akazorg / boot-laravel

Fast and Reliable Server Manager for Laravel, Nginx and MySQL
MIT License
2 stars 0 forks source link
bash hostsfile laravel linux mysql nginx sysadmin webserver
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Boot is a fast way of managing web servers using Laravel, Nginx and MySQL. It simplifies adding new hosts, by automatically set all the necessary configurations.

Designed for development and production servers. Tested on Ubuntu 16+.


When adding a host, a config file is generated at ./hosts/<host_name>.cnf containing all project information. Attention, the Password of user database will be auto generated and stored here.

Default Settings (located at boot.env file)


$ ./boot [-hlredR] [-a type] <domain>

    -h      : help
    -l      : list hosts
    -r      : reload nginx
    -e      : enable a host
    -d      : disable a host
    -R      : remove a host (can really damage your system)
    -a type : create a new host type: site, laravel (default)


$./boot -e domain.dev      # Enables domain.dev
$./boot -R domain.dev      # Removes domain.dev
$./boot -a abc.dev         # Creates laravel site at /var/www/abc.dev
$./boot -a site xyz.api    # Creates php site at /var/www/xyz.api


Boot is developed by Bruno Torrinha.