aframevr / aframe

:a: Web framework for building virtual reality experiences.
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Divide components controls into body, head and cursor. #543

Closed ngokevin closed 8 years ago

ngokevin commented 8 years ago

Issue by jcarpenter Wednesday Oct 14, 2015 at 04:42 GMT Originally opened as

Discussed control scheme with @caseyyee, per action item from weekly sync. Tried to come up with a proposal that captures immediate and future needs.

Proposal for A-Frame controls


Naming convention proposed in #241 is:

We should instead group controls into "types", within which multiple input devices are possible. For example:

For additional separation of concerns, we should also move head orientation logic into it's own head-controls component.



Contains logic for user position in space.

Support for:

Contains logic for cursor.

Support for:

Contains logic for head orientation.

Support for:

For example:



Additional devices are supported, and devs can now indicate a preference.

Way of doing so could by ordering, with the system going through the user specified options and falling back to the next if support is unavailable. For example, a user who visited the following site with OS X Safari would get pointer-lock controls.

<a-object head-controls="input: hmd, pointer-lock, mobile">

Or a developer could decide to create a non-VR experience by only providing mouse-drag head control:

<a-object head-controls="input: mouse-drag">

ngokevin commented 8 years ago

Comment by jcarpenter Wednesday Oct 14, 2015 at 04:47 GMT

An issue to consider: many titles bind "body" orientation to head orientation. A game where you maneuver a flying vehicle by looking around, for example. Many mobile apps work this way. There is much prior art here that we can learn from.

ngokevin commented 8 years ago

Comment by dmarcos Wednesday Oct 14, 2015 at 06:01 GMT

I would name controls components based on the input device: hmd-controls, keyboard-controls, gamepad-controls, mouse-controls. They all do the same: change position and orientation of the vr-object they apply to. The logic that adds/removes/enables/disables/configure them depending on the environment (mobile, desktop, hmd available, fullscreen...) should live outside the controls. Types like body/head don't convey well what they do and are tailored to a very specific use case. What if I want to use WASD to control a vehicle from a 3rd person view? Or to control a crane? Which one should I use? On the vr-components side of things we can provide things like <vr-fps-controls> or <vr-fly-controls> that you can apply to any object: <vr-fly-controls><vr-camera></vr-camera></vr-fly-controls>. They are different configurations of the more basic controls components: hmd-controls, keyboard-controls....

ngokevin commented 8 years ago

Comment by jcarpenter Wednesday Oct 14, 2015 at 06:22 GMT

I can see the logic in separation by input. I'm less clear on how a dev would use it to set up a basic setup. For example, how would I implement the following:

The logic that adds/removes/enables/disables/configure them depending on the environment (mobile, desktop, hmd available, fullscreen) should live outside the controls.

Same question as above. What would it look like in practice?

Types like body/head don't convey well what they do and are tailored to a very specific use case.

Agree that devs need a way to design experiences where body orientation follows head orientation. In a body / head / cursor architecture, perhaps this could be achieved with a setting that binds one component's orientation to another's. For example:

We should also consider Martin's strong advice: that if we believe social is important to the future of webvr, that we incorporate avatar primitives into our system from the start.

ngokevin commented 8 years ago

Comment by jcarpenter Wednesday Oct 14, 2015 at 17:15 GMT

Setting aside the implementation, the desired experience for 1.0 looks like:

That's a breakdown of responsiveness for entering VR and interacting with content across desktop and mobile.

ngokevin commented 8 years ago

Comment by caseyyee Thursday Oct 15, 2015 at 21:58 GMT

Naming is different, but the scheme is essentially the same as what @jcarpenter posted.

This is what it might look like as markup implementation:

Rotations and positions controls are composed onto the entities object3d.

Seperation of concern is by:
- Entity component property (orientation, position)
- Input type and actions.

