agrafix / Spock

Another Haskell web framework for rapid development
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Future Development(s) #40

Closed GetContented closed 9 years ago

GetContented commented 9 years ago

I wish this project could eventually become something like luminous in clojure. Do we have all the parts yet for haskell development to work like this?

Is that the direction you have in mind for this project, or is it more likely to just be kept small, as something like sinatra?

I should mention - the microlibraries in the clojure(/script) ecosystem that allow us to end up with a full stack are outlined here:

agrafix commented 9 years ago

Could you elaborate a little bit more what exactly you'd like to see added to Spock? From quickly scanning the luminusweb project page it seems to me that a many features of it can already be achieved using other libraries from hackage (e.g. html templating: blaze or lucid).

GetContented commented 9 years ago

My apologies! There seem to be many things that are missing from the Haskell web development story. However, I'm probably just not aware of them. This is, in some ways, what luminus is about - bringing all of the disparate libraries together to form a cohesive whole with good defaults that can easily be swapped out on preference.

In particluar:

This is the stuff that I feel like may be missing for serious modern web development.

I'd love to use haskell as my server language, (it's currently in Rails, of all things), but if it's going to take me 12 months to rebuild the current functionality I have, then I would have to choose clojure.

If there is a project simiar to luminus that I'm unaware of in the Haskell world, please do send me there. I've been learning and lurking around the Haskell ecosystem for at least a year now but I haven't encountered any such comprehensive project. This was the story with Clojure/clojurescript for a long while, too, until a the luminus folk amalgamated them all into the one project with a set of good defaults - using a template with the build tool leiningen. Also, there were a bunch of others who made headway in exposing good ways to do standard things. The pieces didn't really all exist fully until about a year or two ago.

GetContented commented 9 years ago

@agrafix is this a silly question? It's obviously WAY more involved than your micro web app framework, but the question remains - are there answers to all of these questions already, or do people who want these things generally roll their own? I should probably just close this issue as it's not entirely relevant to this project, I'd wager?

itcowed commented 9 years ago

@JulianLeviston you would probably be better served asking this kind of question on or stackoverflow. i think what you are asking is more "what are the tools available for these things, and how do i stick them together to get the same kind of cohesive environment as this one"

i have not used the project you point to, but a cursory browse over your list of wanted functionality seems to all be there on hackage. i agree the community could do something better for advertising these things, maybe you can instigate some form of documentation the community has not already performed

agrafix commented 9 years ago

@JulianLeviston I agree with @dnhgff , much of the functionality you are asking about already exists on hackage. Just a few examples (some of them mentioned in "works great with" on :

Most should be fairly easy to integrate into Spock. If not let me know!

GetContented commented 9 years ago

Excellent. Thanks for humoring me, guys. I'm aware of most of the mentioned packages, but I'll ask elsewhere.