aiba / helix-react-native-nav

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Support for newer versions of React/RN #10

Open kennytilton opened 3 years ago

kennytilton commented 3 years ago

Thanks for a great starter project.

I am ready to move to a newer version of ReactNative, but have not had any luck replacing the react-native folder with 0.63 or 0.65.1 as generated by npx. The make ios step fails with a ton of complaints.

I cannot even use an npx-genned react-native 0.61.5, which suggests a bit of finagling is needed to get a successful build.

Unfortunately I never code native any other way, so am not sure how to proceed. Should I just jump to 0.65.1 and start dealing with any warnings/errors?

Thx again for getting me rolling on Helix+RN!

aiba commented 3 years ago

That you for this comment. I am currently going through the saga of upgrading my own react-native project to 0.65.1, including helix and such. When I figure it all out, I'll try to update this starter project. While we're at it, we can upgrade react-navigation to version 6 as well.

kennytilton commented 3 years ago

Awesome. I do not know how you native pros do it!

Me, I just tried adding react-navigation to the other starter project and quickly gave up, decided to clone your nav example and move all my code into that. I'm not proud. :)

But seriously, I want to persuade management to use Helix on our next project and I think I need to learn your magic so we do not get stuck down the road. Do you slog thru all the warnings until it builds?

Oh, and is Android easier? That is sth else I need to pin down.

Thx again!