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UITableViews for the web (DEPRECATED)
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Added support for in element scrolling #17

Closed saiwong closed 11 years ago

saiwong commented 11 years ago

Added support for infinite scrolling for elements with overflow set to auto. This is enabled via the options hash by setting useElementScroll to true


reissbaker commented 11 years ago

Works, but I think some improvements could be made.

  1. To remove a lot of the conditional logic, instead of listView.parent existing only under certain conditions, listView.$scrollParent could exist always. If it should scroll within a containing element, $scrollParent is set to that element; otherwise it's set to $window. Then all scrolling-related references to $window could be replaced with $scrollParent, and the code would trivially work for both.
  2. Is there a way that this could happen automatically, instead of with an option flag? It seems possible to walk up the DOM tree from the ListView element and check the overflow-y property of each containing element. If they're all visible, the ListView should use $window for scrolling; if one is auto or scroll it should use that containing element. If it's hidden, god knows what you do -- seems silly to use Infinity at all in that case, but I guess just use the containing element to save CPU cycles. inherit would be a slightly more annoying case, but you just check the parent's overflow-y and use that for the current element.


saiwong commented 11 years ago

I think the $scrollParent suggestion is good and I can add that in.

For auto-detecting what to use, I think that only opens it up for issues with fringe cases that we can probably never fully enumerate. It makes sense to for the integration code to explicitly specify it so that there is no assumptions made. Less magic = better!

reissbaker commented 11 years ago

Fair enough. I may still give auto-detection a shot in the future, but a configuration option that forces it to be one way or another is still a useful thing even in a world where auto-detection works. Add in the $scrollParent and I'll merge it in!

saiwong commented 11 years ago

Added $scrollParent to commit!

reissbaker commented 11 years ago

Excellent! Merging in.

saiwong commented 11 years ago

You are right. You should submit a fix for this.