adonisjs / lucid

AdonisJS SQL ORM. Supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, MSSQL, Redshift, SQLite and many more
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Clone method removes preloads #1033

Open enixsoft opened 4 weeks ago

enixsoft commented 4 weeks ago

Package version

├── @adonisjs/assembler@7.6.1 ├── @adonisjs/core@6.9.0 ├── @adonisjs/eslint-config@1.3.0 ├── @adonisjs/lucid@20.6.0 ├── @adonisjs/prettier-config@1.3.0 ├── @adonisjs/tsconfig@1.3.0 ├── @japa/assert@3.0.0 ├── @japa/plugin-adonisjs@3.0.1 ├── @japa/runner@3.1.4 ├── @swc/core@1.5.24 ├── @types/luxon@3.4.2 ├── @types/node@20.12.13 ├── eslint@8.57.0 ├── hot-hook@0.2.6 ├── luxon@3.4.4 ├── pg@8.11.5 ├── pino-pretty@11.1.0 ├── prettier@3.2.5 ├── reflect-metadata@0.2.2 ├── ts-node@10.9.2 └── typescript@5.4.5

Describe the bug

Hello. I have found a possible bug when using clone() method on ModelQueryBuilderContract which has a preload. The cloned query will not execute the preload query. I am using PostgreSQL 15.1 database.

const postQuery = Post.query().preload('user')

const clonedPostQuery = postQuery.clone()

return { post: await postQuery, clonedPost: await clonedPostQuery }

The result is:

MaximeMRF commented 2 weeks ago

I have the same problem

RomainLanz commented 1 week ago

Could you please create a pull request with a failing test?