akai-katto / dandere2x

Dandere2x - Fast Waifu2x Video Upscaling.
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.42k stars 77 forks source link

Running dandere2x on CPU #283

Open devedse opened 1 year ago

devedse commented 1 year ago

Hello, I have a Synology NAS with a Ryzen 1500b processor. It doesn't support things like Intel QuickSync (obviously) so I was wondering if I could run dandere2x purely on CPU.

It doesn't really matter if processing is slower as long as it finished at some point :).

akai-katto commented 1 year ago

You can use waifu2x_converter_cpp in the GUI, and just set --disable-gpu to True. You can set this in the config_files\output_options.yaml file.


devedse commented 1 year ago

So when running this from docker is there an argument to pass? Or should I mount the config directory with that file?

devedse commented 1 year ago

Hmm I just mounted the file and the logs actually show that GPU is now disabled:

output_options : {'realsr_ncnn_vulkan': {'output_options': {'-g': None, '-load-proc-save_threads': None, '-model-path': None, '-t': 200, '-verbose': None}}, 'dandere2x': {'bleed': 1, 'max_frames_ahead': 500}, 'dandere2x_cpp': {'block_matching_arg': 'exhaustive', 'evaluator_arg': 'mse'}, 'ffmpeg': {'pre_process_video': {'-hwaccel': 'auto', 'output_options': {'-vf': [' null']}}, 'convert_video_to_gif': {'output_options': {'-pix_fmt': 'yuv420p', '-r': 15}}, 'pipe_video': {'-hwaccel': 'auto', 'output_options': {'-loglevel': 'panic', '-y': '-f', 'image2pipe': True, '-i': '-', '-vcodec': 'libx264', '-preset': 'medium', '-qscale': 5, '-crf': 15, '-vf': [' deband=range=8:blur=false, pp7=qp=2:mode=medium']}}, 'migrate_audio': {'output_options': {'-c': 'copy', '-y': True}}}, 'waifu2x_ncnn_vulkan': {'output_options': {'-g': None, '-load-proc-save_threads': None, '-t': 200, '-verbose': None}}, 'waifu2x_converter': {'output_options': {'--block-size': None, '--disable-gpu': True, '--force-OpenCL': True, '--image-quality': None, '--jobs': None, '--mode': None, '--model-dir': None, '--output-format': None, '--png-compression': None, '--processor': None, '--silent': True}}, 'waifu2x_caffe': {'output_options': {'-batch_size': None, '-crop_size': None, '-gpu': None, '-model_dir': None, '-output_depth': None, '-output_quality': None, '-process': 'cudnn', '-tta': None}}}

However, I'm still seeing the invalid gpu device error:

pre_processed.mkv [2022-12-08 15:32:10,171 NFO     andere2x_service_context.py og_all_variables: andere2x_cpp_evaluator_arg : mse
vkCreateInstance failed -9
invalid gpu device
Exception in thread Master Service Request:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/threading.py", line 932, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "/dandere2x/dandere2x/src/dandere2x/dandere2x_service/__init__.py", line 88, in run
  File "/dandere2x/dandere2x/src/dandere2x/dandere2x_service/__init__.py", line 117, in __upscale_first_frame
  File "/dandere2x/dandere2x/src/dandere2x/dandere2x_service/core/waifu2x/waifu2x_ncnn_vulkan.py", line 107, in upscale_file
    raise Exception("Could not upscale file %s" % input_image)
akai-katto commented 1 year ago

You didn't change the waifu2x type to waifu2x-converter-cpp.


You can see that it's using waifu2x-ncnn-vulkan on in the error by seeing

  File "/dandere2x/dandere2x/src/dandere2x/dandere2x_service/core/waifu2x/waifu2x_ncnn_vulkan.py", 

Try changing the parameters to -w converter_cpp to enable converter-cpp.

devedse commented 1 year ago

It seems the cpp converter is not included in the Dockerimage:

2022-12-11 13:21:25.148 [INFO] -> pre_processed.mkv [2022-12-11 12:21:25,109 NFO     andere2x_service_context.py og_all_variables: leed : 1
2022-12-11 13:21:25.149 [INFO] -> pre_processed.mkv [2022-12-11 12:21:25,109 NFO     andere2x_service_context.py og_all_variables: emp_image : /dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/subworkspace/temp_image_folder/tempimage.jpg
2022-12-11 13:21:25.149 [INFO] -> pre_processed.mkv [2022-12-11 12:21:25,109 NFO     andere2x_service_context.py og_all_variables: ebug : False
2022-12-11 13:21:25.150 [INFO] -> pre_processed.mkv [2022-12-11 12:21:25,110 NFO     andere2x_service_context.py og_all_variables: tep_size : 4
2022-12-11 13:21:25.150 [INFO] -> pre_processed.mkv [2022-12-11 12:21:25,110 NFO     andere2x_service_context.py og_all_variables: ax_frames_ahead : 100
2022-12-11 13:21:25.151 [INFO] -> pre_processed.mkv [2022-12-11 12:21:25,110 NFO     andere2x_service_context.py og_all_variables: andere2x_cpp_block_matching_arg : exhaustive
2022-12-11 13:21:25.152 [INFO] -> pre_processed.mkv [2022-12-11 12:21:25,110 NFO     andere2x_service_context.py og_all_variables: andere2x_cpp_evaluator_arg : mse
2022-12-11 13:21:31.279 [INFO] -> Exception in thread Master Service Request:
2022-12-11 13:21:31.280 [INFO] -> Traceback (most recent call last):
2022-12-11 13:21:31.280 [INFO] ->   File "/usr/lib/python3.8/threading.py", line 932, in _bootstrap_inner
2022-12-11 13:21:31.281 [INFO] ->     self.run()
2022-12-11 13:21:31.281 [INFO] ->   File "/dandere2x/dandere2x/src/dandere2x/dandere2x_service/__init__.py", line 88, in run
2022-12-11 13:21:31.282 [INFO] ->     self.__upscale_first_frame()
2022-12-11 13:21:31.283 [INFO] ->   File "/dandere2x/dandere2x/src/dandere2x/dandere2x_service/__init__.py", line 117, in __upscale_first_frame
2022-12-11 13:21:31.284 [INFO] ->     self.waifu2x.upscale_file(
2022-12-11 13:21:31.284 [INFO] ->   File "/dandere2x/dandere2x/src/dandere2x/dandere2x_service/core/waifu2x/waifu2x_converter_cpp.py", line 86, in upscale_file
2022-12-11 13:21:31.285 [INFO] ->     self.active_waifu2x_subprocess = subprocess.Popen(exec_command, shell=False, stderr=console_output,
2022-12-11 13:21:31.286 [INFO] ->   File "/usr/lib/python3.8/subprocess.py", line 854, in __init__
2022-12-11 13:21:31.286 [INFO] ->     self._execute_child(args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds,
2022-12-11 13:21:31.287 [INFO] ->   File "/usr/lib/python3.8/subprocess.py", line 1702, in _execute_child
2022-12-11 13:21:31.288 [INFO] ->     raise child_exception_type(errno_num, err_msg, err_filename)
2022-12-11 13:21:31.288 [INFO] -> FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: PosixPath('/dandere2x/dandere2x/src/externals/waifu2x-converter-cpp')
2022-12-11 13:21:31.355 [INFO] -> setting json {'streams': [{'index': 0, 'codec_name': 'h264', 'codec_long_name': 'H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10', 'profile': 'High', 'codec_type': 'video', 'codec_time_base': '1001/48000', 'codec_tag_string': '[0][0][0][0]', 'codec_tag': '0x0000', 'width': 1920, 'height': 1080, 'coded_width': 1920, 'coded_height': 1088, 'has_b_frames': 2, 'sample_aspect_ratio': '1:1', 'display_aspect_ratio': '16:9', 'pix_fmt': 'yuv420p', 'level': 40, 'chroma_location': 'left', 'field_order': 'progressive', 'refs': 1, 'is_avc': 'true', 'nal_length_size': '4', 'r_frame_rate': '24000/1001', 'avg_frame_rate': '24000/1001', 'time_base': '1/1000', 'start_pts': 42, 'start_time': '0.042000', 'bits_per_raw_sample': '8', 'disposition': {'default': 1, 'dub': 0, 'original': 0, 'comment': 0, 'lyrics': 0, 'karaoke': 0, 'forced': 0, 'hearing_impaired': 0, 'visual_impaired': 0, 'clean_effects': 0, 'attached_pic': 0, 'timed_thumbnails': 0}, 'tags': {'title': '[Judas] x265 10b', 'BPS-eng': '1182946', 'DURATION-eng': '00:23:45.466000000', 'NUMBER_OF_FRAMES-eng': '34177', 'NUMBER_OF_BYTES-eng': '210781232', '_STATISTICS_WRITING_APP-eng': "mkvmerge v43.0.0 ('The Quartermaster') 64-bit", '_STATISTICS_WRITING_DATE_UTC-eng': '2020-03-02 08:11:36', '_STATISTICS_TAGS-eng': 'BPS DURATION NUMBER_OF_FRAMES NUMBER_OF_BYTES', 'ENCODER': 'Lavc58.35.100 libx264', 'DURATION': '00:00:03.006000000'}}, {'index': 1, 'codec_name': 'vorbis', 'codec_long_name': 'Vorbis', 'codec_type': 'audio', 'codec_time_base': '1/48000', 'codec_tag_string': '[0][0][0][0]', 'codec_tag': '0x0000', 'sample_fmt': 'fltp', 'sample_rate': '48000', 'channels': 2, 'channel_layout': 'stereo', 'bits_per_sample': 0, 'r_frame_rate': '0/0', 'avg_frame_rate': '0/0', 'time_base': '1/1000', 'start_pts': 0, 'start_time': '0.000000', 'disposition': {'default': 1, 'dub': 0, 'original': 0, 'comment': 0, 'lyrics': 0, 'karaoke': 0, 'forced': 0, 'hearing_impaired': 0, 'visual_impaired': 0, 'clean_effects': 0, 'attached_pic': 0, 'timed_thumbnails': 0}, 'tags': {'language': 'eng', 'title': '[Judas] ENG Stereo (Opus 112Kbps)', 'BPS-eng': '105917', 'DURATION-eng': '00:23:45.981000000', 'NUMBER_OF_FRAMES-eng': '71299', 'NUMBER_OF_BYTES-eng': '18879552', '_STATISTICS_WRITING_APP-eng': "mkvmerge v43.0.0 ('The Quartermaster') 64-bit", '_STATISTICS_WRITING_DATE_UTC-eng': '2020-03-02 08:11:36', '_STATISTICS_TAGS-eng': 'BPS DURATION NUMBER_OF_FRAMES NUMBER_OF_BYTES', 'ENCODER': 'Lavc58.35.100 libvorbis', 'DURATION': '00:00:03.003000000'}}], 'format': {'filename': '/dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/pre_processed.mkv', 'nb_streams': 2, 'nb_programs': 0, 'format_name': 'matroska,webm', 'format_long_name': 'Matroska / WebM', 'start_time': '0.000000', 'duration': '3.006000', 'size': '348683', 'bit_rate': '927965', 'probe_score': 100, 'tags': {'ENCODER': 'Lavf58.20.100'}}}
2022-12-11 13:21:31.422 [INFO] -> Total runtime duration: 14.34764051437378
2022-12-11 13:21:41.483 [INFO] -> Exit Code: 0
2022-12-11 13:21:41.485 [INFO] -> Standard output: root [2022-12-11 12:21:17,005 NFO     andere2x_logger.py et_dandere2x_logger: andere2x Console Logger Set
devedse commented 1 year ago