<!-- hmd drives state.orientation drives entities rotation on axis.-->
<vr-object orientation-controls="input: hmdOrientation">

<!-- mouse drives screen x, y drives entities rotation on axis. -->
<vr-object orientation-controls="input: mouse">

<!-- Q, E and arrow keys drive entity rotation on world Y axis. -->
<vr-object orientation-controls="input: keys">

<!-- DeviceOrientation (mobile) -->
<vr-object orientation-controls="input: deviceorientation">

<!-- Gamepad analog stick -->
<vr-object orientation-controls="input: gameAnalogStick">

<!-- On-Screen analog stick (mobile) -->
<vr-object orientation-controls="input: screenAnalogStick">
    <!-- when specified, displays screen control overlays -->

<!-- POSITION -->
<!-- drives entity position using A, S, D, W keys. -->
<vr-object position-controls="input: keys">
    <!-- Forward is world Z axis with entity rotation applied. -->
    <!-- Assumes world Y up and movement on world X, Z planes. -->

<!-- drives entity position on hmd positional camera -->
<vr-object position-controls="input: hmdPosition">
    <!-- position is with entity rotation applied. -->

<!-- gamepad dpad -->
<vr-object position-controls="input: gameDPad">

<!-- on-screen DPad (mobile) -->
<vr-object position-controls="input: screenDPad">
    <!-- when specified, responsible for painting controls onto screen. -->

<!-- CURSOR -->
<!-- provides object intersection or raycast testing and emits appropriate events on those entities. -->

    cursor="type: raycast; input: click, gameButton, fuse">

type: raycast
- raycasts from entity orientation and position into scene (or assumed to be viewport center if camera)
- dispatches events on intersected scene objects when input is triggered.

type: screen
- works only when attatched to camera/view transform.
- raycasts from OS mouse x, y position on screen into scene.

type: area
- AABB bounding box intersection with scene objects.
- dispatches events on intersected scene objects when input is triggered.

input: click, gameButton

input: fuse
- fuse timer begins when intersected object is detected to have event handler/attribute.
- dispatches event when timer expires.


<!-- if just the component attribute is used, the component will default into "responsive" mode.   In this mode, the following component attributes are assumed -->

<!-- desktop Mono mode: -->
    orientation-controls="input: hmdOrientation, mouse, keys, gameAnalogStick"
    position-controls="input: hmdPosition, keys, gameDpad"
    cursor="type: screen; input: click, gameButton">

<!-- desktop VR stereo mode: -->
    orientation-controls="input: hmdOrientation, mouse, keys, gameAnalogStick"
    position-controls="use: hmdPosition, mouse, keys, gameDpad"
    cursor="type: raycast; input: click, gameButton">
    <vr-object id="cursor" position="0 0 -100"><!-- mesh cursor -->

<!-- mobile Mono mode: -->
    orientation-controls="input: deviceorientation, screenAnalogStick"
    position-controls="input: screenDpad"
    cursor="type: screen; input: touch">

<!-- mobile VR stereo mode: -->
    orientation-controls="input: deviceorientation"
    position-controls="input: [none]"
    cursor="type: raycast; input: fuse, gameButton">
    <vr-object id="cursor" position="0 0 -100"><!-- mesh cursor -->

<!-- Desktop with motion controllers: -->
    orientation-controls="input: hmdOrientation"
    position-controls="use: hmdPosition">

    geometry="primitive: sphere"
    material="color: blue"
    position-controls="input: motionLeftPosition"
    orientation-controls="input: motionLeftOrientation"
    cursor="type: area; input: motionLeftButton">

    geometry="primitive: sphere"
    material="color: red"
    position-controls="input: motionRightPosition"
    orientation-controls="input: motionRightOrientation"
    cursor="type: area; input: motionLeftButton">
ngokevin commented 8 years ago

Comment by jcarpenter Thursday Oct 15, 2015 at 23:13 GMT

A spaceship that flies in the direction you look. Orientation on parent object, camera on child object?

<a-object id="spaceshipVector" orientation-controls="input: hmdOrientation">
    <a-object id="spaceshipModel" geometry="url: model.dae" camera="fov: 45"></a-object>
ngokevin commented 8 years ago

Comment by caseyyee Friday Oct 16, 2015 at 20:54 GMT

@jcarpenter If you added it as a child, the spaceShipModel would follow the rotation of the HMD continuously. Which probably isn't the effect that you want.

To do what you want, it would involve some javascript:

  1. grab the world rotation of the camera.
  2. apply the rotation to spaceshipVector
  3. play the animation

The rotation would be retrieved and applied to spaceshipVector at the time of a event eg. click.

ngokevin commented 8 years ago

Don is solving this with general controls="position: ...; rotation: ..." API which is similar to what Casey described. Being tracked at