airbnb / synapse

A transparent service discovery framework for connecting an SOA
MIT License
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docker watcher - dependent on publicly exposed ports to the parent host. #109

Open ajohnstone opened 9 years ago

ajohnstone commented 9 years ago

The current implementation is quite restricting. For example using synapse within a docker container, it uses the host IP within @discovery["servers"].

This means you need to publicly expose all containers in the parent host, rather than just using the private ips of the containers themselves. So rather than having discovery, you end up with a fixed mapping based on ports.

When not using publicly exposed ports you end up with this invalid configuration, with a broken port.

    server cookie check inter 2s rise 3 fall 2

        "Ports": {
            "8080/tcp": null,
            "8081/tcp": null

Error with a little debugging...

[ root@52cc33d73359:~ ]$ /usr/bin/ruby1.9.1 /usr/local/bin/synapse -c /synapse.conf.json
I, [2015-01-25T18:22:20.776251 #1971]  INFO -- Synapse::Synapse: synapse: starting...
I, [2015-01-25T18:22:20.781601 #1971]  INFO -- Synapse::Synapse: synapse: regenerating haproxy config
I, [2015-01-25T18:22:20.781990 #1971]  INFO -- Synapse::DnsWatcher: synapse: discovered 1 backends for service http-webservices-member
W, [2015-01-25T18:22:20.782539 #1971]  WARN -- Synapse::Haproxy: synapse: no backends found for watcher http-webservices-basket
I, [2015-01-25T18:22:20.783647 #1971]  INFO -- Synapse::Haproxy: synapse: could not open haproxy config file at /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
Docker::Container { :id => b8589347f04c9e3a811bf78f49149d645cba9b48afccdd52f64308e039ca3106, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url =>, :options => {} } }
{"8080"=>"8080", "8081"=>""}
{"8080"=>"", "8081"=>""}
[{"name"=>"basket-service", "host"=>"", "port"=>"8080"},
 {"name"=>"basket-service", "host"=>"", "port"=>""}]
I, [2015-01-25T18:22:20.819391 #1971]  INFO -- Synapse::DockerWatcher: synapse: discovered 2 backends for service http-webservices-basket
I, [2015-01-25T18:22:20.821997 #1971]  INFO -- Synapse::Haproxy: synapse: restarted haproxy
I, [2015-01-25T18:22:20.823559 #1971]  INFO -- Synapse::Synapse: synapse: regenerating haproxy config
[ALERT] 024/182222 (2005) : parsing [/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg:107] : server has neither service port nor check port nor tcp_check rule 'connect' with port information. Check has been disabled.
[ALERT] 024/182222 (2005) : Error(s) found in configuration file : /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
[ALERT] 024/182222 (2005) : Fatal errors found in configuration.
E, [2015-01-25T18:22:22.844902 #1971] ERROR -- Synapse::Synapse: synapse: encountered unexpected exception #<RuntimeError: failed to reload haproxy via service haproxy reload:  * Reloading haproxy haproxy!> in main thread
W, [2015-01-25T18:22:22.845050 #1971]  WARN -- Synapse::Synapse: synapse: exiting; sending stop signal to all watchers
I, [2015-01-25T18:22:22.845184 #1971]  INFO -- Synapse::DockerWatcher: synapse: stopping watcher http-webservices-basket using default stop handler
I, [2015-01-25T18:22:22.845321 #1971]  INFO -- Synapse::DnsWatcher: synapse: stopping watcher http-webservices-member using default stop handler
/var/lib/gems/1.9.1/gems/synapse-0.11.1/lib/synapse/haproxy.rb:780:in `restart': failed to reload haproxy via service haproxy reload:  * Reloading haproxy haproxy (RuntimeError)!
    from /var/lib/gems/1.9.1/gems/synapse-0.11.1/lib/synapse/haproxy.rb:550:in `update_config'
    from /var/lib/gems/1.9.1/gems/synapse-0.11.1/lib/synapse.rb:51:in `block in run'
    from /var/lib/gems/1.9.1/gems/synapse-0.11.1/lib/synapse.rb:43:in `loop'
    from /var/lib/gems/1.9.1/gems/synapse-0.11.1/lib/synapse.rb:43:in `run'
    from /var/lib/gems/1.9.1/gems/synapse-0.11.1/bin/synapse:60:in `<top (required)>'
    from /usr/local/bin/synapse:23:in `load'
    from /usr/local/bin/synapse:23:in `<main>'
dnephin commented 9 years ago

+1 exposing ports to the host should be unnecessary