airsdk / Adobe-Runtime-Support

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After entering the application I get a white square covering part of the window #2504

Open dayaenah opened 1 year ago

dayaenah commented 1 year ago

I installed AIR runtime - version and I am trying to run an application. It opens but there is a white square that covers 80% of the application window. It happens on both Windows 10 and Mac OS.

Any idea about what I could try to solve this issue? Should I install something else?

Thank you!

OCA Java8
ajwfrost commented 1 year ago

I am guessing that the application is using the HTMLLoader control in order to display web content inline within some pages/tabs of the application.. but with AIR 50.x there isn't a way to control the z-ordering in the same way, the webview is always presented over the top of the content.

The solution is likely to be that you need the version of the AIR runtime instead... can you try un-installing the "Adobe AIR" from the Add/Remove Programs (on Windows, or by launching the AIR installer again from /Applications on macOS), and then getting the version from lower down on the page?


dayaenah commented 1 year ago

thank you so much! It worked!!