Closed pipes80-collab closed 3 years ago
@pipes80-collab Which devices did you use in the tests? nvme0n1 and 1n1 are both NVMe devices?
the device is samsung sm851 nvme and 970 pro
You ran a benchmark program called kdiskmark. What is the target device of each run? From the screenshot use use /home/filippo/kDiskMark. What is the block device behind the directory?
I think the IO from kdiskmark didn't run through the writeboost device which is /dev/mapper/wbdev.
the device is samsung sm851 and directory is /home/filippo/kDiskMark. Think you can to be possible increase performance?
Sorry, I can't help you any more because you don't understand Linux's storage system. You didn't answer my questions correctly.
Maybe is nvme0n1p2?
@pipes80-collab If you learn the very basics of Linux system (not kernel), you will be able to answer my questions correctly. Please learn before you ask me a question next time.
i have implented in dmsetup command the threshold then i have forget at first time. now the result is this, in the pic there is a screenshot then is a test without threshold