The metrics published was not attaching a responder to a request object. Rx objects don't run unless they have a response to send things to. There may be a need to update some javadocs to clarify this at the metricsPublisher level; this is documented behavior on the Request class as well as a standard Rx pattern (cold single observable) which is documented on the request class as well.
[x] Metrics send
Additional Notes
To verify this issue you can use the showcase app, you will need to provision metrics and make sure that you either import the https certificate or use an insecure route.
The showcase app wasn't sending metrics for device checks. This is now fixed
The metrics published was not attaching a responder to a request object. Rx objects don't run unless they have a response to send things to. There may be a need to update some javadocs to clarify this at the metricsPublisher level; this is documented behavior on the Request class as well as a standard Rx pattern (cold single observable) which is documented on the request class as well.
Additional Notes
To verify this issue you can use the showcase app, you will need to provision metrics and make sure that you either import the https certificate or use an insecure route.