Closed kyle-pjk closed 3 years ago
>>> def main(): import xlearn as xl ffm_model = xl.create_fm() # Use field-aware factorization machine (ffm) ffm_model.setTrain("1.tiny_train.csv") # Set the path of training data ffm_model.setValidate("1.tiny_train.csv") param = {'task':'binary', 'lr':0.5, 'lambda':0.002, 'nthread':3, 'epoch':100, 'metric':'auc'}, "./model.out") ... >>> main() ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ | | __ _| | ___ __ _ _ __ _ __ \ \/ / | / _ \/ _` | '__| '_ \ > <| |___| __/ (_| | | | | | | /_/\_\_____/\___|\__,_|_| |_| |_| xLearn -- 0.40 Version -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [------------] xLearn uses 3 threads for training task. [ ACTION ] Read Problem ... [------------] First check if the text file has been already converted to binary format. [------------] Binary file (1.tiny_train.csv.bin) NOT found. Convert text file to binary file. [1] 8177 segmentation fault python3
我已经全部转为0 1 特征了,一直报错,哪位大佬有空帮忙看看. PS:我用另一个(15000,12)的就可以跑,太玄学了。。。
我已经全部转为0 1 特征了,一直报错,哪位大佬有空帮忙看看. PS:我用另一个(15000,12)的就可以跑,太玄学了。。。