akveo / ngx-admin-bundle-support

Support repository for ngx-admin backend bundles with issues tracking, instructions and code samples
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different concerns on ngx-admin Backend Bundle Node + E-comm #17

Open mhhonline opened 4 years ago

mhhonline commented 4 years ago


I have bought "ngx-admin Backend Bundle Node + E-comm"

1) The theme is not saved as per email selected user theme is saved to DB (for .net, .net core, java, node bundles).

2) RTL support is not implemented in this version

3) based on readme file: Basic role management and ACL is in place where is it?

4) If I logged as admin, I cannot see the list of users. there is no users management.

5) Sample order table and order details page integrated with backend I found only order list with CRUD. but no detail of the order

Regards, Mohammed

valentinkononov commented 4 years ago

Hi Mohammed,

Thanks for your thorough testing for the app. Here is my update:

  1. I have fixed that, the update will be within this week or beginning of the next one

  2. We intentionally excluded this setting from UI to reduce complexity. But its support itself is still there, you can use it following the samples in the ngx-admin

  3. There is implementation of NbRoleProvider in the ui code (class RoleProvider) and CanActibvate Guard 'AdminGuard'. to use it, you can simply add it to any route in routing.module files like this:

canActivate: [AdminGuard]

the sample is in place for users-routing.module.ts

  1. This could be because no role is defined in the current mongo db for a user. you can cehck it by adding 'console.log(user.role)' to the file passport.js of a backend, right before 'return cb(...' this place we add role to token payload.

if it returns null, you might want to either add role data to this user manually in mongo db, or simply drop all mongo collections and start node again, seed function will add new records.

  1. The order details are available when you click edit icon in the grid row.

I will keep it open until fix for #1 is released.

maurers commented 4 years ago

Are you releasing also an update for the Node.js MongoDB Starter Bundle? npm install and npm start send a lot of warnings related to the nb-theme() and themes doesn't work... somebody reported this https://github.com/akveo/ngx-admin-bundle-support/issues/12 and the answer was that will be fixed in nearest release, this was 23 days ago, seems that since it's a warning it is not important to fix it, but without fixing it themes doesn't work so kind of useless, also there is a new ngx-admin version so why there is no update for the paid bundles?

valentinkononov commented 4 years ago

Hi! the previous release has update to the latest ngx-admin, nebular 4 and Angular 8. Next release (August 26 - 30) will have update to Nebular 4.2, but its minor update at the moment. yes, node starter bundle will be updated as well.

maurers commented 4 years ago

Hi! the previous release has update to the latest ngx-admin, nebular 4 and Angular 8. Next release (August 26 - 30) will have update to Nebular 4.2, but its minor update at the moment. yes, node starter bundle will be updated as well.

Thanks for the reply, I know the previous release was updated but with with warnings on the nb-theme() making themes not usable, I downloaded the ngx-admin without the bundle directly from github and it runned flawless so there was something wrong in the bundle that hopefully gets fixed with the release next week.