aharley / simple_bev

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Raw translation matrix between Camera and Radar Sensors #49

Closed seamie6 closed 3 months ago

seamie6 commented 3 months ago

Translation between different sensor modalities between frames is doable. For example, CAM_FRONT frame 0 to RADAR_FRONT frame 1 involves the transformations:


It is possible to do so using the egopose records as done in get_radar_data() function from nuscenesdataset.py, this snippet shows the car_from_global transformation matrix which describes the transformation from GLOBAL to the RADAR FRONT ego frame:

    # Get reference pose and timestamp.
    ref_sd_token = sample_rec['data']['RADAR_FRONT']
    ref_sd_rec = nusc.get('sample_data', ref_sd_token)
    ref_pose_rec = nusc.get('ego_pose', ref_sd_rec['ego_pose_token'])
    ref_cs_rec = nusc.get('calibrated_sensor', ref_sd_rec['calibrated_sensor_token'])
    ref_time = 1e-6 * ref_sd_rec['timestamp']

    # Homogeneous transformation matrix from global to _current_ ego car frame.
    car_from_global = transform_matrix(ref_pose_rec['translation'], Quaternion(ref_pose_rec['rotation']),inverse=True)

What I am looking for is a 'raw' transformation matrix which describes the transformation between different sensor modalities when the vehicle is stationary and not moving (CAM_FRONT to RADAR_FRONT for example). This is also the case for when the sensor modalities timestamp is EXACTLY the same, as this would mean the ego vehicle has the same global coordinates for both modalities. A case for this is when ref_sd_token = sample_rec['data']['RADAR_FRONT'] is not available.

As i stated, this raw transformation matrix be extracted when the timestamps between CAM_FRONT and RADAR_FRONT is 0. However, I could not find a case for when this occurs as radar and camera are asynchronous so it would be rare for this to occur. The closest I could get is 4 microseconds but I would like the exact raw transformation matrix if this is possible?

Thank you.

seamie6 commented 3 months ago

This was meant to be submitted to nuscenes devkit, apoligies