adlnet / xAPIWrapper

Wrapper to simplify communication to an LRS
Apache License 2.0
214 stars 114 forks source link

NPM module #67

Open lastmjs opened 8 years ago

lastmjs commented 8 years ago

Is this repo up on NPM? I'm not able to find it, it would be nice to npm install

davewallace commented 7 years ago

I see this is on npm now, but when I add it to my package.json and run npm install I have an unmet dependency on xapi-plugins which is not hosted on npm.

creighton commented 7 years ago

I don't think that npm module is for this project. The one I found on npm pointed to , which looks like a stock trading script.

zpetterd commented 7 years ago

I've converted it over to a Node module, I still need to develop so comprehensive tests before merging it back into this repo.

You can install it using npm install

It will also attach to the window if not imported using Node JS, instead including as <script> directly from source

ljwolford commented 7 years ago

Have there been any updates to a completed node module with tests?

oliverfoster commented 5 years ago

Is this really not available as a server-side node module? (edited)

timofeysie commented 5 years ago

It looks like there are two npm packages with a quick serach: This one: And one for node:

@oliverfoster how will you be using the package? In node, or a front end app like Angular/React/Vue?

oliverfoster commented 5 years ago

I want to use the nice statement api in node, server side, as an installable node module.

I made xapiwrapper-node from xapiwrapper by creating a shim for the browser apis which the module mostly unnecessarily depends on.

(^ I did this so that I could easily merge changes from the original repo, isolate the browser-only dependencies and as a quick test to see if it would work - it does, beautifully)

I say it mostly unnecessarily depends on the browser APIs because the xapi-launch module uses MutationObserver to listen for a settings DOM node - which seems to be a major part of its primary use-case.

From my work it seems possible to change the library to UMD and provide a cross environment implementation of XMLHttpRequest, a url parser and a globals object, etc - putting xapi-launch aside for the moment - this would mean that both browser and server-side developers could use this module to communicate with the LRS.

oliverfoster commented 5 years ago

If we can get agreement that this work is worth doing and if i can confirm that a PR would be accepted, I'll happily submit one.

davewallace commented 5 years ago

It's definitely worth doing

oliverfoster commented 5 years ago

@davewallace could i have your thoughts on these prs and their associated issues?







They are bits and piece which came out of #126 and are to help with intellisense and node support along with general bug fixes and best practise updates.

zrisha commented 4 years ago

Any chance of keeping the npm module up to date?