adamchainz / SublimeSuperMultiSelect

Adds a whole lot of multi-select goodness to Sublime Text 2: select previous occurence, select next word, select all blank lines, etc.
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sublime text 3? #1

Open freder opened 9 years ago

freder commented 9 years ago


this seems to be a helpful plugin. unfortunately it doesn't work with sublime text 3. — have you considered porting this to st3?

also, I couldn't find it on (I only found it through googling for like inverse_find_under_expand.)

adamchainz commented 9 years ago

I haven't used this package for a long time actually; when upgrading to ST3 I couldn't be bothered to package everything up neatly and just copied it into my settings. Here's the find_under_prev command:

Now that someone has asked for it though, I might just put it on the package manager :)
