agilexrobotics / ugv_gazebo_sim

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All wheel link has nan value in the transform (nan nan nan) (nan nan nan nan) #36

Closed BlackTea12 closed 1 month ago

BlackTea12 commented 1 month ago

I am working on ubuntu 22.04LTS ros2 humble using ranger mini version 2 source package. I have installed and checked in rviz and both gazebo to ensure all wheels independent control is working fine. Then I've moved to next step connecting with my navigation package and found out that tf broadcasting is not working in wheel link but only in steering wheel link like the below image. Screenshot from 2024-10-11 14-05-58 I only launch ros2 launch ranger_mini and it is the same.

So I double checked without gazebo_ros2_control in the xacro to see if something is wrong with link and joints. However, it is fine without gazebo_ros2_control elements... like the below image. Screenshot from 2024-10-11 14-09-54

I've googled and tried to solve it but so far, no progress ): Is there any idea how I could resolve this? BTW, this is the image of the error. Screenshot from 2024-10-11 14-12-01

BlackTea12 commented 1 month ago

Screenshot from 2024-10-14 08-27-43 Problem solved when I uncommented the following lines in xacro. I didn't know it needed odom frame );