-228!

I'm working on this issue. From time to time developers change signature, yes. But this time I don't see those changes. Manually downloaded installers of the Visual Studio have the same signatures as expected. Test builds in progress: windows-2022, windows-2019. If the test runs pass, then we can assume that it was a one-time failure, or you used an outdated version of the repository during generation (although judging by your steps everything should be fine). In general, let's wait for the test build to finish.

roma-228 commented 6 months ago

Hi @erik-bershel ! this is a repeated crash, i've been trying to build the image for 3 days in a row but i get the same error thanks for the help You may still know if your Windows server 2022 image is published publicly on azure

mikhailkoliada commented 6 months ago

It looks like you are not using the main branch to build the image, I see that the exact same step has passed on win22 image build ~10 min ago. According to our documentation we only support building from the main branch. Please make sure that you are using the main branch and your latest repo tip points to the remote repo's HEAD.

BenedekFarkas commented 6 months ago

I just got the same error on the current latest commit of the main branch: aa58a23bf88190d336de66f07c1451baa5c8e79c

@roma-228 is it still failing for you?

BenedekFarkas commented 6 months ago

The official build is failing with the same error:

The part that causes the error (signature thumbprint validation) works on my machine™ though.