Closed alexcarol closed 1 week ago
👋 Hi there! Let me help you with your project. I will execute the following steps:
🪄 Working on some magic...
Created a new branch for this issue: issue-9
Repository setup completed.
No files were changed. Skipping PR creation.
Please setup the brand (e.g. fonts)
👋 Hi there! Let me help you with your project. I will execute the following steps:
🪄 Working on some magic...
Using existing branch for this issue: issue-9
Repository setup completed.
No files were changed. Skipping PR creation.
Please setup the brand (ex. fonts).
👋 Hi there! Let me help you with your project. I will execute the following steps:
🪄 Working on some magic...
Using existing branch for this issue: issue-9
Magic completed. The following files have been updated:
Repository setup completed.
Created a new PR for this issue: #11
Please setup the brand