albrechtf / mcf2pdf

"My CEWE Photobook" MCF to PDF converter
40 stars 37 forks source link No album type definition found for used print product #8

Closed tabgab closed 3 years ago

tabgab commented 8 years ago


I tried to convert an MCF of mine, it would be a big help, but I get this error:

mcf2pdf myfile.mcf output.pdf [ERROR] net.sf.mcf2pdf.Main An exception has occured No album type definition found for used print product 'ALB1 3' at net.sf.mcf2pdf.Mcf2FoConverter.convert( at net.sf.mcf2pdf.Main.main(

I suspect, that there is an album definition that your software is not able to recognize. Any ideas how I could work around this?



rolfangel commented 7 years ago

Have now the Same Problem. Is there a Solution available?

rolfangel commented 7 years ago

Sorry, it differ: no Album ...... for used print product 'ALB62' Other are same