ajavamind / Multi-NX-Camera-Control

Control multiple Samsung NX cameras with telnet commands
GNU General Public License v3.0
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NX30 Connections files #1

Closed hunkreborn closed 1 year ago

hunkreborn commented 2 years ago

Hi! I've been trying to use it with my NX30, but the app is trying to connect to, my lan is at, NX30 is using right now, is there a model of the configuration file that I can edit? Thanks!

ajavamind commented 2 years ago

Hi Gustavo, Create a text file with a single line as follows - similar to file cameraNX300.txt in the data folder: Main NX300 0

I chose NX300 camera type since it was introduced a month before the NX30. See https://cameradecision.com/compare/Samsung-NX300-vs-Samsung-NX30

The NX300 use a telnet prompt of "nx300:/# " and I believe the NX30 camera telnet will use "nx30:/# " This will cause MultiNX app to think the camera is not connected. Please check what prompt comes back from telnet. I will be making an update to MultiNX to add more cameras and will add NX30 with guess about how it works, since I did not have a NX30 camera for testing. The location of camera data may have changed in the NX30 and I will need to know from you what the NX30 uses.

Because you had problems starting telnet, previously, I would try this autoexec.sh file in your sd card:

# Samsung NX500 startup script
# wait for WiFi connection
#sleep 30
mkdir -p /dev/pts
mount -t devpts none /dev/pts
# Telnet server
/mnt/mmc/telnetd &
# HTTP server
/mnt/mmc/busybox httpd -h /mnt/mmc
# FTP server
/mnt/mmc/busybox tcpsvd -u root -vE 21 /mnt/mmc/busybox ftpd -w /mnt/mmc &
#killall dfmsd

I removed the sleep line and killall dfmsd used by NX500 autoexec.sh

And you should try sdcard without the files info.tg and nx_cs.adj because I think autoexec.sh may start without them.


ajavamind commented 1 year ago

No NX30 available for testing