Ok I've just created a new Dockerfile (https://github.com/akai-katto/dandere2x/pull/286) / image (https://hub.docker.com/layers/devedse/dandere2x) which includes DeadSix27/waifu2x-converter-cpp.

The issue that it couldn't find the specific tool is now solved, however I'm still having a new error:

2022-12-12 02:00:38.214 [INFO] -> Digest: sha256:85320ca63af51809cc27b465d230d5fa78b65c231aa01341684e51e591bd02ef
2022-12-12 02:00:38.418 [INFO] -> Status: Downloaded newer image for devedse/dandere2x:latest
2022-12-12 02:00:44.671 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:00:44,671 NFO     andere2x_logger.py et_dandere2x_logger: andere2x Console Logger Set
2022-12-12 02:00:44.712 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:00:44,711 NFO     andere2x_service_request.py og_all_variables: ervice Request Settings:
2022-12-12 02:00:44.730 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:00:44,730 NFO     aml_utils.py oad_executable_paths_yaml: ain_path option /usr/bin did not work, trying the next main_path option
2022-12-12 02:00:44.740 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:00:44,740 NFO     aml_utils.py oad_executable_paths_yaml: ain path /dandere2x/dandere2x/src loaded executable_paths.yaml successfully. 
2022-12-12 02:00:49.238 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:00:49,237 NFO     andere2x_logger.py et_dandere2x_logger: andere2x Console Logger Set
2022-12-12 02:00:49.239 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:00:49,238 NFO     aml_utils.py oad_executable_paths_yaml: ain_path option /usr/bin did not work, trying the next main_path option
2022-12-12 02:00:49.241 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:00:49,241 NFO     aml_utils.py oad_executable_paths_yaml: ain path /dandere2x/dandere2x/src loaded executable_paths.yaml successfully. 
2022-12-12 02:00:49.242 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:00:49,241 NFO     aml_utils.py oad_executable_paths_yaml: ain_path option /usr/bin did not work, trying the next main_path option
2022-12-12 02:00:49.245 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:00:49,244 NFO     aml_utils.py oad_executable_paths_yaml: ain path /dandere2x/dandere2x/src loaded executable_paths.yaml successfully. 
2022-12-12 02:00:49.246 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:00:49,245 NFO     fprobe.py et_video_info: oading video meta-data with ffprobe.. this might take a while.
2022-12-12 02:00:49.246 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:00:49,245 NFO     fprobe.py et_video_info: ommand: ['ffprobe', '-v', 'panic', '-print_format', 'json', '-show_format', '-show_streams', '-i', '/host/output_small.mkv']
2022-12-12 02:00:49.496 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:00:49,495 NFO     ideosettings.py [__init__: oaded Video Settings for /host/output_small.mkv :
2022-12-12 02:00:49.497 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:00:49,495 NFO     ideosettings.py [__init__: fprobe_dir : ffprobe
2022-12-12 02:00:49.498 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:00:49,495 NFO     ideosettings.py [__init__: fmpeg_dir : ffmpeg
2022-12-12 02:00:49.499 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:00:49,496 NFO     ideosettings.py [__init__: ettings_json : {'streams': [{'index': 0, 'codec_name': 'h264', 'codec_long_name': 'H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10', 'profile': 'High', 'codec_type': 'video', 'codec_tag_string': '[0][0][0][0]', 'codec_tag': '0x0000', 'width': 1920, 'height': 1080, 'coded_width': 1920, 'coded_height': 1080, 'closed_captions': 0, 'has_b_frames': 2, 'sample_aspect_ratio': '1:1', 'display_aspect_ratio': '16:9', 'pix_fmt': 'yuv420p', 'level': 51, 'color_range': 'tv', 'color_space': 'bt709', 'color_transfer': 'bt709', 'color_primaries': 'bt709', 'chroma_location': 'left', 'field_order': 'progressive', 'refs': 1, 'is_avc': 'true', 'nal_length_size': '4', 'r_frame_rate': '24000/1001', 'avg_frame_rate': '24000/1001', 'time_base': '1/1000', 'start_pts': 42, 'start_time': '0.042000', 'bits_per_raw_sample': '8', 'disposition': {'default': 1, 'dub': 0, 'original': 0, 'comment': 0, 'lyrics': 0, 'karaoke': 0, 'forced': 0, 'hearing_impaired': 0, 'visual_impaired': 0, 'clean_effects': 0, 'attached_pic': 0, 'timed_thumbnails': 0}, 'tags': {'title': '[Judas] x265 10b', 'BPS-eng': '1182946', 'DURATION-eng': '00:23:45.466000000', 'NUMBER_OF_FRAMES-eng': '34177', 'NUMBER_OF_BYTES-eng': '210781232', '_STATISTICS_WRITING_APP-eng': "mkvmerge v43.0.0 ('The Quartermaster') 64-bit", '_STATISTICS_WRITING_DATE_UTC-eng': '2020-03-02 08:11:36', '_STATISTICS_TAGS-eng': 'BPS DURATION NUMBER_OF_FRAMES NUMBER_OF_BYTES', 'ENCODER': 'Lavc59.37.100 libx264', 'DURATION': '00:00:03.003000000'}}, {'index': 1, 'codec_name': 'opus', 'codec_long_name': 'Opus (Opus Interactive Audio Codec)', 'codec_type': 'audio', 'codec_tag_string': '[0][0][0][0]', 'codec_tag': '0x0000', 'sample_fmt': 'fltp', 'sample_rate': '48000', 'channels': 2, 'channel_layout': 'stereo', 'bits_per_sample': 0, 'r_frame_rate': '0/0', 'avg_frame_rate': '0/0', 'time_base': '1/1000', 'start_pts': -6, 'start_time': '-0.006000', 'disposition': {'default': 1, 'dub': 0, 'original': 0, 'comment': 0, 'lyrics': 0, 'karaoke': 0, 'forced': 0, 'hearing_impaired': 0, 'visual_impaired': 0, 'clean_effects': 0, 'attached_pic': 0, 'timed_thumbnails': 0}, 'tags': {'language': 'eng', 'title': '[Judas] ENG Stereo (Opus 112Kbps)', 'BPS-eng': '105917', 'DURATION-eng': '00:23:45.981000000', 'NUMBER_OF_FRAMES-eng': '71299', 'NUMBER_OF_BYTES-eng': '18879552', '_STATISTICS_WRITING_APP-eng': "mkvmerge v43.0.0 ('The Quartermaster') 64-bit", '_STATISTICS_WRITING_DATE_UTC-eng': '2020-03-02 08:11:36', '_STATISTICS_TAGS-eng': 'BPS DURATION NUMBER_OF_FRAMES NUMBER_OF_BYTES', 'DURATION': '00:00:03.001000000'}}], 'format': {'filename': '/host/output_small.mkv', 'nb_streams': 2, 'nb_programs': 0, 'format_name': 'matroska,webm', 'format_long_name': 'Matroska / WebM', 'start_time': '-0.006000', 'duration': '3.003000', 'size': '258948', 'bit_rate': '689838', 'probe_score': 100, 'tags': {'ENCODER': 'Lavf59.27.100'}}}
2022-12-12 02:00:49.499 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:00:49,496 NFO     ideosettings.py [__init__: rame_count : 71
2022-12-12 02:00:49.500 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:00:49,496 NFO     ideosettings.py [__init__: ix_fmt : yuv420p
2022-12-12 02:00:49.501 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:00:49,496 NFO     ideosettings.py [__init__: eight : 1080
2022-12-12 02:00:49.501 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:00:49,496 NFO     ideosettings.py [__init__: idth : 1920
2022-12-12 02:00:49.502 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:00:49,496 NFO     ideosettings.py [__init__: rame_rate : 23.976023976023978
2022-12-12 02:00:49.502 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:00:49,496 NFO     ideosettings.py [__init__: ar : 16:9
2022-12-12 02:00:49.503 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:00:49,496 NFO     ideosettings.py [__init__: otate : 0
2022-12-12 02:00:49.503 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:00:49,497 NFO     aml_utils.py oad_executable_paths_yaml: ain_path option /usr/bin did not work, trying the next main_path option
2022-12-12 02:00:49.504 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:00:49,499 NFO     aml_utils.py oad_executable_paths_yaml: ain path /dandere2x/dandere2x/src loaded executable_paths.yaml successfully. 
2022-12-12 02:00:49.504 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:00:49,500 NFO     aml_utils.py oad_executable_paths_yaml: ain_path option /usr/bin did not work, trying the next main_path option
2022-12-12 02:00:49.505 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:00:49,503 NFO     aml_utils.py oad_executable_paths_yaml: ain path /dandere2x/dandere2x/src loaded executable_paths.yaml successfully. 
2022-12-12 02:00:49.505 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:00:49,503 NFO     aml_utils.py oad_executable_paths_yaml: ain_path option /usr/bin did not work, trying the next main_path option
2022-12-12 02:00:49.507 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:00:49,506 NFO     aml_utils.py oad_executable_paths_yaml: ain path /dandere2x/dandere2x/src loaded executable_paths.yaml successfully. 
2022-12-12 02:00:49.571 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:00:49,571 NFO     aml_utils.py oad_executable_paths_yaml: ain_path option /usr/bin did not work, trying the next main_path option
2022-12-12 02:00:49.574 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:00:49,574 NFO     aml_utils.py oad_executable_paths_yaml: ain path /dandere2x/dandere2x/src loaded executable_paths.yaml successfully. 
2022-12-12 02:00:49.575 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:00:49,574 NFO     aml_utils.py oad_executable_paths_yaml: ain_path option /usr/bin did not work, trying the next main_path option
2022-12-12 02:00:49.577 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:00:49,577 NFO     aml_utils.py oad_executable_paths_yaml: ain path /dandere2x/dandere2x/src loaded executable_paths.yaml successfully. 
2022-12-12 02:00:49.578 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:00:49,577 NFO     fprobe.py et_video_info: oading video meta-data with ffprobe.. this might take a while.
2022-12-12 02:00:49.578 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:00:49,577 NFO     fprobe.py et_video_info: ommand: ['ffprobe', '-v', 'panic', '-print_format', 'json', '-show_format', '-show_streams', '-i', '/host/output_small.mkv']
2022-12-12 02:00:49.795 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:00:49,795 NFO     ideosettings.py [__init__: oaded Video Settings for /host/output_small.mkv :
2022-12-12 02:00:49.796 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:00:49,795 NFO     ideosettings.py [__init__: fprobe_dir : ffprobe
2022-12-12 02:00:49.797 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:00:49,795 NFO     ideosettings.py [__init__: fmpeg_dir : ffmpeg
2022-12-12 02:00:49.798 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:00:49,795 NFO     ideosettings.py [__init__: ettings_json : {'streams': [{'index': 0, 'codec_name': 'h264', 'codec_long_name': 'H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10', 'profile': 'High', 'codec_type': 'video', 'codec_tag_string': '[0][0][0][0]', 'codec_tag': '0x0000', 'width': 1920, 'height': 1080, 'coded_width': 1920, 'coded_height': 1080, 'closed_captions': 0, 'has_b_frames': 2, 'sample_aspect_ratio': '1:1', 'display_aspect_ratio': '16:9', 'pix_fmt': 'yuv420p', 'level': 51, 'color_range': 'tv', 'color_space': 'bt709', 'color_transfer': 'bt709', 'color_primaries': 'bt709', 'chroma_location': 'left', 'field_order': 'progressive', 'refs': 1, 'is_avc': 'true', 'nal_length_size': '4', 'r_frame_rate': '24000/1001', 'avg_frame_rate': '24000/1001', 'time_base': '1/1000', 'start_pts': 42, 'start_time': '0.042000', 'bits_per_raw_sample': '8', 'disposition': {'default': 1, 'dub': 0, 'original': 0, 'comment': 0, 'lyrics': 0, 'karaoke': 0, 'forced': 0, 'hearing_impaired': 0, 'visual_impaired': 0, 'clean_effects': 0, 'attached_pic': 0, 'timed_thumbnails': 0}, 'tags': {'title': '[Judas] x265 10b', 'BPS-eng': '1182946', 'DURATION-eng': '00:23:45.466000000', 'NUMBER_OF_FRAMES-eng': '34177', 'NUMBER_OF_BYTES-eng': '210781232', '_STATISTICS_WRITING_APP-eng': "mkvmerge v43.0.0 ('The Quartermaster') 64-bit", '_STATISTICS_WRITING_DATE_UTC-eng': '2020-03-02 08:11:36', '_STATISTICS_TAGS-eng': 'BPS DURATION NUMBER_OF_FRAMES NUMBER_OF_BYTES', 'ENCODER': 'Lavc59.37.100 libx264', 'DURATION': '00:00:03.003000000'}}, {'index': 1, 'codec_name': 'opus', 'codec_long_name': 'Opus (Opus Interactive Audio Codec)', 'codec_type': 'audio', 'codec_tag_string': '[0][0][0][0]', 'codec_tag': '0x0000', 'sample_fmt': 'fltp', 'sample_rate': '48000', 'channels': 2, 'channel_layout': 'stereo', 'bits_per_sample': 0, 'r_frame_rate': '0/0', 'avg_frame_rate': '0/0', 'time_base': '1/1000', 'start_pts': -6, 'start_time': '-0.006000', 'disposition': {'default': 1, 'dub': 0, 'original': 0, 'comment': 0, 'lyrics': 0, 'karaoke': 0, 'forced': 0, 'hearing_impaired': 0, 'visual_impaired': 0, 'clean_effects': 0, 'attached_pic': 0, 'timed_thumbnails': 0}, 'tags': {'language': 'eng', 'title': '[Judas] ENG Stereo (Opus 112Kbps)', 'BPS-eng': '105917', 'DURATION-eng': '00:23:45.981000000', 'NUMBER_OF_FRAMES-eng': '71299', 'NUMBER_OF_BYTES-eng': '18879552', '_STATISTICS_WRITING_APP-eng': "mkvmerge v43.0.0 ('The Quartermaster') 64-bit", '_STATISTICS_WRITING_DATE_UTC-eng': '2020-03-02 08:11:36', '_STATISTICS_TAGS-eng': 'BPS DURATION NUMBER_OF_FRAMES NUMBER_OF_BYTES', 'DURATION': '00:00:03.001000000'}}], 'format': {'filename': '/host/output_small.mkv', 'nb_streams': 2, 'nb_programs': 0, 'format_name': 'matroska,webm', 'format_long_name': 'Matroska / WebM', 'start_time': '-0.006000', 'duration': '3.003000', 'size': '258948', 'bit_rate': '689838', 'probe_score': 100, 'tags': {'ENCODER': 'Lavf59.27.100'}}}
2022-12-12 02:00:49.798 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:00:49,795 NFO     ideosettings.py [__init__: rame_count : 71
2022-12-12 02:00:49.799 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:00:49,795 NFO     ideosettings.py [__init__: ix_fmt : yuv420p
2022-12-12 02:00:49.799 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:00:49,795 NFO     ideosettings.py [__init__: eight : 1080
2022-12-12 02:00:49.800 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:00:49,795 NFO     ideosettings.py [__init__: idth : 1920
2022-12-12 02:00:49.800 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:00:49,796 NFO     ideosettings.py [__init__: rame_rate : 23.976023976023978
2022-12-12 02:00:49.801 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:00:49,796 NFO     ideosettings.py [__init__: ar : 16:9
2022-12-12 02:00:49.801 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:00:49,796 NFO     ideosettings.py [__init__: otate : 0
2022-12-12 02:00:49.801 [INFO] -> Exception in thread Thread-1:
2022-12-12 02:00:49.802 [INFO] -> Traceback (most recent call last):
2022-12-12 02:00:49.802 [INFO] ->   File "/usr/lib/python3.10/threading.py", line 1016, in _bootstrap_inner
2022-12-12 02:00:49.820 [INFO] ->     self.run()
2022-12-12 02:00:49.821 [INFO] ->   File "/dandere2x/dandere2x/src/dandere2x/__init__.py", line 57, in run
2022-12-12 02:00:49.822 [INFO] -> version 3.6
2022-12-12 02:00:49.822 [INFO] ->     self._root_service_thread.run()
2022-12-12 02:00:49.823 [INFO] -> workspace : /dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace
2022-12-12 02:00:49.823 [INFO] ->   File "/dandere2x/dandere2x/src/dandere2x/dandere2x_service/service_types/singleprocess_service.py", line 60, in run
2022-12-12 02:00:49.824 [INFO] -> scale_factor : 2
2022-12-12 02:00:49.824 [INFO] ->     self._pre_process()
2022-12-12 02:00:49.825 [INFO] -> quality_minimum : 97
2022-12-12 02:00:49.825 [INFO] ->   File "/dandere2x/dandere2x/src/dandere2x/dandere2x_service/service_types/singleprocess_service.py", line 57, in _pre_process
2022-12-12 02:00:49.825 [INFO] -> denoise_level : 3
2022-12-12 02:00:49.825 [INFO] ->     self.dandere2x_service = Dandere2xServiceThread(service_request=self.child_request)
2022-12-12 02:00:49.826 [INFO] -> block_size : 30
2022-12-12 02:00:49.826 [INFO] ->   File "/dandere2x/dandere2x/src/dandere2x/dandere2x_service/__init__.py", line 76, in __init__
2022-12-12 02:00:49.826 [INFO] -> output_file : /host/703897d7-b9a8-4cc8-ad08-0f8e5d6e1b6a.mkv
2022-12-12 02:00:49.826 [INFO] ->     self.min_disk_demon = MinDiskUsage(self.context, self.controller)
2022-12-12 02:00:49.827 [INFO] -> input_file : /host/output_small.mkv
2022-12-12 02:00:49.827 [INFO] -> output_options : {'realsr_ncnn_vulkan': {'output_options': {'-g': None, '-load-proc-save_threads': None, '-model-path': None, '-t': 200, '-verbose': None}}, 'dandere2x': {'bleed': 1, 'max_frames_ahead': 500}, 'dandere2x_cpp': {'block_matching_arg': 'exhaustive', 'evaluator_arg': 'mse'}, 'ffmpeg': {'pre_process_video': {'-hwaccel': 'auto', 'output_options': {'-vf': [' null']}}, 'convert_video_to_gif': {'output_options': {'-pix_fmt': 'yuv420p', '-r': 15}}, 'pipe_video': {'-hwaccel': 'auto', 'output_options': {'-loglevel': 'panic', '-y': '-f', 'image2pipe': True, '-i': '-', '-vcodec': 'libx264', '-preset': 'medium', '-qscale': 5, '-crf': 15, '-vf': [' deband=range=8:blur=false, pp7=qp=2:mode=medium']}}, 'migrate_audio': {'output_options': {'-c': 'copy', '-y': True}}}, 'waifu2x_ncnn_vulkan': {'output_options': {'-g': None, '-load-proc-save_threads': None, '-t': 200, '-verbose': None}}, 'waifu2x_converter': {'output_options': {'--block-size': None, '--disable-gpu': True, '--force-OpenCL': True, '--image-quality': None, '--jobs': None, '--mode': None, '--model-dir': None, '--output-format': None, '--png-compression': None, '--processor': None, '--silent': True}}, 'waifu2x_caffe': {'output_options': {'-batch_size': None, '-crop_size': None, '-gpu': None, '-model_dir': None, '-output_depth': None, '-output_quality': None, '-process': 'cudnn', '-tta': None}}}
2022-12-12 02:00:49.828 [INFO] ->   File "/dandere2x/dandere2x/src/dandere2x/dandere2x_service/core/min_disk_usage.py", line 55, in __init__
2022-12-12 02:00:49.828 [INFO] -> name : Master Service Request
2022-12-12 02:00:49.828 [INFO] ->     self.progressive_frame_extractor = ProgressiveFrameExtractor(input_video=self.context.service_request.input_file,
2022-12-12 02:00:49.829 [INFO] -> processing_type : ProcessingType.SINGLE_PROCESS
2022-12-12 02:00:49.829 [INFO] ->   File "/dandere2x/dandere2x/src/dandere2x/dandere2xlib/wrappers/ffmpeg/progressive_frame_extractor/__init__.py", line 36, in __init__
2022-12-12 02:00:49.830 [INFO] -> upscale_engine : UpscalingEngineType.CONVERTER_CPP
2022-12-12 02:00:49.830 [INFO] ->     self.cap = FFMpegVideoFrameExtractor(Path(ffmpeg_path), Path(input_video), width, height, block_size, output_options_original)
2022-12-12 02:00:49.830 [INFO] -> attempting to make or clear /dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace
2022-12-12 02:00:49.830 [INFO] ->   File "/dandere2x/dandere2x/src/dandere2x/dandere2xlib/wrappers/ffmpeg/progressive_frame_extractor/_ffmpeg_video_frame_extractor.py", line 143, in __init__
2022-12-12 02:00:49.831 [INFO] ->     options = get_options_from_section(fixed_resolution["ffmpeg"]["convert_video_to_frames"]['output_options'],
2022-12-12 02:00:49.832 [INFO] -> setting json {'streams': [{'index': 0, 'codec_name': 'h264', 'codec_long_name': 'H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10', 'profile': 'High', 'codec_type': 'video', 'codec_tag_string': '[0][0][0][0]', 'codec_tag': '0x0000', 'width': 1920, 'height': 1080, 'coded_width': 1920, 'coded_height': 1080, 'closed_captions': 0, 'has_b_frames': 2, 'sample_aspect_ratio': '1:1', 'display_aspect_ratio': '16:9', 'pix_fmt': 'yuv420p', 'level': 51, 'color_range': 'tv', 'color_space': 'bt709', 'color_transfer': 'bt709', 'color_primaries': 'bt709', 'chroma_location': 'left', 'field_order': 'progressive', 'refs': 1, 'is_avc': 'true', 'nal_length_size': '4', 'r_frame_rate': '24000/1001', 'avg_frame_rate': '24000/1001', 'time_base': '1/1000', 'start_pts': 42, 'start_time': '0.042000', 'bits_per_raw_sample': '8', 'disposition': {'default': 1, 'dub': 0, 'original': 0, 'comment': 0, 'lyrics': 0, 'karaoke': 0, 'forced': 0, 'hearing_impaired': 0, 'visual_impaired': 0, 'clean_effects': 0, 'attached_pic': 0, 'timed_thumbnails': 0}, 'tags': {'title': '[Judas] x265 10b', 'BPS-eng': '1182946', 'DURATION-eng': '00:23:45.466000000', 'NUMBER_OF_FRAMES-eng': '34177', 'NUMBER_OF_BYTES-eng': '210781232', '_STATISTICS_WRITING_APP-eng': "mkvmerge v43.0.0 ('The Quartermaster') 64-bit", '_STATISTICS_WRITING_DATE_UTC-eng': '2020-03-02 08:11:36', '_STATISTICS_TAGS-eng': 'BPS DURATION NUMBER_OF_FRAMES NUMBER_OF_BYTES', 'ENCODER': 'Lavc59.37.100 libx264', 'DURATION': '00:00:03.003000000'}}, {'index': 1, 'codec_name': 'opus', 'codec_long_name': 'Opus (Opus Interactive Audio Codec)', 'codec_type': 'audio', 'codec_tag_string': '[0][0][0][0]', 'codec_tag': '0x0000', 'sample_fmt': 'fltp', 'sample_rate': '48000', 'channels': 2, 'channel_layout': 'stereo', 'bits_per_sample': 0, 'r_frame_rate': '0/0', 'avg_frame_rate': '0/0', 'time_base': '1/1000', 'start_pts': -6, 'start_time': '-0.006000', 'disposition': {'default': 1, 'dub': 0, 'original': 0, 'comment': 0, 'lyrics': 0, 'karaoke': 0, 'forced': 0, 'hearing_impaired': 0, 'visual_impaired': 0, 'clean_effects': 0, 'attached_pic': 0, 'timed_thumbnails': 0}, 'tags': {'language': 'eng', 'title': '[Judas] ENG Stereo (Opus 112Kbps)', 'BPS-eng': '105917', 'DURATION-eng': '00:23:45.981000000', 'NUMBER_OF_FRAMES-eng': '71299', 'NUMBER_OF_BYTES-eng': '18879552', '_STATISTICS_WRITING_APP-eng': "mkvmerge v43.0.0 ('The Quartermaster') 64-bit", '_STATISTICS_WRITING_DATE_UTC-eng': '2020-03-02 08:11:36', '_STATISTICS_TAGS-eng': 'BPS DURATION NUMBER_OF_FRAMES NUMBER_OF_BYTES', 'DURATION': '00:00:03.001000000'}}], 'format': {'filename': '/host/output_small.mkv', 'nb_streams': 2, 'nb_programs': 0, 'format_name': 'matroska,webm', 'format_long_name': 'Matroska / WebM', 'start_time': '-0.006000', 'duration': '3.003000', 'size': '258948', 'bit_rate': '689838', 'probe_score': 100, 'tags': {'ENCODER': 'Lavf59.27.100'}}}
2022-12-12 02:00:49.832 [INFO] -> KeyError: 'convert_video_to_frames'
2022-12-12 02:00:49.834 [INFO] -> setting json {'streams': [{'index': 0, 'codec_name': 'h264', 'codec_long_name': 'H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10', 'profile': 'High', 'codec_type': 'video', 'codec_tag_string': '[0][0][0][0]', 'codec_tag': '0x0000', 'width': 1920, 'height': 1080, 'coded_width': 1920, 'coded_height': 1080, 'closed_captions': 0, 'has_b_frames': 2, 'sample_aspect_ratio': '1:1', 'display_aspect_ratio': '16:9', 'pix_fmt': 'yuv420p', 'level': 51, 'color_range': 'tv', 'color_space': 'bt709', 'color_transfer': 'bt709', 'color_primaries': 'bt709', 'chroma_location': 'left', 'field_order': 'progressive', 'refs': 1, 'is_avc': 'true', 'nal_length_size': '4', 'r_frame_rate': '24000/1001', 'avg_frame_rate': '24000/1001', 'time_base': '1/1000', 'start_pts': 42, 'start_time': '0.042000', 'bits_per_raw_sample': '8', 'disposition': {'default': 1, 'dub': 0, 'original': 0, 'comment': 0, 'lyrics': 0, 'karaoke': 0, 'forced': 0, 'hearing_impaired': 0, 'visual_impaired': 0, 'clean_effects': 0, 'attached_pic': 0, 'timed_thumbnails': 0}, 'tags': {'title': '[Judas] x265 10b', 'BPS-eng': '1182946', 'DURATION-eng': '00:23:45.466000000', 'NUMBER_OF_FRAMES-eng': '34177', 'NUMBER_OF_BYTES-eng': '210781232', '_STATISTICS_WRITING_APP-eng': "mkvmerge v43.0.0 ('The Quartermaster') 64-bit", '_STATISTICS_WRITING_DATE_UTC-eng': '2020-03-02 08:11:36', '_STATISTICS_TAGS-eng': 'BPS DURATION NUMBER_OF_FRAMES NUMBER_OF_BYTES', 'ENCODER': 'Lavc59.37.100 libx264', 'DURATION': '00:00:03.003000000'}}, {'index': 1, 'codec_name': 'opus', 'codec_long_name': 'Opus (Opus Interactive Audio Codec)', 'codec_type': 'audio', 'codec_tag_string': '[0][0][0][0]', 'codec_tag': '0x0000', 'sample_fmt': 'fltp', 'sample_rate': '48000', 'channels': 2, 'channel_layout': 'stereo', 'bits_per_sample': 0, 'r_frame_rate': '0/0', 'avg_frame_rate': '0/0', 'time_base': '1/1000', 'start_pts': -6, 'start_time': '-0.006000', 'disposition': {'default': 1, 'dub': 0, 'original': 0, 'comment': 0, 'lyrics': 0, 'karaoke': 0, 'forced': 0, 'hearing_impaired': 0, 'visual_impaired': 0, 'clean_effects': 0, 'attached_pic': 0, 'timed_thumbnails': 0}, 'tags': {'language': 'eng', 'title': '[Judas] ENG Stereo (Opus 112Kbps)', 'BPS-eng': '105917', 'DURATION-eng': '00:23:45.981000000', 'NUMBER_OF_FRAMES-eng': '71299', 'NUMBER_OF_BYTES-eng': '18879552', '_STATISTICS_WRITING_APP-eng': "mkvmerge v43.0.0 ('The Quartermaster') 64-bit", '_STATISTICS_WRITING_DATE_UTC-eng': '2020-03-02 08:11:36', '_STATISTICS_TAGS-eng': 'BPS DURATION NUMBER_OF_FRAMES NUMBER_OF_BYTES', 'DURATION': '00:00:03.001000000'}}], 'format': {'filename': '/host/output_small.mkv', 'nb_streams': 2, 'nb_programs': 0, 'format_name': 'matroska,webm', 'format_long_name': 'Matroska / WebM', 'start_time': '-0.006000', 'duration': '3.003000', 'size': '258948', 'bit_rate': '689838', 'probe_score': 100, 'tags': {'ENCODER': 'Lavf59.27.100'}}}
2022-12-12 02:00:49.834 [INFO] -> Total runtime duration: 5.150126218795776
2022-12-12 02:00:53.940 [INFO] -> Exit Code: 0

Edit: Apparently something was recently modified in the config file (ffmpeg\convert_video_to_frames was added): https://github.com/akai-katto/dandere2x/commit/5d6c9b7b93d37813673012fcc6f4ad4d28b12379#diff-97578fe7f5721c05ca609d2c2643a688dab1d58d435b71a3bdbb0abb8827fd25

So that fixed this issue 😄

devedse commented 1 year ago

Ok so a new error popped up, and I'm not exactly sure what to do with this one:

2022-12-12 02:25:24.950 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:24,948 NFO     andere2x_logger.py et_dandere2x_logger: andere2x Console Logger Set
2022-12-12 02:25:24.963 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:24,962 NFO     andere2x_service_request.py og_all_variables: ervice Request Settings:
2022-12-12 02:25:24.978 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:24,978 NFO     aml_utils.py oad_executable_paths_yaml: ain_path option /usr/bin did not work, trying the next main_path option
2022-12-12 02:25:25.082 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:25,082 NFO     aml_utils.py oad_executable_paths_yaml: ain path /dandere2x/dandere2x/src loaded executable_paths.yaml successfully. 
2022-12-12 02:25:28.860 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:28,859 NFO     andere2x_logger.py et_dandere2x_logger: andere2x Console Logger Set
2022-12-12 02:25:28.861 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:28,859 NFO     aml_utils.py oad_executable_paths_yaml: ain_path option /usr/bin did not work, trying the next main_path option
2022-12-12 02:25:28.863 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:28,863 NFO     aml_utils.py oad_executable_paths_yaml: ain path /dandere2x/dandere2x/src loaded executable_paths.yaml successfully. 
2022-12-12 02:25:28.864 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:28,863 NFO     aml_utils.py oad_executable_paths_yaml: ain_path option /usr/bin did not work, trying the next main_path option
2022-12-12 02:25:28.867 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:28,866 NFO     aml_utils.py oad_executable_paths_yaml: ain path /dandere2x/dandere2x/src loaded executable_paths.yaml successfully. 
2022-12-12 02:25:28.868 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:28,866 NFO     fprobe.py et_video_info: oading video meta-data with ffprobe.. this might take a while.
2022-12-12 02:25:28.869 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:28,866 NFO     fprobe.py et_video_info: ommand: ['ffprobe', '-v', 'panic', '-print_format', 'json', '-show_format', '-show_streams', '-i', '/host/output_small.mkv']
2022-12-12 02:25:29.113 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:29,113 NFO     ideosettings.py [__init__: oaded Video Settings for /host/output_small.mkv :
2022-12-12 02:25:29.115 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:29,113 NFO     ideosettings.py [__init__: fprobe_dir : ffprobe
2022-12-12 02:25:29.116 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:29,113 NFO     ideosettings.py [__init__: fmpeg_dir : ffmpeg
2022-12-12 02:25:29.117 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:29,113 NFO     ideosettings.py [__init__: ettings_json : {'streams': [{'index': 0, 'codec_name': 'h264', 'codec_long_name': 'H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10', 'profile': 'High', 'codec_type': 'video', 'codec_tag_string': '[0][0][0][0]', 'codec_tag': '0x0000', 'width': 1920, 'height': 1080, 'coded_width': 1920, 'coded_height': 1080, 'closed_captions': 0, 'has_b_frames': 2, 'sample_aspect_ratio': '1:1', 'display_aspect_ratio': '16:9', 'pix_fmt': 'yuv420p', 'level': 51, 'color_range': 'tv', 'color_space': 'bt709', 'color_transfer': 'bt709', 'color_primaries': 'bt709', 'chroma_location': 'left', 'field_order': 'progressive', 'refs': 1, 'is_avc': 'true', 'nal_length_size': '4', 'r_frame_rate': '24000/1001', 'avg_frame_rate': '24000/1001', 'time_base': '1/1000', 'start_pts': 42, 'start_time': '0.042000', 'bits_per_raw_sample': '8', 'disposition': {'default': 1, 'dub': 0, 'original': 0, 'comment': 0, 'lyrics': 0, 'karaoke': 0, 'forced': 0, 'hearing_impaired': 0, 'visual_impaired': 0, 'clean_effects': 0, 'attached_pic': 0, 'timed_thumbnails': 0}, 'tags': {'title': '[Judas] x265 10b', 'BPS-eng': '1182946', 'DURATION-eng': '00:23:45.466000000', 'NUMBER_OF_FRAMES-eng': '34177', 'NUMBER_OF_BYTES-eng': '210781232', '_STATISTICS_WRITING_APP-eng': "mkvmerge v43.0.0 ('The Quartermaster') 64-bit", '_STATISTICS_WRITING_DATE_UTC-eng': '2020-03-02 08:11:36', '_STATISTICS_TAGS-eng': 'BPS DURATION NUMBER_OF_FRAMES NUMBER_OF_BYTES', 'ENCODER': 'Lavc59.37.100 libx264', 'DURATION': '00:00:03.003000000'}}, {'index': 1, 'codec_name': 'opus', 'codec_long_name': 'Opus (Opus Interactive Audio Codec)', 'codec_type': 'audio', 'codec_tag_string': '[0][0][0][0]', 'codec_tag': '0x0000', 'sample_fmt': 'fltp', 'sample_rate': '48000', 'channels': 2, 'channel_layout': 'stereo', 'bits_per_sample': 0, 'r_frame_rate': '0/0', 'avg_frame_rate': '0/0', 'time_base': '1/1000', 'start_pts': -6, 'start_time': '-0.006000', 'disposition': {'default': 1, 'dub': 0, 'original': 0, 'comment': 0, 'lyrics': 0, 'karaoke': 0, 'forced': 0, 'hearing_impaired': 0, 'visual_impaired': 0, 'clean_effects': 0, 'attached_pic': 0, 'timed_thumbnails': 0}, 'tags': {'language': 'eng', 'title': '[Judas] ENG Stereo (Opus 112Kbps)', 'BPS-eng': '105917', 'DURATION-eng': '00:23:45.981000000', 'NUMBER_OF_FRAMES-eng': '71299', 'NUMBER_OF_BYTES-eng': '18879552', '_STATISTICS_WRITING_APP-eng': "mkvmerge v43.0.0 ('The Quartermaster') 64-bit", '_STATISTICS_WRITING_DATE_UTC-eng': '2020-03-02 08:11:36', '_STATISTICS_TAGS-eng': 'BPS DURATION NUMBER_OF_FRAMES NUMBER_OF_BYTES', 'DURATION': '00:00:03.001000000'}}], 'format': {'filename': '/host/output_small.mkv', 'nb_streams': 2, 'nb_programs': 0, 'format_name': 'matroska,webm', 'format_long_name': 'Matroska / WebM', 'start_time': '-0.006000', 'duration': '3.003000', 'size': '258948', 'bit_rate': '689838', 'probe_score': 100, 'tags': {'ENCODER': 'Lavf59.27.100'}}}
2022-12-12 02:25:29.118 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:29,114 NFO     ideosettings.py [__init__: rame_count : 71
2022-12-12 02:25:29.119 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:29,114 NFO     ideosettings.py [__init__: ix_fmt : yuv420p
2022-12-12 02:25:29.120 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:29,114 NFO     ideosettings.py [__init__: eight : 1080
2022-12-12 02:25:29.120 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:29,114 NFO     ideosettings.py [__init__: idth : 1920
2022-12-12 02:25:29.121 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:29,114 NFO     ideosettings.py [__init__: rame_rate : 23.976023976023978
2022-12-12 02:25:29.122 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:29,115 NFO     ideosettings.py [__init__: ar : 16:9
2022-12-12 02:25:29.122 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:29,115 NFO     ideosettings.py [__init__: otate : 0
2022-12-12 02:25:29.123 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:29,115 NFO     aml_utils.py oad_executable_paths_yaml: ain_path option /usr/bin did not work, trying the next main_path option
2022-12-12 02:25:29.124 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:29,119 NFO     aml_utils.py oad_executable_paths_yaml: ain path /dandere2x/dandere2x/src loaded executable_paths.yaml successfully. 
2022-12-12 02:25:29.125 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:29,120 NFO     aml_utils.py oad_executable_paths_yaml: ain_path option /usr/bin did not work, trying the next main_path option
2022-12-12 02:25:29.126 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:29,124 NFO     aml_utils.py oad_executable_paths_yaml: ain path /dandere2x/dandere2x/src loaded executable_paths.yaml successfully. 
2022-12-12 02:25:29.126 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:29,124 NFO     aml_utils.py oad_executable_paths_yaml: ain_path option /usr/bin did not work, trying the next main_path option
2022-12-12 02:25:29.129 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:29,128 NFO     aml_utils.py oad_executable_paths_yaml: ain path /dandere2x/dandere2x/src loaded executable_paths.yaml successfully. 
2022-12-12 02:25:29.204 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:29,203 NFO     aml_utils.py oad_executable_paths_yaml: ain_path option /usr/bin did not work, trying the next main_path option
2022-12-12 02:25:29.207 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:29,206 NFO     aml_utils.py oad_executable_paths_yaml: ain path /dandere2x/dandere2x/src loaded executable_paths.yaml successfully. 
2022-12-12 02:25:29.208 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:29,207 NFO     aml_utils.py oad_executable_paths_yaml: ain_path option /usr/bin did not work, trying the next main_path option
2022-12-12 02:25:29.210 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:29,210 NFO     aml_utils.py oad_executable_paths_yaml: ain path /dandere2x/dandere2x/src loaded executable_paths.yaml successfully. 
2022-12-12 02:25:29.211 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:29,210 NFO     fprobe.py et_video_info: oading video meta-data with ffprobe.. this might take a while.
2022-12-12 02:25:29.214 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:29,210 NFO     fprobe.py et_video_info: ommand: ['ffprobe', '-v', 'panic', '-print_format', 'json', '-show_format', '-show_streams', '-i', '/host/output_small.mkv']
2022-12-12 02:25:29.431 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:29,431 NFO     ideosettings.py [__init__: oaded Video Settings for /host/output_small.mkv :
2022-12-12 02:25:29.432 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:29,431 NFO     ideosettings.py [__init__: fprobe_dir : ffprobe
2022-12-12 02:25:29.433 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:29,431 NFO     ideosettings.py [__init__: fmpeg_dir : ffmpeg
2022-12-12 02:25:29.435 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:29,431 NFO     ideosettings.py [__init__: ettings_json : {'streams': [{'index': 0, 'codec_name': 'h264', 'codec_long_name': 'H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10', 'profile': 'High', 'codec_type': 'video', 'codec_tag_string': '[0][0][0][0]', 'codec_tag': '0x0000', 'width': 1920, 'height': 1080, 'coded_width': 1920, 'coded_height': 1080, 'closed_captions': 0, 'has_b_frames': 2, 'sample_aspect_ratio': '1:1', 'display_aspect_ratio': '16:9', 'pix_fmt': 'yuv420p', 'level': 51, 'color_range': 'tv', 'color_space': 'bt709', 'color_transfer': 'bt709', 'color_primaries': 'bt709', 'chroma_location': 'left', 'field_order': 'progressive', 'refs': 1, 'is_avc': 'true', 'nal_length_size': '4', 'r_frame_rate': '24000/1001', 'avg_frame_rate': '24000/1001', 'time_base': '1/1000', 'start_pts': 42, 'start_time': '0.042000', 'bits_per_raw_sample': '8', 'disposition': {'default': 1, 'dub': 0, 'original': 0, 'comment': 0, 'lyrics': 0, 'karaoke': 0, 'forced': 0, 'hearing_impaired': 0, 'visual_impaired': 0, 'clean_effects': 0, 'attached_pic': 0, 'timed_thumbnails': 0}, 'tags': {'title': '[Judas] x265 10b', 'BPS-eng': '1182946', 'DURATION-eng': '00:23:45.466000000', 'NUMBER_OF_FRAMES-eng': '34177', 'NUMBER_OF_BYTES-eng': '210781232', '_STATISTICS_WRITING_APP-eng': "mkvmerge v43.0.0 ('The Quartermaster') 64-bit", '_STATISTICS_WRITING_DATE_UTC-eng': '2020-03-02 08:11:36', '_STATISTICS_TAGS-eng': 'BPS DURATION NUMBER_OF_FRAMES NUMBER_OF_BYTES', 'ENCODER': 'Lavc59.37.100 libx264', 'DURATION': '00:00:03.003000000'}}, {'index': 1, 'codec_name': 'opus', 'codec_long_name': 'Opus (Opus Interactive Audio Codec)', 'codec_type': 'audio', 'codec_tag_string': '[0][0][0][0]', 'codec_tag': '0x0000', 'sample_fmt': 'fltp', 'sample_rate': '48000', 'channels': 2, 'channel_layout': 'stereo', 'bits_per_sample': 0, 'r_frame_rate': '0/0', 'avg_frame_rate': '0/0', 'time_base': '1/1000', 'start_pts': -6, 'start_time': '-0.006000', 'disposition': {'default': 1, 'dub': 0, 'original': 0, 'comment': 0, 'lyrics': 0, 'karaoke': 0, 'forced': 0, 'hearing_impaired': 0, 'visual_impaired': 0, 'clean_effects': 0, 'attached_pic': 0, 'timed_thumbnails': 0}, 'tags': {'language': 'eng', 'title': '[Judas] ENG Stereo (Opus 112Kbps)', 'BPS-eng': '105917', 'DURATION-eng': '00:23:45.981000000', 'NUMBER_OF_FRAMES-eng': '71299', 'NUMBER_OF_BYTES-eng': '18879552', '_STATISTICS_WRITING_APP-eng': "mkvmerge v43.0.0 ('The Quartermaster') 64-bit", '_STATISTICS_WRITING_DATE_UTC-eng': '2020-03-02 08:11:36', '_STATISTICS_TAGS-eng': 'BPS DURATION NUMBER_OF_FRAMES NUMBER_OF_BYTES', 'DURATION': '00:00:03.001000000'}}], 'format': {'filename': '/host/output_small.mkv', 'nb_streams': 2, 'nb_programs': 0, 'format_name': 'matroska,webm', 'format_long_name': 'Matroska / WebM', 'start_time': '-0.006000', 'duration': '3.003000', 'size': '258948', 'bit_rate': '689838', 'probe_score': 100, 'tags': {'ENCODER': 'Lavf59.27.100'}}}
