adeept / adeept_picarpro

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Could not determine default I2C bus for platform #6

Open Nick-Harvey opened 2 years ago

Nick-Harvey commented 2 years ago

Hi there,

I got the Picar Pro and I'm trying to get the webServer running and I get the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/nick/git/adeept_picarpro/server/", line 14, in <module>
    import RPIservo
  File "/home/nick/git/adeept_picarpro/server/", line 17, in <module>
    pwm = Adafruit_PCA9685.PCA9685()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/Adafruit_PCA9685/", line 74, in __init__
    self._device = i2c.get_i2c_device(address, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/Adafruit_GPIO/", line 63, in get_i2c_device
    busnum = get_default_bus()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/Adafruit_GPIO/", line 55, in get_default_bus
    raise RuntimeError('Could not determine default I2C bus for platform.')
RuntimeError: Could not determine default I2C bus for platform.

Additional Setup information

Python version: Python 3.9.2 Package list:

Package                 Version
----------------------- -----------
Adafruit-Blinka         7.2.1
Adafruit-GPIO           1.0.3
Adafruit-PCA9685        1.0.1
Adafruit-PlatformDetect 3.22.1
Adafruit-PureIO         1.1.9
adafruit-python-shell   1.3.3
arandr                  0.1.10
args                    0.1.0
astroid                 2.5.1
asttokens               2.0.4
automationhat           0.2.0
beautifulsoup4          4.9.3
blinker                 1.4
blinkt                  0.1.2
buttonshim              0.0.2
Cap1xxx                 0.1.3
cbor2                   5.4.2.post1
certifi                 2020.6.20
chardet                 4.0.0
click                   7.1.2
clint                   0.5.1
colorama                0.4.4
colorzero               1.1
cryptography            3.3.2
cupshelpers             1.0
dbus-python             1.2.16
Deprecated              1.2.13
distro                  1.5.0
docutils                0.16
drumhat                 0.1.0
envirophat              1.0.0
ExplorerHAT             0.4.2
Flask                   1.1.2
Flask-Cors              3.0.10
fourletterphat          0.1.0
gpiozero                1.6.2
html5lib                1.1
idna                    2.10
imutils                 0.5.4
isort                   5.6.4
itsdangerous            1.1.0
jedi                    0.18.0
Jinja2                  2.11.3
lazy-object-proxy       0.0.0
logilab-common          1.8.1
luma.core               2.3.1
luma.oled               3.8.1
lxml                    4.6.3
MarkupSafe              1.1.1
mccabe                  0.6.1
microdotphat            0.2.1
mote                    0.0.4
motephat                0.0.3
mpu6050-raspberrypi     1.2
mypy                    0.812
mypy-extensions         0.4.3
numpy                   1.19.5
oauthlib                3.1.0
olefile                 0.46
pantilthat              0.0.7
parso                   0.8.1
pexpect                 4.8.0
pgzero                  1.2
phatbeat                0.1.1
pianohat                0.1.0
picamera                1.13
piglow                  1.2.5
pigpio                  1.78
Pillow                  8.1.2
pip                     22.0.4
psutil                  5.8.0
pybase64                1.2.1
pycairo                 1.16.2
pycups                  2.0.1
pyftdi                  0.54.0
pygame                  1.9.6
Pygments                2.7.1
PyGObject               3.38.0
pyinotify               0.9.6
PyJWT                   1.7.1
pylint                  2.7.2
pyOpenSSL               20.0.1
pyserial                3.5b0
pysmbc                  1.0.23
python-apt              2.2.1
pyusb                   1.2.1
pyzmq                   22.3.0
rainbowhat              0.1.0
reportlab               3.5.59
requests                2.25.1
requests-oauthlib       1.0.0
responses               0.12.1
roman                   2.0.0
RPi.GPIO                0.7.0
rpi-ws281x              4.3.4
RTIMULib                7.2.1
scrollphat              0.0.7
scrollphathd            1.2.1
Send2Trash              1.6.0b1
sense-hat               2.2.0
setuptools              62.1.0
simplejson              3.17.2
six                     1.16.0
skywriter               0.0.7
smbus2                  0.4.1
sn3218                  1.2.7
soupsieve               2.2.1
spidev                  3.5
ssh-import-id           5.10
sysv-ipc                1.1.0
thonny                  3.3.14
toml                    0.10.1
touchphat               0.0.1
twython                 3.8.2
typed-ast               1.4.2
unicornhathd            0.0.4
urllib3                 1.26.5
webencodings            0.5.1
websockets              10.3
Werkzeug                1.0.1
wheel                   0.34.2
wrapt                   1.12.1
zmq                     0.0.0

A quick google search says that this is using a deprecated Adafruit_Python_GPIO library and this error keeps you from getting past the first few steps of the build.

adeept commented 2 years ago

Hello, It may be a problem with the version of the Raspberry Pi image file. Please try the following two methods:

  1. Download Raspberry Pi OS (Legacy): Raspberry Pi official description of the Raspberry Pi OS (Legacy):

  2. Download the previous Raspberry Pi version, Raspberry Pi image file (2021-5-07) download address:


Technical Support @.***

On 4/24/2022 00:43,Nick @.***> wrote:

Hi there, I got the Picar Pro and I'm trying to get the webServer running and I get the following error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/nick/git/adeept_picarpro/server/", line 14, in import RPIservo File "/home/nick/git/adeept_picarpro/server/", line 17, in pwm = Adafruit_PCA9685.PCA9685() File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/Adafruit_PCA9685/", line 74, in init self._device = i2c.get_i2c_device(address, **kwargs) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/Adafruit_GPIO/", line 63, in get_i2c_device busnum = get_default_bus() File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/Adafruit_GPIO/", line 55, in get_default_bus raise RuntimeError('Could not determine default I2C bus for platform.') RuntimeError: Could not determine default I2C bus for platform. Additional Setup information Python version: Python 3.9.2 Package list: Package Version

Adafruit-Blinka 7.2.1 Adafruit-GPIO 1.0.3 Adafruit-PCA9685 1.0.1 Adafruit-PlatformDetect 3.22.1 Adafruit-PureIO 1.1.9 adafruit-python-shell 1.3.3 arandr 0.1.10 args 0.1.0 astroid 2.5.1 asttokens 2.0.4 automationhat 0.2.0 beautifulsoup4 4.9.3 blinker 1.4 blinkt 0.1.2 buttonshim 0.0.2 Cap1xxx 0.1.3 cbor2 5.4.2.post1 certifi 2020.6.20 chardet 4.0.0 click 7.1.2 clint 0.5.1 colorama 0.4.4 colorzero 1.1 cryptography 3.3.2 cupshelpers 1.0 dbus-python 1.2.16 Deprecated 1.2.13 distro 1.5.0 docutils 0.16 drumhat 0.1.0 envirophat 1.0.0 ExplorerHAT 0.4.2 Flask 1.1.2 Flask-Cors 3.0.10 fourletterphat 0.1.0 gpiozero 1.6.2 html5lib 1.1 idna 2.10 imutils 0.5.4 isort 5.6.4 itsdangerous 1.1.0 jedi 0.18.0 Jinja2 2.11.3 lazy-object-proxy 0.0.0 logilab-common 1.8.1 luma.core 2.3.1 luma.oled 3.8.1 lxml 4.6.3 MarkupSafe 1.1.1 mccabe 0.6.1 microdotphat 0.2.1 mote 0.0.4 motephat 0.0.3 mpu6050-raspberrypi 1.2 mypy 0.812 mypy-extensions 0.4.3 numpy 1.19.5 oauthlib 3.1.0 olefile 0.46 pantilthat 0.0.7 parso 0.8.1 pexpect 4.8.0 pgzero 1.2 phatbeat 0.1.1 pianohat 0.1.0 picamera 1.13 piglow 1.2.5 pigpio 1.78 Pillow 8.1.2 pip 22.0.4 psutil 5.8.0 pybase64 1.2.1 pycairo 1.16.2 pycups 2.0.1 pyftdi 0.54.0 pygame 1.9.6 Pygments 2.7.1 PyGObject 3.38.0 pyinotify 0.9.6 PyJWT 1.7.1 pylint 2.7.2 pyOpenSSL 20.0.1 pyserial 3.5b0 pysmbc 1.0.23 python-apt 2.2.1 pyusb 1.2.1 pyzmq 22.3.0 rainbowhat 0.1.0 reportlab 3.5.59 requests 2.25.1 requests-oauthlib 1.0.0 responses 0.12.1 roman 2.0.0 RPi.GPIO 0.7.0 rpi-ws281x 4.3.4 RTIMULib 7.2.1 scrollphat 0.0.7 scrollphathd 1.2.1 Send2Trash 1.6.0b1 sense-hat 2.2.0 setuptools 62.1.0 simplejson 3.17.2 six 1.16.0 skywriter 0.0.7 smbus2 0.4.1 sn3218 1.2.7 soupsieve 2.2.1 spidev 3.5 ssh-import-id 5.10 sysv-ipc 1.1.0 thonny 3.3.14 toml 0.10.1 touchphat 0.0.1 twython 3.8.2 typed-ast 1.4.2 typing-extensions unicornhathd 0.0.4 urllib3 1.26.5 webencodings 0.5.1 websockets 10.3 Werkzeug 1.0.1 wheel 0.34.2 wrapt 1.12.1 zmq 0.0.0 A quick google search says that this is using a deprecated Adafruit_Python_GPIO library and this error keeps you from getting past the first few steps of the build. — Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe. You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread.Message ID: @.***>

Nekkit commented 1 year ago

I have the same problem. Picar pro bought in September 22, with a RPI 4b.

Installed the official RPI OS tried the legacy and non legacy and didn't solve the problem

Did you manage to fix it? If so how?

SOLVED: by using the 2021 os image. But now new issue, webserver not runing automatically in background

adeept commented 1 year ago

Hello, This is due to the incompatibility between the Raspberry Pi image file and some dependent libraries. Please download and burn the Raspberry Pi OS (Legacy) according to the content "Method one" in the link below, then configure SSH and WiFi, and run the program after downloading the product code. Link:


Technical Support @.***

---- Replied Message ---- From @.>Date 9/4/2022 10:00To @.>Cc @.> , @.>Subject Re: [adeept/adeept_picarpro] Could not determine default I2C bus for platform (Issue #6)

I have the same problem. Picar pro bought in September 22, with a RPI 4b. Installed the official RPI OS tried the legacy and non legacy and didn't solve the problem — Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe. You are receiving this because you commented.Message ID: @.***>