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Direct links to topic/status #23

Open codification opened 11 years ago

codification commented 11 years ago

I think it would be great to be able to link directly to a status/thread/topic.

Something like

jancborchardt commented 11 years ago

What would be cool is if the direct link wouldn’t rip the update out of a person’s stream like Twitter does, but rather go to the user page, scrolling to and highlighting that status (maybe also a bit whitespace around the update).

Also, the link should be: (We have to use hashes, because ? parameters are sent to the server, whereas anchors are not. Also, we should have the addresses use as much natural language as possible.)

brolund commented 11 years ago

Possibly instead


That wouldn't make us have to write hairy conditionals about the parts of the local path, if(emailRegex.match(firstPart)) {...}.

In the same spirit:




to see a specific friend, or




to lead to a specific conversation for the local user.

Or something more nifty. :-)

jancborchardt commented 11 years ago

Yeah, having a bit of a namespace for that is probably good. /#user/ is good.

jancborchardt commented 11 years ago

There could even be a way to embed the children of a post on a website. That way you could embed it to have commenting on a fully static page, like Disqus.