active-calculus / active-calculus-vector

Vector calculus materials to accompany Active Calculus Multivariable
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Proofreading and editing #20

Closed mitchkeller closed 4 years ago

mitchkeller commented 4 years ago

@nelong This is a WIP branch/pull request so that you can see what I've got going with editing. I'll add comments here as I push edits. Not ready to merge until there's an update saying so.

mitchkeller commented 4 years ago

I added an aside to the Idea of Line Integral section about other notation for line integrals. Give that a long sometime, @nelong, to make sure I've not lied and that we say what is important to say!

mitchkeller commented 4 years ago

@nelong I have finished the edits to ParamLineIntegrals, other than adding the exercise on changing notations that we discussed on 23 June 2020. The only significant change I made was in Activity 3, where I changed the curve in part (a) and thus the points in part (b). I thought it was more pedagogically sound to not have the line integrals in this activity all work out to 0. I also added a few parts that explicitly ask the students to make connections between the various activities and parts thereof to scaffold what is going to come with FTCLI.