This repository contains code for a nim program that can interpret a valid Funge-98 program. It passes the mycology test suite.
Current limitations are :
and o
commandnim is required. Only nim version >= 1.4.8 on linux amd64 (Gentoo) is being regularly tested.
To install, clone this repository then run :
nimble install
Launching the interpreter is as simple as :
nimfunge98 something.b98
The interpreter will then load and execute the specified Funge-98 program until the program normally terminates or is interrupted or killed.
For a debug build, use :
nimble build
For a release build, use :
nimble build -d:release
To run unit tests, use :
nimble tests
To run tests only on (for example) the stack module, use :
nim r tests/stack.nim
To debug these particular tests, use :
nim c --debugger:on --parallelBuild:1 --debuginfo --linedir:on tests/stack.nim
gdb tests/stack
set args XXXXX-if-necessary
b src/truc.nim:123