aimat-lab / 3DSC

Repo for the paper publishing the superconductor database with 3D crystal structures.
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The 3DSC database

This repository contains data and code of the 3DSC database, the first extensive database of superconductors with their critical temperature Tc and their three-dimensional crystal structure. We describe the database and the algorithm to generate it in our paper

Using the 3DSC database

The 3DSC database can be found on figshare under The zip file can be extracted via the command tar -xzvf 3DSC_MP.tar.gz.

Alternatively, the 3DSCMP database can be found under superconductors_3D/data/final/MP. The file 3DSC_MP.csv contains the 3DSCMP in tabular form. The three most important columns are the following:

Additionally to these three basic columns of the 3DSCMP database, there are a lot of columns which were important in the matching and adaptation algorithm, which are from the original Materials Project database or which were important for the analysis in our paper. These columns are less important if you just want to use the 3DSCMP, but they might be interesting for everyone looking to improve the 3DSCMP or reproduce the results in our paper.

Note that in the github version of this dataset, we have removed the SOAP.* and the MAGPIE.* columns due to memory constraints. You can get these columns by executing the matching and adaptation algorithm as described below.

How to cite the 3DSC

Please cite our paper as given in [1].

Reproducing the 3DSC paper


This code was developed and tested with and for Linux. Most likely it will throw errors for other OS. To install the Python packages we used conda 4.13.0 and git 2.38.1. Please ensure conda and git are installed on your system.


  1. Download the 3DSC repository into the current directory
    git clone
  2. Change into this directory
    cd 3DSC
  3. Setup the conda environment with name 3DSC. First, check your ~.condarc file and temporarily set
    channel_priority: false

    After installing the conda environment you can set this parameter back to its previous value. Note: If you have a very old conda version < 4.6.0, this parameter might throw errors for you, in this case try to leave it out.

  4. Now read in the provided conda environment file to generate the correct conda environment:
    conda env create -f ./environment.yaml --name 3DSC

    Note: It is important that this is done once for each directory in which this repo will be installed. If you clone the repo into another local directory, do this step again, don't skip it. The conda environment will be linked to the absolute path to the cloned version of this repo.

  5. Activate the conda environment:
    conda activate 3DSC


In the following we will describe the exact steps to reproduce most of the paper: The generation of the 3DSCMP, most of the statistical plots shown in the paper and the most important machine learning results. If you want to automatically perform all of these steps please run

python superconductors_3D/ -d MP -n N_CPUS

Please replace N_CPUS with the number of cores that you want to use in parallel, e.g. 1. The flag -d MP means that we create the 3DSC using crystal structures from the Materials Project. For memory reasons it is recommended to use only one core on a laptop.

If you want to use the crystal structures from the ICSD you need to change this flag to -d ICSD. For how to deal with the 3DSCICSD, please see section The 3DSCICSD.

If you want to see the github repo in the state that it was for publication, please use

git checkout 2471dd51a298a854cb4f365ebd39e72c7cbf3634

Generating the 3DSC dataset

To generate the 3DSC dataset, run the command

python superconductors_3D/ -d MP -n N_CPUS

The script automatically runs through all stages of the matching and adaptation algorithm described in the paper: In step 0-2, the cif files, the Materials Project database and the SuperCon database are cleaned. In step 3, the SuperCon entries and the crystal structures are matched based on their chemical composition. In step 4, artificial doping is performed for all matches where the relative chemical formula doesn't match perfectly. In step 5, the chemical composition and the three-dimensional crystal structure are featurized using the MAGPIE and the Disordered SOAP algorithm. The latter is an extension of the SOAP algorithm which is described in the SI of our paper. Finally, matches are ranked and only the best matches are kept. Note that in general multiple matches can be ranked equally and will all end up in the final 3DSC dataset. The intermediate data will be saved under superconductors_3D/data/intermediate/MP and the final data will be saved under superconductors_3D/data/final/MP. Running this command with 1 core needs about 0.5h.

Statistical plots

To generate the statistical plots shown in the paper please run the command

python superconductors_3D/ -d MP

The results will be saved under results/dataset_statistics/SC_MP_matches. Running this command with 1 core needs few minutes.

Machine learning results

To reproduce the most important machine learning results shown in the paper please run the command

python superconductors_3D/

The results will be saved under results/machine_learning.

Warning: Please note that because we removed the SOAP and MAGPIE columns from the github version of the 3DSCMP, you need to first run the command above to generate the 3DSCMP before running this command. Additionally, please note that this command needs a couple of hours and several GB of disc space to run, because per default it trains 100 models (and 25 for the 3DSCICSD) for 10 different train fractions in order to reproduce the results of the paper. If you want to modify these numbers you should be able to quickly identify them in the source code.


Above we have focused on the 3DSCMP which is based on freely accessible crystal structures from the Materials Project database[4]. We have also created another 3DSC database, based on crystal structures from the ICSD, the 3DSCICSD. However, because the crystal structures from the ICSD are not available freely, we cannot provide the source files here. Instead, we provide the 3DSCICSD only with the ICSD IDs of the original matched crystal structures. Note that many of the crystal structures in the 3DSCICSD are artificially doped by our algorithm and therefore differ from the original ICSD structure with this ID.

The original ICSD IDs can be found under superconductors_3D/data/final/ICSD/3DSC_ICSD_only_IDs.csv. The ICSD ID can be found in the column database_id_2 and is prepended by 'ICSD-'. Note that this is the ICSD ID from the API, not from the website, therefore you cannot find the corresponding structure by searching for the ID on the ICSD website.

If you have access to the ICSD, you can download it and run it through the matching and adaptation algorithm yourself.


The 3DSCMP database is subject to the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, implying that the content may be copied, distributed, transmitted, and adapted, without obtaining specific permission from the repository owner, provided proper attribution is given to the repository owner. All software in this repository is subject to the MIT license. See for more information.

Origin of data

We are grateful to the provider of different databases which have made the 3DSC possible:


  1. Sommer, T., Willa, R., Schmalian, J. & Friederich, P. 3DSC -- A New Dataset of Superconductors Including Crystal Structures. Preprint at (2022).
  2. Stanev, V. et al. Machine learning modeling of superconducting critical temperature. npj Comput. Mater. 4, 29, 10.1038/s41524-018-0085-8 (2018). ArXiv: 1709.02727
  3. SuperCon, (2020).
  4. Materials Project,
  5. ICSD,
  6. SuperCon,