agiledigital / toolform

Toolform is a "DevOps" utility for defining repeatable deployment environments so that applications can be developed independently of their deployment environment.
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Feature/20/support basic persistent volumes #31

Closed PouriaSterling closed 6 years ago

PouriaSterling commented 6 years ago

for Issue #20 Minishift and Minikube should successfully be able to convert valid project conf files with persistent volumes claims into valid yaml.

Additionally, for a disk type resource, if no accessMode is specified, it uses a default of ReadWriteOnce. If an accessmode is given but it is not either ReadWriteOnce or ReadOnlyMany, it prints an warning message to the user but it still uses the value in the yaml. I figured this is the job of another ticket and should be handled perhaps in the projectReader.scala

Similarly, storage size for a disk type resource will use a default of 2Gi if no size is specified. If size is expressed as small, medium, or large, the sizes 2Gi, 5Gi, and 10Gi will be used respectively. Let me know if these numbers should be tweaked.

timechanter commented 6 years ago

@PouriaSterling Have you addressed all the comments and is this ready for rereview?

PouriaSterling commented 6 years ago

@timechanter I have yet to address Sean's comments.