ajayyy / SponsorBlock

Skip YouTube video sponsors (browser extension)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Feature : New Segment "Profanity" #711

Open V3D4N7V2 opened 3 years ago

XxX-Force commented 3 years ago

Apologies if I'm out of line adding my opinion here. I would leave out "jokes". Make it "NSFW/NSFL" (Not Safe For Life .. used on Reddit for content which contains gore, death, etc) .. that's if this get's added at all. This is a very subjective category, and there is sure to be much dispute over what is NSFW / NSFL or not.

Although, I was thinking the other day about some videos I had recent;y seen, where dead bodies and other horrible mutilations appeared unexpectedly (this has happened in many news videos that I've seen), and as someone with PTSD, not a pleasant experience.. and I was considering asking for this same type of thing. So I suppose this would be considered an advocacy post.

I could see this being merged with issue: #702

ajayyy commented 3 years ago

I feel like something like this is only possible with a more complex tag system.

yoshi314 commented 3 years ago

i think this is too subjective to be useful imho.

Perhaps it would be nice to have but without the submit feature, not talking about straight nsfw stuff, but jokes.

securingmom commented 3 years ago

Does not youtube have a signin requirement for age inappropriate content?

Will this extension be "truth" editing for snowflakes next?

XxX-Force commented 3 years ago

I have no idea how much difficulty is involved in adding another category @ajayyy, but if it's not too much, then I hope you will reconsider adding this one.

I agree with you, @yoshi314 that it is subjective. But, I think that in general, people understand the concept of "NSFW". It's a term that's been used, and is in use, by a lot of very popular platforms for many years, including as I said above, reddit.

Would the average person, at the average job, display (whatever thing) at work? Do people in general think it would be cool with their boss knowing they are watching/doing whatever during work, or in the workplace environment? As subjective things go, this one isn't too hard to wrangle.

The "jokes" part I would definitely leave out. That is way too subjective, and I don't think there's enough demand for it to warrant it (but this is obviously just me guessing). If a joke is truly obscene and/or contains swear words etc, then that's NSFW territory anyway.

Gore / Violence / Torture / People or Animals being injured or killed.. I think there is a large enough section of people that would like the ability to skip witnessing that sort of thing, and the only reason I'm chiming in here again to really try and push for this, is because so often these things will just pop-up in videos w/o any warning to the viewer, and for many people, that can genuinely be a very distressing experience.

There's really no way for people to be able to avoid those situations, unless they stop watching news programs, or other related media altogether. However, this is an opportunity for SponsorBlock to really shine (more), and provide a tool that will help them not get visually assaulted on YouTube, and if they're able, to help others as well. Understand please, this isn't about "snowflakes" or even about children per se, it's about people (whether they have P.T.S.D. or not) who just don't want to see things that are horrific.

I was going to post this comment a week ago, in response to @ajayyy's comment above , but I've been struggling for what to name the category. "NSFW / NSFL" was my immediate thought. The "NSFW" is perfectly fine imo, but unless you're someone familiar with reddit (and maybe a few other places that use it? I don't know) I think that "NSFL" might be confusing for too many people.

So.. trying something like: "NSFW/Violence" .. it sucks because I think it could be misunderstood to mean "This is NSFW because it is Violent".

I think we need to get rid of the slash and replace it with an "OR", and a better word than "Violence" (because again, I don't think enough people will be familiar with "NSFL").

"NSFW -=OR=- HARM" - ? "NSFW -=OR=- ??????????

On the other hand, maybe just skip "NSFW" altogether, because I honestly can see it becoming abused, or just overly used, used unnecessarily, etc.

Ugh. The more I think about it the more I think leaving out "NSFW" altogether may be correct, because even though it is subjective, and even though I still think that reasonable people can understand the nuance of the subjectivity, and categorize videos correctly with it, I then remember that I live on Earth, where human beings in massive numbers can be a real f#$%&ng headache, and I know that there will be just too many people with too varied sensibilities (or agendas) that will misuse or abuse it, and ultimately I feel the aggravation of moderating its use will be greater than the benefit it would provide. Damn. I should just rewrite all of this, but screw it, maybe seeing my ridiculous thought process will help some silent reader.

In any event, I really am determined to push for the Violence/Gore/Shock/Horror category. It's way less ambivalent, way easier for all to identify and agree upon in general, still covers a lot of NSFW material, and has a definitive and substantial base of users that could really gain tangible, meaningful benefit from it.

I offer the following suggestions:

Violence / Cruelty Graphic / Shocking

I'm sure someone else can do better.

The current longest category name is: "Interaction Reminder (Subscribe)" So maybe the category would be better with three words?

Then again, maybe less is more?

Sorry for the super long post. Thanks to everyone who cared (or was bored enough) to read it. Thank you @ajayyy and everyone else involved for SponsorBlock.

Skyedra commented 3 years ago

NSFL - I believe youtube's policies already prohibit a lot of gore type content. If sponsorblock ran on DailyMotion, then would definitely agree such a category would be useful, but... as advertiser-sanitized as youtube already is, I don't know that it's much needed IMO.

