adamzalesak / PV286-Project

Data converter between different formats written in C# (collaborative university project)
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Report review #13

Open Pa3u3u opened 1 year ago

Pa3u3u commented 1 year ago

Hello @adamzalesak, @filiphajek and @xplatk.

Sorry for the delayed project review.

I will use issues for suggestions, problems and improvements. Feel free to comment on any of these issues. This one is dedicated to the report.

On the high level, the report makes sense, but there I have some issues with what is being reported.

The entire review is in the attached PDF file as annotations.


filiphajek commented 1 year ago

Hello, we want to address or explain your concerns/issues.

Of course, we do not want to have 25 classes. But yes we are aware that this should be reported in our pdf much better. We should have explained that this is not a plan for the final deadline .. and yes our code from phase II and report looked like we are going for 25 classes.

Right from the beginning we had an idea that we would be reusing converters (commit '6d058afe097b226e042873dc73c1dddb3ebf6b43') .. just like we are doing now - The reason why we ditch the idea was that we were not sure what would be the best common format, so we agreed to start implementing and come back to this idea later when we would have enough information to use this approach. We were also considering some 'common custom format'. But we agreed that reusing converters will be simpler than implementing our format/representation. We also agreed that there are lots of unknowns so we just start implementing converters basically for every combination and we choose some kind of iteration strategy = let's implement something, get some result, analyze it, and refactor it if needed. The reason why we choose this is that we were not moving towards a successful end before. We eventually were in a situation where we prove to ourselves that reusing converters is the way to go but we agreed that the main focus is to meet the conditions of phase II because the deadline was getting close .. so we implemented the rest of the converters no matter what. We agree that what we submitted was not ideal .. especially the design of using one convertor for one format-to-format combination. But I would not it describe as too bad. At least implementations were separated so that the code was easy to refactor into the current solution. Also from the first commit, the high level of the design was that we would try to separate concerns so that there will always be ArgumentParser, ConvertorFactory, and convertor classes. This design is going to remain. What we changed is that there is a new CommonConvertor which also implements IConverter and takes two existing converters. The first convertor converts the source to bytes and the second one converts to the target format. The converters from phase II remained unchanged, but some converters were deleted, because we did not need them anymore. I think that our bigger mistake was the base converter class. This class does not exist now .. well it is still there only renamed as 'ConvertorDirector' (no longer under the IConvertor interface) which is controlling the flow of reading source stream, checking delimiter, etc. The real conversions implement classes of the IConvertor interface. This interface is passed down to ConvertorDirector from ConvertorFactory. The ConvertorDirector class only calls the IConvertor method ConvertPart when the delimiter appears or there is the end of the stream.

We agreed that we underestimate not just the preparation part but maybe the whole project and that we should take some steps differently. We should not have finished it by the day of the deadline (we should have started sooner). Also, we implement features that we did not have to deliver, we should have focused more on delivering the final codebase design with proper testing. The last thing is that we planned to deliver a product on a hard deadline, not focusing on the first deadline - another mistake.