Just wanted to ask about an error I get while processing a nanopore dRNA fast5 file:
── Started tailfindr (version 1.3) ─────────────────────────────────────────────
☰ You have configured tailfindr as following:
❯ fast5_dir: /data/gpfs/projects/punim1068/data/direct_RNA/Calu/Calu_24hpi_I_1_fast5/output/fast5/workspace/fast5_skip/0
❯ save_dir: /data/gpfs/projects/punim1068/data/direct_RNA/Calu/Calu_24hpi_I_1_fast5/output/fast5/workspace/fast5_skip/0
❯ csv_filename: tails.csv
❯ num_cores: 4
❯ basecall_group: Basecall_1D_001
❯ save_plots: FALSE
❯ plot_debug_traces: FALSE
❯ plotting_library: rbokeh
── Processing started at 2022-09-26 08:12:02 ───────────────────────────────────
• Searching for all Fast5 files...
Done! Found 1 Fast5 files.
• Analyzing a single Fast5 file to assess if your data
is in an acceptable format...
✔ The data has been basecalled using Guppy.
✔ Flipflop model was used during basecalling.
✔ Every read is in a single fast5 file of its own.
✔ The experiment type is RNA, so we will search
for poly(A) tails.
✔ The reads are 1D reads.
• Starting a parallel compute cluster...
• Searching for Poly(A) tails...
Processing chunk 1 of 1
| | 0%
|======================================================================| 100%
• Formatting the tail data...
Error in round(result$tail_length, digits = 2) :
non-numeric argument to mathematical function
Calls: find_tails
In addition: Warning messages:
1: `cols` is now required when using unnest().
Please use `cols = c()`
2: In rm(polya_fastq) : object 'polya_fastq' not found
3: Unknown or uninitialised column: `tail_length`.
Execution halted
Could you please help me identify what I might be doing wrong here?
Thank you so much for this amazing tool!
Just wanted to ask about an error I get while processing a nanopore dRNA fast5 file:
Could you please help me identify what I might be doing wrong here?
Thank you in advance :)