Closed lucasabba closed 1 month ago
I have figured out how to send the robot to a room.
From miot specs:
action: xiaomi_miot.call_action
entity_id: vacuum.xiaomi_b108gl_xxxx_robot_cleaner
siid: 2
aiid: 13
params: ["{\"room\":[5]}"]
I have figured out how to send the robot to a room.
From miot specs:
ssid: 2 aid:13 params: ["{"room":[5]}"]
Thanks! This work. How can I set Sweep e Mop setting for each room?
For S20+
Set up rooms cleaning
action: xiaomi_miot.call_action
entity_id: vacuum.xiaomi_b108gl_ca95_robot_cleaner
siid: 2
aiid: 10
- "{\"room_attrs\":[{\"id\":8,\"room_name\":\"Alex\",\"fan_level\":2,\"water_level\":1,\"clean_mode\":1,\"clean_times\":1,\"mop_mode\":0,\"on\":true}]}"
Start custom cleaning
action: xiaomi_miot.call_action
entity_id: vacuum.xiaomi_b108gl_ca95_robot_cleaner
siid: 6
aiid: 7
params: [ ]
dreame.vacuum.p2009.json Can someone make a json file with scripts for s20+ similar to this file? For mi home vevs version scenaries
Hi, I'm trying to clean a single room (ID 3) with my Xiaomi S20+.
HA version: 2024.12.1 (same problem with older version) hass-xiaomi-miot version: latest available Xiaomi model: Xiaomi S20+
I tried the following action, but the robot starts cleaning all rooms:
Any idea?