ah-ansari / OCT

The source code for the paper "Out-of-Distribution Aware Classification for Tabular Data", CIKM 2024.
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The source code for the paper "Out-of-Distribution Aware Classification for Tabular Data", published at CIKM 2024.


To install the requirements, run:

pip install -r requirements.txt


The Adult, Compas, GMSC, and Heloc datasets will be automatically downloaded from the CARLA library on the first run, requiring no additional actions. For the Cover, Dilbert, and Jannis datasets, manual downloads are necessary from the following sources: Cover Dataset and Jannis and Dilbert Datasets. Once obtained, place the downloaded files in the designated datasets/ folder.

OOD-Aware Classification Experiment

To conduct the OOD-aware classification experiment, start by executing the following script to preprocess data, apply five-fold cross validation (for Cover, Dilbert, and Jannis datasets, which do not have public train-test), and create OOD test sets for both evaluation settings I and II. The output will be saved in the saves_data/ folder.

python src/script_prepare_data.py

To train and evaluate our proposed OCT model, run:

python src/script_clf_oct.py --dataset <dataset_name> --setting <ood_classD|all_in_dist> [--fold <int>] [--sigma <float>] [--p <float>] [--n <int>] [--save]


For more information on other parameters, please refer to the Python file.


To train and evaluate the Original model, run:

python src/script_clf_original.py --dataset <dataset_name> --setting <ood_classD|all_in_dist> [--fold <int>]

Counterfactual Explanations Experiment

For the counterfactual experiment, first run the code for our OCT model, as well as the Original and DK models, using the configuration --setting all_in_dist and --save to store the trained classification models in the saves_model/ folder:

python src/script_clf_oct.py --dataset <dataset_name> --setting all_in_dist --save
python src/script_clf_original.py --dataset <dataset_name> --setting all_in_dist --save
python src/script_clf_dk.py --dataset <dataset_name> --setting all_in_dist --save

Then, run the specific counterfactual method script:

python src/script_cf_xxx.py --dataset <dataset_name>

xxx denote the name of the counterfactual algorithm: gd, gs, cchvae, revise. For example, to run the experiment with the gd counterfactual algorithm, use script_cf_gd.py.

Counterfactual Libraries

For the counterfactual experiment, we used the CARLA and DiCE-ML libraries. The source code for these libraries is already included in the src/ folder, so no additional setup is required. We made minor modifications to the original code, primarily altering the stopping condition in the counterfactual search from prediction=[0, 1] to prediction=[0,1,0] to account for the additional OOD class in the OCT model. Detailed information about these modifications can be found in src/carla/modified_files.txt for the CARLA library and src/dice_ml/modified_files.txt for the DiCE-ML library.