alakajam-team / alakajam

Website powering the Alakajam! game making community
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Make it explicity in the relevant pages that entrants keep ownership of their submissions #620

Open mkalam-alami opened 3 years ago

mkalam-alami commented 3 years ago


The third part seems a bit much, maybe we could distinguish the "Submission" (as in the game page) from the game itself. Since we don't host the game files and probably won't ever it seems appropriate.

In practice, add the text to the privacy policy page, plus a couple shortcuts to those paragraphs from the jam rules pages.


jlegeny commented 3 years ago

I agree that the third part is quite superfluous, I think this is mostly aimed at hackathons. It might be useful to add for website submissions but it's pointless for the jams themselves. Maybe it could just have a friendlier message saying that "you give us the right to use the images you upload"

mkalam-alami commented 3 years ago

We have something similar in the F.A.Q. we can reuse: