aheimsbakk / container-etherpad

Etherpad (etherpad-lite) with extra plugins.
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Installation of further Plugins fails #1

Open planctron opened 11 months ago

planctron commented 11 months ago

It's a nice idea - if it works correctly. I lost an hour of research to find out that only with the original etherpad/etherpad image we can install additional plugins via admin url. Here with this image, it fails! And it fails in a very inconvenient way without error message! Container logs show that the plugin was installed. But nothing is loaded afterwards. Test: Start with a docker compose file, setting an admin PW like:

version: "3"
    image: aheimsbakk/etherpad:latest    #(replace with  etherpad/etherpad:latest
    container_name: etherpad
      - "9881:9001"
      - etherpad-data:/opt/etherpad-lite/var
     #      - ./config/settings.json:/opt/etherpad-lite/settings.json
      - ADMIN_PASSWORD=<secret>
    driver: local

Here I linked the settings file (only). It is required since the admin change of the settings does not work probably due to Port mappings.

Configure reverse proxy pointing to 9881 ...

Try to install plugins via https://.../admin NOT WORKING!

Then just replace the image to "etherpad/etherpad".

aheimsbakk commented 11 months ago

This was a test of Etherpad, but I chose to integrate Colabora into Nextcloud instead. Look at the original repository for Etherpad https://github.com/ether/etherpad-lite. Good luck! I'll archive this repository.