adityapattiyeri / home-remote

An EspHome based remote control for Home Assistant
Apache License 2.0
74 stars 1 forks source link


I have used the FireBeetle ESP32 board along with a LiPo cell to power the device. Modify the code to fit your needs.

Recent changes

  1. Added battery monitoring
  2. Added WiFi singal strength indicator
  3. Added battery charging indicator
  4. Added auto sleep feature

Future goals

  1. Case
  2. Custom PCB design
  3. Wireless charging


I have added subtitutions for all the entities so that it is much easier to get everything up and running. The remote currently consists of 3 pages: Lights, Home page and Media. Edit the entitiy ids to suit your setup.


Currently you can add 4 lights.


#Entity ids for lights
  light_1: light.bedroom_lamp 
  light_2: light.bathroom_bulb 
  light_3: light.kitchen_bulb 
  light_4: light.living_room_bulb
#Titles for lights
  light_1_title: Bedroom 
  light_2_title: Bathroom 
  light_3_title: Kitchen 
  light_4_title: Livingroom    


Add a temprature sensor and weather enitiy. The scenes are handled by an input select that contains all the scenes.


#Home page
  temprature_sensor: sensor.bathroom_temperature 
  weather: weather.home 

  scenes: input_select.scenes


Almost any media player in home assistant should work.


  media: media_player.adityas_bedroom


Place all the fonts in "fonts" folder inside the esphome folder.



I have used the internal pull-up feature of the ESP32 to minimise the number of components and the complexity of the circuit. Connect one end of the button to ground and the other end to the corresponding pin.

23 Up
27 Down
25 Right
19 Left
26 Ok
03 Home
18 Lights
13 Media
36 Battery voltage
14 Battery charging

Pressing the 'Ok' button wakes up the device and long pressing the 'Home' button puts the device to sleep.


I have used a 1000 mAh LiPo battery directly connected to the FireBeetle board. The board comes with built in battery protection circuit. Connect a potential divider of value 100K and 220K to the battery to read battery voltage. The charger pin can be connected to pin 14 to read the charging state.


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