2022-12-12 02:25:29.436 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:29,431 NFO     ideosettings.py [__init__: rame_count : 71
2022-12-12 02:25:29.437 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:29,431 NFO     ideosettings.py [__init__: ix_fmt : yuv420p
2022-12-12 02:25:29.437 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:29,431 NFO     ideosettings.py [__init__: eight : 1080
2022-12-12 02:25:29.439 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:29,432 NFO     ideosettings.py [__init__: idth : 1920
2022-12-12 02:25:29.439 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:29,432 NFO     ideosettings.py [__init__: rame_rate : 23.976023976023978
2022-12-12 02:25:29.440 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:29,432 NFO     ideosettings.py [__init__: ar : 16:9
2022-12-12 02:25:29.441 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:29,432 NFO     ideosettings.py [__init__: otate : 0
2022-12-12 02:25:29.442 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:29,433 NFO     aml_utils.py oad_executable_paths_yaml: ain_path option /usr/bin did not work, trying the next main_path option
2022-12-12 02:25:29.443 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:29,437 NFO     aml_utils.py oad_executable_paths_yaml: ain path /dandere2x/dandere2x/src loaded executable_paths.yaml successfully. 
2022-12-12 02:25:29.444 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:29,438 NFO     aml_utils.py oad_executable_paths_yaml: ain_path option /usr/bin did not work, trying the next main_path option
2022-12-12 02:25:29.445 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:29,442 NFO     aml_utils.py oad_executable_paths_yaml: ain path /dandere2x/dandere2x/src loaded executable_paths.yaml successfully. 
2022-12-12 02:25:29.446 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:29,442 NFO     aml_utils.py oad_executable_paths_yaml: ain_path option /usr/bin did not work, trying the next main_path option
2022-12-12 02:25:29.447 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:29,446 NFO     aml_utils.py oad_executable_paths_yaml: ain path /dandere2x/dandere2x/src loaded executable_paths.yaml successfully. 
2022-12-12 02:25:29.448 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:29,447 NFO     [__init__.py un     : alled.
2022-12-12 02:25:29.450 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:29,448 NFO     [__init__.py [__create_directories: reating directories. Starting with /dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/subworkspace first
2022-12-12 02:25:29.457 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:29,448 NFO     [__init__.py [__create_directories: uccessfully created the directory /dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/subworkspace/debug/ 
2022-12-12 02:25:29.458 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:29,449 NFO     [__init__.py [__create_directories: uccessfully created the directory /dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/subworkspace/residual_images/ 
2022-12-12 02:25:29.459 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:29,449 NFO     [__init__.py [__create_directories: uccessfully created the directory /dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/subworkspace/residual_upscaled/ 
2022-12-12 02:25:29.459 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:29,449 NFO     [__init__.py [__create_directories: uccessfully created the directory /dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/subworkspace/merged/ 
2022-12-12 02:25:29.460 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:29,449 NFO     [__init__.py [__create_directories: uccessfully created the directory /dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/subworkspace/console_output/ 
2022-12-12 02:25:29.461 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:29,450 NFO     [__init__.py [__create_directories: uccessfully created the directory /dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/subworkspace/inputs/ 
2022-12-12 02:25:29.462 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:29,450 NFO     [__init__.py [__create_directories: uccessfully created the directory /dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/subworkspace/pframe_data/ 
2022-12-12 02:25:29.463 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:29,450 NFO     [__init__.py [__create_directories: uccessfully created the directory /dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/subworkspace/compressed_static/ 
2022-12-12 02:25:29.464 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:29,451 NFO     [__init__.py [__create_directories: uccessfully created the directory /dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/subworkspace/residual_data/ 
2022-12-12 02:25:29.465 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:29,451 NFO     [__init__.py [__create_directories: uccessfully created the directory /dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/subworkspace/log_dir/ 
2022-12-12 02:25:29.465 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:29,451 NFO     [__init__.py [__create_directories: uccessfully created the directory /dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/subworkspace/noised_inputs/ 
2022-12-12 02:25:29.466 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:29,451 NFO     [__init__.py [__create_directories: uccessfully created the directory /dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/subworkspace/fade_data/ 
2022-12-12 02:25:29.467 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:29,452 NFO     [__init__.py [__create_directories: uccessfully created the directory /dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/subworkspace/encoded/ 
2022-12-12 02:25:29.468 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:29,452 NFO     [__init__.py [__create_directories: uccessfully created the directory /dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/subworkspace/temp_image_folder/ 
2022-12-12 02:25:29.469 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:29,452 NFO     [__init__.py un     : andere2x Threads Set.. going live with the following context file.
2022-12-12 02:25:29.469 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:29,452 NFO     andere2x_service_context.py og_all_variables: ontext Settings:
2022-12-12 02:25:29.470 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:29,453 NFO     andere2x_service_context.py og_all_variables: ervice_request : <dandere2x.dandere2x_service_request.Dandere2xServiceRequest object at 0x7ff30d235db0>
2022-12-12 02:25:29.471 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:29,453 NFO     andere2x_service_context.py og_all_variables: nput_frames_dir : /dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/subworkspace/inputs/
2022-12-12 02:25:29.472 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:29,453 NFO     andere2x_service_context.py og_all_variables: oised_input_frames_dir : /dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/subworkspace/noised_inputs/
2022-12-12 02:25:29.473 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:29,453 NFO     andere2x_service_context.py og_all_variables: esidual_images_dir : /dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/subworkspace/residual_images/
2022-12-12 02:25:29.474 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:29,453 NFO     andere2x_service_context.py og_all_variables: esidual_upscaled_dir : /dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/subworkspace/residual_upscaled/
2022-12-12 02:25:29.474 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:29,454 NFO     andere2x_service_context.py og_all_variables: esidual_data_dir : /dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/subworkspace/residual_data/
2022-12-12 02:25:29.475 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:29,454 NFO     andere2x_service_context.py og_all_variables: frame_data_dir : /dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/subworkspace/pframe_data/
2022-12-12 02:25:29.476 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:29,454 NFO     andere2x_service_context.py og_all_variables: erged_dir : /dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/subworkspace/merged/
2022-12-12 02:25:29.477 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:29,454 NFO     andere2x_service_context.py og_all_variables: ade_data_dir : /dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/subworkspace/fade_data/
2022-12-12 02:25:29.478 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:29,454 NFO     andere2x_service_context.py og_all_variables: ebug_dir : /dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/subworkspace/debug/
2022-12-12 02:25:29.479 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:29,454 NFO     andere2x_service_context.py og_all_variables: onsole_output_dir : /dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/subworkspace/console_output/
2022-12-12 02:25:29.480 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:29,454 NFO     andere2x_service_context.py og_all_variables: ompressed_static_dir : /dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/subworkspace/compressed_static/
2022-12-12 02:25:29.481 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:29,454 NFO     andere2x_service_context.py og_all_variables: ncoded_dir : /dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/subworkspace/encoded/
2022-12-12 02:25:29.481 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:29,455 NFO     andere2x_service_context.py og_all_variables: emp_image_folder : /dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/subworkspace/temp_image_folder/
2022-12-12 02:25:29.482 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:29,455 NFO     andere2x_service_context.py og_all_variables: og_dir : /dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/subworkspace/log_dir/
2022-12-12 02:25:29.483 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:29,455 NFO     andere2x_service_context.py og_all_variables: irectories : {'/dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/subworkspace/debug/', '/dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/subworkspace/residual_images/', '/dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/subworkspace/residual_upscaled/', '/dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/subworkspace/merged/', '/dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/subworkspace/console_output/', '/dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/subworkspace/inputs/', '/dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/subworkspace/pframe_data/', '/dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/subworkspace/compressed_static/', '/dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/subworkspace/residual_data/', '/dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/subworkspace/log_dir/', '/dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/subworkspace/noised_inputs/', '/dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/subworkspace/fade_data/', '/dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/subworkspace/encoded/', '/dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/subworkspace/temp_image_folder/'}
2022-12-12 02:25:29.484 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:29,455 NFO     andere2x_service_context.py og_all_variables: ideo_settings : <dandere2x.dandere2xlib.wrappers.ffmpeg.videosettings.VideoSettings object at 0x7ff30d236a40>
2022-12-12 02:25:29.485 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:29,455 NFO     andere2x_service_context.py og_all_variables: idth : 1920
2022-12-12 02:25:29.486 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:29,455 NFO     andere2x_service_context.py og_all_variables: eight : 1080
2022-12-12 02:25:29.486 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:29,455 NFO     andere2x_service_context.py og_all_variables: rame_count : 71
2022-12-12 02:25:29.487 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:29,455 NFO     andere2x_service_context.py og_all_variables: rame_rate : 23.976023976023978
2022-12-12 02:25:29.488 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:29,455 NFO     andere2x_service_context.py og_all_variables: leed : 1
2022-12-12 02:25:29.489 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:29,456 NFO     andere2x_service_context.py og_all_variables: emp_image : /dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/subworkspace/temp_image_folder/tempimage.jpg
2022-12-12 02:25:29.490 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:29,456 NFO     andere2x_service_context.py og_all_variables: ebug : False
2022-12-12 02:25:29.491 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:29,456 NFO     andere2x_service_context.py og_all_variables: tep_size : 4
2022-12-12 02:25:29.491 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:29,456 NFO     andere2x_service_context.py og_all_variables: ax_frames_ahead : 500
2022-12-12 02:25:29.492 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:29,456 NFO     andere2x_service_context.py og_all_variables: andere2x_cpp_block_matching_arg : exhaustive
2022-12-12 02:25:29.493 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:29,456 NFO     andere2x_service_context.py og_all_variables: andere2x_cpp_evaluator_arg : mse
2022-12-12 02:25:35.028 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:35,027 RROR    [__init__.py [__upscale_first_frame: ould not upscale first file. Dandere2x CANNOT continue.
2022-12-12 02:25:35.030 [INFO] -> output_small.mkv [2022-12-12 01:25:35,029 RROR    [__init__.py [__upscale_first_frame: ave you tried making sure your waifu2x works?
2022-12-12 02:25:35.032 [INFO] -> Exception in thread Master Service Request:
2022-12-12 02:25:35.033 [INFO] -> Traceback (most recent call last):
2022-12-12 02:25:35.034 [INFO] ->   File "/usr/lib/python3.10/threading.py", line 1016, in _bootstrap_inner
2022-12-12 02:25:35.056 [INFO] ->     self.run()
2022-12-12 02:25:35.058 [INFO] ->   File "/dandere2x/dandere2x/src/dandere2x/dandere2x_service/__init__.py", line 103, in run
2022-12-12 02:25:35.060 [INFO] ->     self.__upscale_first_frame()
2022-12-12 02:25:35.061 [INFO] ->   File "/dandere2x/dandere2x/src/dandere2x/dandere2x_service/__init__.py", line 147, in __upscale_first_frame
2022-12-12 02:25:35.063 [INFO] ->     raise Exception("Could not upscale first file.. check logs file to see what's wrong")
2022-12-12 02:25:35.064 [INFO] -> Exception: Could not upscale first file.. check logs file to see what's wrong
2022-12-12 02:25:35.065 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:35,061 NFO     aml_utils.py oad_executable_paths_yaml: ain_path option /usr/bin did not work, trying the next main_path option
2022-12-12 02:25:35.074 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:35,073 NFO     aml_utils.py oad_executable_paths_yaml: ain path /dandere2x/dandere2x/src loaded executable_paths.yaml successfully. 
2022-12-12 02:25:35.075 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:35,074 NFO     fmpeg.py igrate_tracks_contextless: igrating tracks ffmpeg -i /dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/non_migrated.mkv -i /host/output_small.mkv -map 0:v? -map 1:a? -map 1:s? -map 1:d? -map 1:t? -c copy -y /host/ca84cce0-5dc4-434e-b4b0-8330947e9e15.mkv 
2022-12-12 02:25:35.076 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:35,076 NFO     fmpeg.py igrate_tracks_contextless: riting files to /dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace
2022-12-12 02:25:35.078 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:35,077 NFO     fmpeg.py igrate_tracks_contextless: igrate Command: ffmpeg -i /dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/non_migrated.mkv -i /host/output_small.mkv -map 0:v? -map 1:a? -map 1:s? -map 1:d? -map 1:t? -c copy -y /host/ca84cce0-5dc4-434e-b4b0-8330947e9e15.mkv
2022-12-12 02:25:35.291 [INFO] -> root [2022-12-12 01:25:35,290 NFO     fmpeg.py igrate_tracks_contextless: inished migrating to file: /host/ca84cce0-5dc4-434e-b4b0-8330947e9e15.mkv
2022-12-12 02:25:35.294 [INFO] -> version 3.6
2022-12-12 02:25:35.296 [INFO] -> workspace : /dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace
2022-12-12 02:25:35.297 [INFO] -> scale_factor : 2
2022-12-12 02:25:35.300 [INFO] -> quality_minimum : 97
2022-12-12 02:25:35.320 [INFO] -> denoise_level : 3
2022-12-12 02:25:35.325 [INFO] -> block_size : 30
2022-12-12 02:25:35.326 [INFO] -> output_file : /host/ca84cce0-5dc4-434e-b4b0-8330947e9e15.mkv
2022-12-12 02:25:35.329 [INFO] -> input_file : /host/output_small.mkv
2022-12-12 02:25:35.331 [INFO] -> output_options : {'realsr_ncnn_vulkan': {'output_options': {'-g': None, '-load-proc-save_threads': None, '-model-path': None, '-t': 200, '-verbose': None}}, 'dandere2x': {'bleed': 1, 'max_frames_ahead': 500}, 'dandere2x_cpp': {'block_matching_arg': 'exhaustive', 'evaluator_arg': 'mse'}, 'ffmpeg': {'convert_video_to_frames': {'output_options': {'-vf': ['null']}}, 'convert_video_to_gif': {'output_options': {'-pix_fmt': 'yuv420p', '-r': 15}}, 'pipe_video': {'-hwaccel': 'auto', 'output_options': {'-loglevel': 'panic', '-y': '-f', 'image2pipe': True, '-i': '-', '-vcodec': 'libx264', '-preset': 'medium', '-qscale': 5, '-crf': 15, '-vf': [' deband=range=8:blur=false, pp7=qp=2:mode=medium']}}, 'migrate_audio': {'output_options': {'-c': 'copy', '-y': True}}}, 'waifu2x_ncnn_vulkan': {'output_options': {'-g': None, '-load-proc-save_threads': None, '-t': 200, '-verbose': None}}, 'waifu2x_converter': {'output_options': {'--block-size': None, '--disable-gpu': True, '--force-OpenCL': True, '--image-quality': None, '--jobs': None, '--mode': None, '--model-dir': None, '--output-format': None, '--png-compression': None, '--processor': None, '--silent': True}}, 'waifu2x_caffe': {'output_options': {'-batch_size': None, '-crop_size': None, '-gpu': None, '-model_dir': None, '-output_depth': None, '-output_quality': None, '-process': 'cudnn', '-tta': None}}}
2022-12-12 02:25:35.332 [INFO] -> name : Master Service Request
2022-12-12 02:25:35.333 [INFO] -> processing_type : ProcessingType.SINGLE_PROCESS
2022-12-12 02:25:35.336 [INFO] -> upscale_engine : UpscalingEngineType.CONVERTER_CPP
2022-12-12 02:25:35.339 [INFO] -> attempting to make or clear /dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace
2022-12-12 02:25:35.344 [INFO] -> setting json {'streams': [{'index': 0, 'codec_name': 'h264', 'codec_long_name': 'H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10', 'profile': 'High', 'codec_type': 'video', 'codec_tag_string': '[0][0][0][0]', 'codec_tag': '0x0000', 'width': 1920, 'height': 1080, 'coded_width': 1920, 'coded_height': 1080, 'closed_captions': 0, 'has_b_frames': 2, 'sample_aspect_ratio': '1:1', 'display_aspect_ratio': '16:9', 'pix_fmt': 'yuv420p', 'level': 51, 'color_range': 'tv', 'color_space': 'bt709', 'color_transfer': 'bt709', 'color_primaries': 'bt709', 'chroma_location': 'left', 'field_order': 'progressive', 'refs': 1, 'is_avc': 'true', 'nal_length_size': '4', 'r_frame_rate': '24000/1001', 'avg_frame_rate': '24000/1001', 'time_base': '1/1000', 'start_pts': 42, 'start_time': '0.042000', 'bits_per_raw_sample': '8', 'disposition': {'default': 1, 'dub': 0, 'original': 0, 'comment': 0, 'lyrics': 0, 'karaoke': 0, 'forced': 0, 'hearing_impaired': 0, 'visual_impaired': 0, 'clean_effects': 0, 'attached_pic': 0, 'timed_thumbnails': 0}, 'tags': {'title': '[Judas] x265 10b', 'BPS-eng': '1182946', 'DURATION-eng': '00:23:45.466000000', 'NUMBER_OF_FRAMES-eng': '34177', 'NUMBER_OF_BYTES-eng': '210781232', '_STATISTICS_WRITING_APP-eng': "mkvmerge v43.0.0 ('The Quartermaster') 64-bit", '_STATISTICS_WRITING_DATE_UTC-eng': '2020-03-02 08:11:36', '_STATISTICS_TAGS-eng': 'BPS DURATION NUMBER_OF_FRAMES NUMBER_OF_BYTES', 'ENCODER': 'Lavc59.37.100 libx264', 'DURATION': '00:00:03.003000000'}}, {'index': 1, 'codec_name': 'opus', 'codec_long_name': 'Opus (Opus Interactive Audio Codec)', 'codec_type': 'audio', 'codec_tag_string': '[0][0][0][0]', 'codec_tag': '0x0000', 'sample_fmt': 'fltp', 'sample_rate': '48000', 'channels': 2, 'channel_layout': 'stereo', 'bits_per_sample': 0, 'r_frame_rate': '0/0', 'avg_frame_rate': '0/0', 'time_base': '1/1000', 'start_pts': -6, 'start_time': '-0.006000', 'disposition': {'default': 1, 'dub': 0, 'original': 0, 'comment': 0, 'lyrics': 0, 'karaoke': 0, 'forced': 0, 'hearing_impaired': 0, 'visual_impaired': 0, 'clean_effects': 0, 'attached_pic': 0, 'timed_thumbnails': 0}, 'tags': {'language': 'eng', 'title': '[Judas] ENG Stereo (Opus 112Kbps)', 'BPS-eng': '105917', 'DURATION-eng': '00:23:45.981000000', 'NUMBER_OF_FRAMES-eng': '71299', 'NUMBER_OF_BYTES-eng': '18879552', '_STATISTICS_WRITING_APP-eng': "mkvmerge v43.0.0 ('The Quartermaster') 64-bit", '_STATISTICS_WRITING_DATE_UTC-eng': '2020-03-02 08:11:36', '_STATISTICS_TAGS-eng': 'BPS DURATION NUMBER_OF_FRAMES NUMBER_OF_BYTES', 'DURATION': '00:00:03.001000000'}}], 'format': {'filename': '/host/output_small.mkv', 'nb_streams': 2, 'nb_programs': 0, 'format_name': 'matroska,webm', 'format_long_name': 'Matroska / WebM', 'start_time': '-0.006000', 'duration': '3.003000', 'size': '258948', 'bit_rate': '689838', 'probe_score': 100, 'tags': {'ENCODER': 'Lavf59.27.100'}}}
2022-12-12 02:25:35.348 [INFO] -> Total runtime duration: 10.343696594238281
2022-12-12 02:25:46.753 [INFO] -> Exit Code: 0
devedse commented 1 year ago

I'm doing some more debugging inside the docker container itself and it seems it can't find a file now:

root@74b0cd33583f:/dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace# cat dandere2x.dandere2xlib.wrappers.ffmpeg.ffmpegoutput.txt
ffmpeg version 4.4.2-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 Copyright (c) 2000-2021 the FFmpeg developers
  built with gcc 11 (Ubuntu 11.2.0-19ubuntu1)
  configuration: --prefix=/usr --extra-version=0ubuntu0.22.04.1 --toolchain=hardened --libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --incdir=/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu --arch=amd64 --enable-gpl --disable-stripping --enable-gnutls --enable-ladspa --enable-libaom --enable-libass --enable-libbluray --enable-libbs2b --enable-libcaca --enable-libcdio --enable-libcodec2 --enable-libdav1d --enable-libflite --enable-libfontconfig --enable-libfreetype --enable-libfribidi --enable-libgme --enable-libgsm --enable-libjack --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libmysofa --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-libopenmpt --enable-libopus --enable-libpulse --enable-librabbitmq --enable-librubberband --enable-libshine --enable-libsnappy --enable-libsoxr --enable-libspeex --enable-libsrt --enable-libssh --enable-libtheora --enable-libtwolame --enable-libvidstab --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx --enable-libwebp --enable-libx265 --enable-libxml2 --enable-libxvid --enable-libzimg --enable-libzmq --enable-libzvbi --enable-lv2 --enable-omx --enable-openal --enable-opencl --enable-opengl --enable-sdl2 --enable-pocketsphinx --enable-librsvg --enable-libmfx --enable-libdc1394 --enable-libdrm --enable-libiec61883 --enable-chromaprint --enable-frei0r --enable-libx264 --enable-shared
  libavutil      56. 70.100 / 56. 70.100
  libavcodec     58.134.100 / 58.134.100
  libavformat    58. 76.100 / 58. 76.100
  libavdevice    58. 13.100 / 58. 13.100
  libavfilter     7.110.100 /  7.110.100
  libswscale      5.  9.100 /  5.  9.100
  libswresample   3.  9.100 /  3.  9.100
  libpostproc    55.  9.100 / 55.  9.100
/dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/non_migrated.mkv: No such file or directory


root@74b0cd33583f:/dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/subworkspace/console_output# cat waifu2x-converter-cpp-output.txt
CPU: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700H
Error : couldn't open /usr/local/share/waifu2x-converter-cpp/noise3_model.json
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
  what():  model load failed: /usr/local/share/waifu2x-converter-cpp/noise3_model.json
devedse commented 1 year ago

Another update, it seems the models needed to be in that specific folder. (As described in the error above). So I added that to the Dockerfile as well.

It seems though that Dockerfile doesn't really want to build as Ubuntu 19.10 is really old. So I suggest to just use Dockerfile2.

devedse commented 1 year ago

With Dockerfile2 (devedse/dandere2x on docker hub) it seems to work now (well, at the very least it's processing):


devedse commented 1 year ago

Btw @akai-katto if you're interested add me on discord: devedse#5459 we can work in this together if you'd like.

devedse commented 1 year ago

It's been processing for quite some time now but there's not much to be see in the log of the container itself. However when I open /dandere2x/dandere2x/src/workspace/subworkspace/console_output/waifu2x_converter_cpp_output.txt I can see new output being written. It might be interesting to see if that output can be piped forward to the console as well.

(I already disabled --silent from the config file (setting it to false gave an error) but this didn't give more output in the console itself)

devedse commented 1 year ago

After letting the program run for an hour+ it seemed to be stuck. So I started investigating what was going on there and it seems that it's waiting for files named: residual_upscaled/output_000005.png. However with the waifu2x_converter_cpp they are actually named differently: output_000005_[L3][x2.00].png

So I added support for this too: https://github.com/akai-katto/dandere2x/pull/286/commits/f208bc5ca1f38ade90c90687f9c12bf49c168973

devedse commented 1 year ago

Ok so I finally got everything working now. However the result it's that satisfying.

This is the original from a scene of Hunter x Hunter: image

And this is the upscaled version: image

The upscaled one just looks way darker 😕

devedse commented 1 year ago

I seem to have everything working now except that the container is not exiting: image

It just keeps creating new files in the residual_upscaled folder.

I'll look into that too.

akai-katto commented 1 year ago

This is a bug that can be traced back to this file:


It seems that the file names aren't being cleaned up the way they should be cleaned up. Strange, as this works in the non-docker version of dandere2x.

akai-katto commented 1 year ago

Ok so I finally got everything working now. However the result it's that satisfying.

This is the original from a scene of Hunter x Hunter: image

And this is the upscaled version: image

The upscaled one just looks way darker 😕

What is your denoise set to? And yes, dandere2x shouldn't be producing videos that dark. If you would be so kind as to send me a snippet of the video that caused this, so I can remake it myself and try and find a solution.

devedse commented 1 year ago

@akai-katto , would you mind adding me on discord (Devedse#5459) ? I'd have some things to discuss around this as I currently also haven't been able to find the fix for the docker container not exiting nicely.

Here's the sample video I used: output_small.zip

And here's my config file, I'm not sure what denoising I use since I can't find it in the file itself, I mean there's this -t 200 attribute, but is that also configurable on the waifu2x_cpp_converter?:

    -g: null
    -load-proc-save_threads: null
    -model-path: null
    -t: 200  # note: if you get black images try lowering this tile argument to some lower value.
    -verbose: null

  bleed: 1
  max_frames_ahead: 500

  block_matching_arg: "exhaustive"
  evaluator_arg: "mse"

        - 'null'

      -pix_fmt: "yuv420p"
      -r: 15

    -hwaccel: auto
      -loglevel: panic
      -y: -f
      image2pipe: True
      -i: '-'
      -vcodec: libx264
      -preset: medium
      -qscale: 5
      -crf: 15
        - ' deband=range=8:blur=false, pp7=qp=2:mode=medium'

      -c: copy
      -y: True

    -g: null
    -load-proc-save_threads: null
    #    -m: models-upconv_7_anime_style_art_rgb
    -t: 200  # note: if you get black images try lowering this tile argument to some lower value.
    -verbose: null

    --block-size: null
    --disable-gpu: true
    --force-OpenCL: true
    --image-quality: null
    --jobs: null
    --mode: null
    --model-dir: null
    --output-format: null
    --png-compression: null
    --processor: null

    -batch_size: null
    -crop_size: null
    -gpu: null
    -model_dir: null
    -output_depth: null
    -output_quality: null
    -process: cudnn
    -tta: null
Maaago commented 3 months ago

Hi, any update on this? Did you solved the dark video issue?