alanshaw / grunt-include-replace

Grunt task to include files and replace variables. Allows for parameterised includes.
MIT License
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Issues with Yeoman #2

Open alanshaw opened 11 years ago

alanshaw commented 11 years ago

lhwparis commented 10 years ago

any news on this? i need a solution to get it working with yeoman

alanshaw commented 10 years ago

What needs to be done? What's the error message/problem? I don't use yeoman so I have no idea.

digitaljhelms commented 10 years ago

Unfortunately I don't even remember what my issues were... That said, I do know that with a bit of tweaking I was able to get things working, but it wasn't consistent with the way Yeoman works out of the box (had something to do with running the server out of the dist directory vs the app directory). If I have time I'll peer back into the project I was leading at the time and try to collect some notes from the commit history... I also recall @bryanstedman and @dilrajahdan inquiring via Twitter when I posted the original Tweet (ironically around this time last year) so maybe they've got some tips?

bryanstedman commented 10 years ago

It has been a while for me too so, like @digitaljhelms, I don't totally remember how I got it working. I just posted the Gruntfile that I used on that project for you at maybe that will give you some clues.

I think that part of the issue may have been adding the includes task to the livereload function. You can see that on line 47 of the gruntfile that I posted.

Another issue that I vaguely remember having was a port conflict. I think that I may have been running a second project at the same time. One running an API and the other calling the API. Anyway, you can explicitly set the port to use as I did on line 60. I hope that helps. Let us know if you get thing working or if you have any other questions. But there is a way to get it working :)

gaboesquivel commented 9 years ago

this generator-webapp branch adds grunt-include-replace as an optional feature for html includes