aedenthorn / ValheimMods

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Craft Build Smelt Cook Fuel Pull From Containers Console Error #109

Open Kiaos opened 4 months ago

Kiaos commented 4 months ago

Craft Build Smelt Cook Fuel Pull From Containers Console error: basically if you type a command in console you cant hit enter to run the command. Enter does nothing. Alot of mods have this same issue im trying to rule them all out. Mod organizer 2 helped me through the process of elimination to find which mods break the enter key. Quite a few of them do.

[Error  : Unity Log] TypeLoadException: Failure has occurred while loading a type.
Stack trace:
(wrapper dynamic-method) Terminal.DMD(Terminal)
Terminal.SendInput () (at :0)
UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall.Invoke () (at :0)
UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent`1[T0].Invoke (T0 arg0) (at :0)
GUIFramework.GuiInputField.onInputSubmit (System.String text) (at <1c0bbb94c86e42bb92d9376327e3b555>:0)
UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall`1[T1].Invoke (T1 args0) (at :0)
UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent`1[T0].Invoke (T0 arg0) (at :0)
TMPro.TMP_InputField.SendOnSubmit () (at <99900a1f9e2a471c8b46c2c560e4eba9>:0)
TMPro.TMP_InputField.OnUpdateSelected (UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData) (at <99900a1f9e2a471c8b46c2c560e4eba9>:0)
UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute (UnityEngine.EventSystems.IUpdateSelectedHandler handler, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData) (at :0)
UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute[T] (UnityEngine.GameObject target, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData, UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents+EventFunction`1[T1] functor) (at :0)
[Info   : Unity Log] TMP_Input can't handle null eventData in curren package. Can be ignored atm though. Exception: Failure has occurred while loading a type.```