Profanity - I think this would be quite difficult to tag given frequency and short durations. It would take some really dedicated people to tag only the relevant f-bombs and still have the rest of the sentence be intelligible...

These cases seem like they would be better handled by a per-video age rating system type plugin rather than a within video skip system

XxX-Force commented 3 years ago

I see prohibited content on YouTube almost every day, and virtually always without any warning. The content itself is not prohibited per se. But, presenting it without warning is. I'm talking about watching a news broadcast that cuts away to footage of bloody corpses as a result of violent international conflict, acts of genocide or ethic cleansing, war crimes, police brutality, murder, etc.

As a person who has had to deal with a lot of human death, and has learned the truly savage violence that humans are capable of, up close, very personal, and far too often, it might stand out to me more than it does to others. Maybe I should stop watching the news. Maybe I should disconnect altogether. I just can't seem to do it, and I guess that's my problem. Regardless, I know that this is an issue on YouTube, and that "NSFL" content is posted as part of otherwise "normal" content, from small independent journalists to gigantic multi-national media outlets, all of the time. Every day.

I'm unconcerned with profanity or adult humor, and I don't think a SponsorBlock category should be made for such. I don't know what would be a good category name(s) for gore, violence, etc., but I threw out some suggestions above.

I think SponsorBlock would be a uniquely perfect solution to the problem I'm trying to point out, because age-restriction doesn't matter if you're an adult with PTSD (or just an adult who finds viewing horrific things without any warning to be undesirable) who is watching a YouTube video, and disturbing content gets splattered into your face in a shocking way. I don't think having an additional category for this has any downsides. Users can simply set the extension to not skip such content if it doesn't bother them. But, for people that it does bother, there really is no other solution out there besides just 'bracing for impact' and suffering.

Again, honestly sorry for the long-winded post, and thank you to anyone who bothered to read it.

ccuser44 commented 2 years ago

Good idea however

useful if watching YouTube in public or with some people who you're not sure will handle

This is not a quite good reason

navid-zamani commented 1 year ago

I only support this, if there is also a new segment “Schizophrenic (e.g. Catholiban/Taliban child-rapist/suicide-bomber) brainwashing/propaganda”, for blocking everything coming from people like OP. So the sane rest of the world who don’t live in the minority of leftover fundamentalist Shariah states like the USA, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, IS, Vatican, etc, or live there and don’t approve of it either, can keep that kind of insanity from infecting them.

BEWARE: Right now, you see a lot of religious fundamentalist pushing their nonsense and trying to catch victims/believers … because they in panic, as throughout the developed world (esp. western Europe and North America), thanks to universally available ways to inform themselves and get education (via the Internet), people are leaving churches in droves, and the rate of believers is at an all time low, falling rapidly. … Especially since such times of crisis have historically been where their victims had been the easiest prey for them.
At least here it was started because there was a big scandal where the Vatican was protecting its organized child rapists yet again for the millionth time, and they got away unpunished yet again, simply preying on children elsewhere now. The same people who tell OP that normal human things like the human body and reproduction are somehow evil (unless it’s controlled by the church who gets to have offspring, of course).

navid-zamani commented 1 year ago

@XxX-Force: There is a huge problem with blocking such horrid things though, if it’s not fiction.

Because people fall into a filter bubble where they think that harm doesn’t cause suffering, and such things don’t exist.

My parents have been victims of war and of child abuse, and the biggest problem such people face is that people here live in such a safe space that the stories just become ridiculous and not believable, and get ignored. That’s actually the prime reason child abuse happens so much. If the kid goes to another family member and tells them about it, the most common response is “That’s impossible! Stop telling such lies!” … Ditto for my dad’s war stories, for which he literally has video proof since he’s an investigative journalist

People just close their eyes and claim it’s a conspiracy theory. Because they think what they can’t accept to be, cannot be.

Reddit is a great example for that, as my dad tried to start his own YT channel, and post on Reddit, and was quickly de-facto banned via tagging everything “NSFL”, even though he is an old-school journalist who puts integrity at the very top of his priorities, and actually literally risked his life going undercover with terrorists and drug gangs, speaking with intelligence officers, and even interviewing the guy that Osama got his commands from, etc.

Just for contrast, imagine a shooter game, where the actual act of shooting people would not be shown, but the result of gore and crying and blood gargling and looking into the face of a dying person (there’s nothing worse… no gore, no blood) … and family members becoming mentally scarred was fully shown. In a way that you could not just ignore it and go on with your life while getting used to it. … So the exact reverse of such games and what’s in the news now. (I don’t disapprove of such games at all; I just want them to be honest.) The gun culture and warmongering and police discussions in the US would be a very different ones then. There’s a reason my uncle made his kids slaughter one oh his turkeys themselves if they wanted to eat turkey at Christmas. (They did, btw, because it’s part of reality.)

So while of course everyone must have the right to decide for himself, … fostering a culture where ignoring horrid things is socially acceptable, is effectively hiding harm and preventing people from getting angry at at and standing up to stop it.

Sorry for being so long, but that is on purpose. This is nothing anybody should get to quickly skim over and keep ignoring. I’ve seen too many horrid things to allow that to happen.