aesophor / wmderland

🌳 X11 tiling window manager using space partitioning trees
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Some apps is not closed or killed 100% #27

Closed nikotidar closed 4 years ago

nikotidar commented 4 years ago

Hi, again. I hope you're not bored with me.

In this case, some applications is not closed or killed 100%. I mean, when i using telegram-desktop then i kill the app it's looks like the app is not closed (running in background). I don't know how to describe this issue, but see the screenshot below.


Thanks, Marco.

aesophor commented 4 years ago

Hi there!

I know what you mean, since I've experienced a similar bug before. The problem is that some programs will unmap their window(s) but not destroying them immediately, leaving empty window(s) in the workspace (as seen in the screenshot you provided).

Are you running the latest build of this wm? I'm asking because I've fixed this issue ~2 days ago. If you're already running the latest build but still having this problem, please let me know and I'll test it with telegram-desktop on my machine. Thanks!

Just tested it on my machine with telegram-desktop-bin-1.8.15 and it's working fine with the latest version of Wmderland.

nikotidar commented 4 years ago

Umm.. it seems to be affected on another programs. I mean, if you opened some link from terminal (in this case, i'm using urxvt) you'll get two browsers run like mirror display. Check it out my video below.


aesophor commented 4 years ago

I've successfully reproduced this bug with firefox. I'll see if I could fix it!

aesophor commented 4 years ago

The patch 78aac749744628c95d03e1c08efd48a1cd33580d is now in master.

Tested it with firefox and the problem no longer exists.

nikotidar commented 4 years ago

Confirmed, it's fixed! Thanks, mate!

aesophor commented 4 years ago


If you've found any other bug, please let me know! :smile:

nikotidar commented 4 years ago


Thanks, pal! I really love you window manager :joy: