alanxz / SimpleAmqpClient

Simple C++ Interface to rabbitmq-c
MIT License
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SimpleAmqpClient is an easy-to-use C++ wrapper around the rabbitmq-c C library. It derives inspiration from the puka AMQP library in that it abstracts away the underlying AMQP wire concept of channels and uses them as an error/consumer scope. This should make writing simple single-threaded AMQP-enabled apps easy.


Known to work in the following environments:


Build procedure

This is a typical cmake project, it should work like most typical cmake projects:

In a sibling directory to where you extracted the source code:

mkdir simpleamqpclient-build
cd simpleamqpclient-build
cmake ..

Then use your the appropriate build utility to build the library (make, msbuild)

Interesting targets


Build procedure for Windows

Boost libraries are needed, so you can install them using nuget:

nuget install boost_chrono-vc142 -Version 1.77.0
nuget install boost_system-vc142 -Version 1.77.0
nuget install boost -Version 1.77.0

To build and install succesfully, rabbitmq-c should be built as shared library.

Let boost_chrono and boost_system be in same directory C:\boost, rabbitmq-c be on C:\rabbitmq-c, SSL be OFF, and VS2019 is used, than CMake CLI is:

cd cmake -G "Visual Studio 16" -A x64 -DBoost_INCLUDE_DIR="C:/boost.XX.XX.X.X/lib/native/include" -DBOOST_ROOT="C:/boost.X.XX.X.X" -DBOOST_LIBRARYDIR="C:/boost" -DRabbitmqc_INCLUDE_DIR="C:/rabbitmq-c/include" -DRabbitmqc_LIBRARY="C:/rabbitmq-c/lib/rabbitmq.4.lib" -DBoost_USE_STATIC_LIBS=ON -DBUILD_STATIC_LIBS=ON -DENABLE_SSL_SUPPORT=OFF ..

Using the library

#include <SimpleAmqpClient/SimpleAmqpClient.h>

Will include all the headers necessary to use the library. The corresponding library is SimpleAmqpClient

The main interface to the library is the AmqpClient::Channel class. It represents a connection to an AMQP broker, the connection is established on construction of an instance of this class.

AmqpClient::Channel::ptr_t connection = AmqpClient::Channel::Create("localhost");

All classes have a typedef ptr_t which is equivalent to boost::shared_ptr<> of the containing class. All classes also have a Create() method does the job creating a new ptr_t using boost::make_shared<>(). It is recommended that you use these methods to construct objects in the library.

Commands dealing with declaring/binding/unbinding/deleting exchanges and queues are all done with the above AmqpClient::Channel object. If one of these commands fails to complete a AmqpClient::ChannelException will be thrown, which can be caught and the AmqpClient::Channel object is still useable. If a more severe error occurs a AmqpClient::ConnectionException or AmqpClient::AmqpResponseLibraryException maybe thrown, in which case the Channel object is no longer in a usable state and further use will only generate more exceptions.

Consuming messages is done by setting up a consumer using the BasicConsume method. This method returns a consumer tag that should be used with the BasicConsumeMessage BasicQos, BasicRecover, and BasicCancel.

std::string consumer_tag = channel->BasicConsume("my_queue", "");
Envelope::ptr_t envelope = channel->BasicConsumeMessage(consumer_tag);
// Alternatively:
Envelope::ptr_t envelope;
channel->BasicConsumeMessage(consumer_tag, envelope, 10); // 10 ms timeout
// To ack:
// To cancel: