akivajgordon / tikkun.io

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Development Environment #121

Open SLaks opened 2 days ago

SLaks commented 2 days ago

I finally have time to work on this, and I'm setting up local development.

akivajgordon commented 2 days ago

Thanks for the issue!

These days, I'm into prettier with the following config (.prettierrc):

  "semi": false,
  "singleQuote": true

and a .prettierignore:


Would love if you could add those to the project.

Unit tests are in JS for no reason other than that I started the project before TS was prominent. I converted the source to TS several months ago, but I overlooked the tests. Feel free to tackle that if you'd like.

Bumping to Node 20+ is fine by me.

Switching to Vite sounds like a good idea too. I've been using Vite on any new client project I start, so I'm familiar with it and it sounds like a reasonable idea here.

Thanks for all this!

SLaks commented 2 days ago

WDYT about using https://lit.dev/ for new UI components? (Eg, rewritten Parsha picker)

It's a very lightweight framework, but I find it quite helpful for rerendering UI

akivajgordon commented 2 days ago

I appreciate the idea.

I think the app has now outgrown these odd string-interpolated components that I made, which was basically inspired by lit but without the dependency (fun fact: this app started as a lit project, and I undid it at some point), but I'm pretty sure I want to go the React route instead.

If you're set on lit and it's lightweight in terms of knowledge/tooling/complexity, etc, I'm willing to accept it for now, but just keep in mind that I'm more likely to convert the entire project to React in the near future, including the work that you do for this. If we do it right, hopefully it won't be a ton of work.

The point is, I'd rather you make the contribution if lit is the best move for you than for you to not make the contribution at all. I'll trust your judgement for now.

SLaks commented 2 days ago

I've never really worked with React, but I'm not opposed to it.

I'll probably try React when I'm ready to start doing serious UI work.