adomasb / sankeyNshiny

Just for testing sankey diagram on shiny
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Sankey + Shiny #1

Open sanchez5674 opened 10 years ago

sanchez5674 commented 10 years ago


Sorry to bother you but I'm having some issues including a Sankey plot into a Shiny app. I believe you succeeded at doing that so I was wondering if you could share the code.

Thanks in advance.


adomasb commented 10 years ago


I had some problems. Eventually I went from rCharts Sankeys to ggVis sankeys, which doesn't conflict with anything. What problems do you have?

sanchez5674 commented 10 years ago


I took this piece of code from someone else to see if it would work:

require(shiny) require(rjson)

links <- matrix(unlist( rjson::fromJSON( file = "" )$links ),ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)

nodes <- unlist( rjson::fromJSON( file = "" )$nodes )

links <- data.frame(links)

colnames(links) <- c("source", "target", "value")

links$source <- sapply(links$source, FUN = function(x) {return(as.character(nodes[x+1]))}) #x+1 since js starts at 0

links$target <- sapply(links$target, FUN = function(x) {return(nodes[x+1])}) #x+1 since js starts at 0

runApp(list( ui = pageWithSidebar( headerPanel('Test'), sidebarPanel( 'Test' ), mainPanel( showOutput('sankey', 'd3_sankey') ) ), server = function(input, output, session){

output$Plot <-  renderChart2({
sankeyPlot2 <- rCharts$new()

  data = links,
  nodeWidth = 15,
  nodePadding = 10,
  layout = 32,
  width = 960,
  height = 500,
  units = "TWh",
  title = "Sankey Diagram"

}) } ))

I have copied the 'd3_sankey' directory to my root directory but eventhough the app "runs", the plot does not appear.

I was also thinking about moving to ggVis but it is not as colorful. Also, I like the tooltip feature in rCharts.

By the way, thanks for the VERY fast reply :)


adomasb commented 9 years ago

Just first reply was fast :) ... I am sorry, I don't have enough time recently to reproduce good example with sankey and shiny. However, if you are not satisfied with googleVis visualizations (I would be honest -- I am not too) even though they are more stable and easily created, I suggest you to check this blog post: . I haven't tried it inside shiny but I think is gonna work better than rCharts. Most important -- output looks much more better than googleVis. Moreover, that d3network library has few very cool network graphs which could be used in many different approaches. Hope it helped a little.

sanchez5674 commented 9 years ago


I was able to get rCharts shankey + shiny to work. In any case, I think the d3network implementation makes it much simpler. Thanks for the info!